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VxFS System Administrator's Guide

Application Interface

Chapter 6


The VERITAS File System provides enhancements that can be used by applications that require certain performance features. This chapter describes cache advisories and provides information about fixed extent sizes and reservation of space for a file.

This chapter describes how the application writer can optimize applications for use with the VxFS. To optimize VxFS for use with applications, see Chapter 5, "Performance and Tuning."

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

Cache Advisories

The VxFS file system allows an application to set cache advisories for use when accessing files. These advisories are in memory only and they do not persist across reboots. Some advisories are currently maintained on a per-file, not a per-file-descriptor, basis. This means that only one set of advisories can be in effect for all accesses to the file. If two conflicting applications set different advisories, both use the last advisories that were set.

All advisories are set using the VX_SETCACHE ioctl command. The current set of advisories can be obtained with the VX_GETCACHE ioctl command. For details on the use of these ioctl commands, see the vxfsio(7) manual page.

Direct I/O

Direct I/O is an unbuffered form of I/O. If the VX_DIRECT advisory is set, the user is requesting direct data transfer between the disk and the user-supplied buffer for reads and writes. This bypasses the kernel buffering of data, and reduces the CPU overhead associated with I/O by eliminating the data copy between the kernel buffer and the user's buffer. This also avoids taking up space in the buffer cache that might be better used for something else. The direct I/O feature can provide significant performance gains for some applications.

For an I/O operation to be performed as direct I/O, it must meet certain alignment criteria. The alignment constraints are usually determined by the disk driver, the disk controller, and the system memory management hardware and software. The file offset must be aligned on a sector boundary. The transfer size must be a multiple of the sector size.

If a request fails to meet the alignment constraints for direct I/O, the request is performed as data synchronous I/O. If the file is currently being accessed by using memory mapped I/O, any direct I/O accesses are done as data synchronous I/O.

Since direct I/O maintains the same data integrity as synchronous I/O, it can be used in many applications that currently use synchronous I/O. If a
direct I/O request does not allocate storage or extend the file, the inode is not immediately written.

The CPU cost of direct I/O is about the same as a raw disk transfer. For sequential I/O to very large files, using direct I/O with large transfer sizes can provide the same speed as buffered I/O with much less CPU overhead.

If the file is being extended or storage is being allocated, direct I/O must write the inode change before returning to the application. This eliminates some of the performance advantages of direct I/O.

The direct I/O and VX_DIRECT advisories are maintained on a per-file-descriptor basis.

Unbuffered I/O

If the VX_UNBUFFERED advisory is set, I/O behavior is the same as direct I/O with the VX_DIRECT advisory set, so the alignment constraints that apply to direct I/O also apply to unbuffered. For I/O with unbuffered I/O, however, if the file is being extended, or storage is being allocated to the file, inode changes are not updated synchronously before the write returns to the user. The VX_UNBUFFERED advisory is maintained on a per-file-descriptor basis.

Discovered Direct I/O

Discovered Direct I/O is not a cache advisory that the user can set using the VX_SETCACHE ioctl. When the file system gets an I/O request larger than the discovered_direct_iosz, it attempts to use direct I/O on the request. For large I/O sizes, Discovered Direct I/O can perform much better than buffered I/O.

Discovered Direct I/O behavior is similar to direct I/O and has the same alignment constraints, except writes that allocate storage or extend the file size do not require writing the inode changes before returning to the application.

For information on how to set the discovered_direct_iosz, see "I/O Tuning" in Chapter 5.

Data Synchronous I/O

If the VX_DSYNC advisory is set, the user is requesting data synchronous I/O. In synchronous I/O, the data is written, and the inode is written with updated times and (if necessary) an increased file size. In data synchronous I/O, the data is transferred to disk synchronously before the write returns to the user. If the file is not extended by the write, the times are updated in memory, and the call returns to the user. If the file is extended by the operation, the inode is written before the write returns.

Like direct I/O, the data synchronous I/O feature can provide significant application performance gains. Since data synchronous I/O maintains the same data integrity as synchronous I/O, it can be used in many applications that currently use synchronous I/O. If the data synchronous I/O does not allocate storage or extend the file, the inode is not immediately written. The data synchronous I/O does not have any alignment constraints, so applications that find it difficult to meet the alignment constraints of direct I/O should use data synchronous I/O.

If the file is being extended or storage is allocated, data synchronous I/O must write the inode change before returning to the application. This case eliminates the performance advantage of data synchronous I/O.

The direct I/O and VX_DSYNC advisories are maintained on a per-file-descriptor basis.

Other Advisories

The VX_SEQ advisory indicates that the file is being accessed sequentially. When the file is being read, the maximum read-ahead is always performed. When the file is written, instead of trying to determine whether the I/O is sequential or random by examining the write offset, sequential I/O is assumed. The pages for the write are not immediately flushed. Instead, pages are flushed some distance behind the current write point.

The VX_RANDOM advisory indicates that the file is being accessed randomly. For reads, this disables read-ahead. For writes, this disables the flush-behind. The data is flushed by the pager, at a rate based on memory contention.

The VX_NOREUSE advisory is used as a modifier. If both VX_RANDOM and VX_NOREUSE are set, pages are immediately freed and put on the quick reuse free list as soon as the data has been used. If VX_NOREUSE is set when doing sequential I/O, pages are also put on the quick reuse free list when they are flushed. The VX_NOREUSE may slow down access to the file, but it can reduce the cached data held by the system. This can allow more data to be cached for other files and may speed up those accesses.

Extent Information

The VX_SETEXT ioctl command allows an application to reserve space for a file, and set fixed extent sizes and file allocation flags. The current state of much of this information can be obtained by applications using the VX_GETEXT ioctl (the getext command provides access to this functionality). For details, see the getext(1), setext(1), and vxfsio(7) manual pages.

Each invocation of the VX_SETEXT ioctl affects all the elements in the vx_ext structure. When using VX_SETEXT, always use the following procedure:

1. Use VX_GETEXT to read the current settings.

2. Modify the values to be changed.

3. Call VX_SETEXT to set the values.

Note: Follow this procedure carefully. Otherwise, a fixed extent size could be cleared when the reservation is changed.

Space Reservation

Storage can be reserved for a file at any time. When a VX_SETEXT ioctl is issued, the reservation value is set in the inode on disk. If the file size is less than the reservation amount, the kernel allocates space to the file from the current file size up to the reservation amount. When the file is truncated, space below the reserved amount is not freed. The VX_TRIM, VX_NOEXTEND, VX_CHGSIZE, VX_NORESERVE and VX_CONTIGUOUS flags can be used to modify reservation requests. It should be noted that VX_NOEXTEND is the only one of these flags that is persistent; the other flags may have persistent effects, but they are not returned by the VX_GETEXT ioctl.

If the VX_TRIM flag is set, when the last close occurs on the inode, the reservation is trimmed to match the file size and the VX_TRIM flag is cleared. Any unused space is freed. This can be useful if an application needs enough space for a file, but it is not known how large the file will become. Enough space can be reserved to hold the largest expected file, and when the file has been written and closed, any extra space will be released.

If the VX_NOEXTEND flag is set, an attempt to write beyond the current reservation, which requires the allocation of new space for the file, fails instead. To allocate new space to the file, the space reservation must be increased. This can be used like ulimit to prevent a file from using too much space.

If the VX_CONTIGUOUS flag is set, any space allocated to satisfy the current reservation request is allocated in one extent. If there is not one extent large enough to satisfy the request, the request fails. For example, if a file is created and a 1 MB contiguous reservation is requested, the file size is set to zero and the reservation to 1 MB. The file will have one extent that is 1 MB long. If another reservation request is made for a 3 MB contiguous reservation, the new request will find that the first 1 MB is already allocated and allocate a 2 MB extent to satisfy the request. If there are no 2 MB extents available, the request fails. (Extents are, by definition, contiguous.)

If the VX_NORESERVE flag is set, the reservation value in the inode is not changed. This flag is used by applications to do temporary reservation. Any space past the end of the file is given up when the file is closed. For example, if the cp command is copying a file that is 1 MB long, it can request a
1 MB reservation with the VX_NORESERVE flag set. The space is allocated, but the reservation in the file is left at 0. If the program aborts for any reason or the system crashes, the unused space past the end of the file is released. When the program finishes, there is no cleanup because the reservation was never recorded on disk.

If the VX_CHGSIZE flag is set, the file size is increased to match the reservation amount. This flag can be used to create files with uninitialized data. Because this allows uninitialized data in files, it is restricted to users with appropriate privileges.

It is possible to use these flags in combination. For example, using VX_CHGSIZE and VX_NORESERVE changes the file size but does not set any reservation. When the file is truncated, the space is freed. If the VX_NORESERVE flag had not been used, the reservation would have been set on disk along with the file size.

Space reservation is used to make sure applications do not fail because the file system is out of space. An application can preallocate space for all the files it needs before starting to do any work. By allocating space in advance, the file is optimally allocated for performance, and file accesses are not slowed down by the need to allocate storage. This allocation of resources can be important in applications that require a guaranteed response time.

With very large files, use of space reservation can avoid the need to use indirect extents. It can also improve performance and reduce fragmentation by guaranteeing that the file consists of large contiguous extents. Sometimes when critical file systems run out of space, cron jobs, mail, or printer requests fail. These failures are harder to track if the logs kept by the application cannot be written due to a lack of space on the file system.

By reserving space for key log files, the logs will not fail when the system runs out of space. Process accounting files can also have space reserved so accounting records will not be lost if the file system runs out of space. In addition, by using the VX_NOEXTEND flag for log files, the maximum size of these files can be limited. This can prevent a runaway failure in one component of the system from filling the file system with error messages and causing other failures. If the VX_NOEXTEND flag is used for log files, the logs should be cleaned up before they reach the size limit in order to avoid losing information.

Fixed Extent Sizes

The VxFS file system uses the I/O size of write requests, and a default policy, when allocating space to a file. For some applications, this may not work out well. These applications can set a fixed extent size, so that all new extents allocated to the file are of the fixed extent size.

By using a fixed extent size, an application can reduce allocations and guarantee good extent sizes for a file. An application can reserve most of the space a file needs, and then set a relatively large fixed extent size. If the file grows beyond the reservation, any new extents are allocated in the fixed extent size.

Another use of a fixed extent size occurs with sparse files. The file system usually does I/O in page size multiples. When allocating to a sparse file, the file system allocates pages as the smallest default unit. If the application always does subpage I/O, it can request a fixed extent size to match its I/O size and avoid wasting extra space.

When setting a fixed extent size, an application should not select too large a size. When all extents of the required size have been used, attempts to allocate new extents fail: this failure can happen even though there are blocks free in smaller extents.

Fixed extent sizes can be modified by the VX_ALIGN flag. If the VX_ALIGN flag is set, then any future extents allocated to the file are aligned on a fixed extent size boundary relative to the start of the allocation unit. This can be used to align extents to disk striping boundaries or physical disk boundaries.

The VX_ALIGN flag is persistent and is returned by the VX_GETEXT ioctl.

Freeze and Thaw

The VX_FREEZE ioctl command is used to freeze a file system. Freezing a file system temporarily blocks all I/O operations to a file system and then performs a sync on the file system. When the VX_FREEZE ioctl is issued, all access to the file system is blocked at the system call level. Current operations are completed and the file system is synchronized to disk. Freezing provides a stable, consistent file system.

When the file system is frozen, any attempt to use the frozen file system, except for a VX_THAW ioctl command, is blocked until a process executes the VX_THAW ioctl command or the time-out on the freeze expires.

Get I/O Parameters ioctl

VxFS provides the VX_GET_IOPARAMETERS ioctl to get the recommended
I/O sizes to use on a file system. This ioctl can be used by the application to make decisions about the I/O sizes issued to VxFS for a file or file device. For more details on this ioctl, refer to the vxfsio(7) manual page. For a discussion on various I/O parameters, refer to Chapter 5, "Performance and Tuning," and the vxtunefs(1M) manual page.

VxFS System Administrator's Guide
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