( GtkBox

Info Catalog ( GtkBin ( Widgets ( GtkButtonBox
 The box widget
    The box widget is a container ( GtkContainer) derived from the
 container widget. It is an abstract base class used by the horizontal
 box ( GtkHBox), the vertical box ( GtkVBox) and the
 ( GtkButtonBox) widgets to provide a base of common
    A box provides an abstraction for organizing the position and size of
 widgets. Widgets in a box are laid out horizontally or vertically. By
 using a box widget appropriately, a programmer can control how widgets
 are positioned and how they will be allocated space when a window gets
    The key attribute of boxes is that they position their children in a
 single row (horizontal boxes) or column (vertical boxes). In the case of
 horizontal boxes, all children are stretched vertically. The vertical
 size of the box is determined by the largest vertical requisition of all
 of its children. Similarly, a vertical box stretches all of its children
 horizontally. The horizontal size (of the vertical box) is determined by
 the largest horizontal requisition of all of its children. An alignment
 widget ( GtkAlignment) can be used to control child allocation
 more precisely on a per child basis.
    The second attribute of boxes is how they expand children. In the
 case of a horizontal box, the main control is over how children are
 expanded horizontally to fill the allocated area. (The rest of this
 discussion will focus on horizontal boxes but it applies to vertical
 boxes as well).
    There are two flags which can be set controlling how a widget is
 expanded horizontally in a horizontal box. These are the `expand' and
 `fill'. There operation is fairly simple. If `expand' is set, the
 child's potentially allocated area will expand to fill available space.
 If `fill' is set, the child's actual allocated area will be its
 potentially allocated area. There is a difference between the
 potentially area (which is the area the box widget sets aside for the
 child) and the actual allocated area (which is the area the box widget
 actual allocates for the widget via `gtk_widget_size_allocate').
    The allocation of space to children occurs as follows (for horizontal
   1. All children are allocated at least their requested size
      horizontally and the maximum requested child size vertically.
   2. Any child with the `expand' flag set is allocated `extra_width /
      nexpand_children' extra pixels horizontally. If the `homogeneous'
      flag was set, all children are considered to have the `expand' flag
      set. That is, all children will be allocated the same area.The
      horizontal box is a fair widget and, as such, divides up any extra
      allocated space evenly among the "expand" children. (Those children
      which have the `expand' flag set). The exception occurs when
      `extra_width / nexpand_children' does not divide cleanly. The extra
      space is given to the last widget.
   3. `spacing' number of pixels separate each child. Note: The
      separation is between the potentially allocated area for each
      child and not the actual allocated area. The `padding' value
      associated with each child causes that many pixels to be left
      empty to each side of the child.
   4. If a child has the `fill' flag set it is allocated its potentially
      allocated area. If it does not, it is allocated its requested size
      horizontally and centered within its potentially allocated area.
      Its vertical allocation is still the maximum requested size of any
   5. Children placed at the start of the box are placed in order of
      addition to the box from left to right in the boxes allocated
      area.. Children placed at the end of the box are placed in order
      of addition from right to left in the boxes allocated area.
     GtkHBox, and  GtkVBox, for code examples of using
 horizontal and vertical boxes.
  - User Option: expand
  - User Option: fill
  - User Option: padding
  - User Option: expand
  - Function: guint gtk_box_get_type (void)
      Returns the `GtkBox' type identifier.
  - Function: void gtk_box_pack_start (GtkBox *BOX, GtkWidget *CHILD,
           gint EXPAND, gint FILL, gint PADDING)
      Add CHILD to the front of BOX. The flags EXPAND and FILL and the
      padding value of PADDING are associated with CHILD.
  - Function: void gtk_box_pack_end (GtkBox *BOX, GtkWidget *CHILD, gint
           EXPAND, gint FILL, gint PADDING)
      Add CHILD to the end of BOX. The flags EXPAND and FILL and the
      padding value of PADDING are associated with CHILD.
  - Function: void gtk_box_pack_start_defaults (GtkBox *BOX, GtkWidget
      A convenience function which is equivalent to the following:
             gtk_box_pack_start (BOX, WIDGET, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
  - Function: void gtk_box_pack_end_defaults (GtkBox *BOX, GtkWidget
      A convenience function which is equivalent to the following:
             gtk_box_pack_start (BOX, WIDGET, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
  - Function: void gtk_box_set_homogeneous (GtkBox *BOX, gint
      Set the homogeneous setting of this box to HOMOGENEOUS.
  - Function: void gtk_box_set_spacing (GtkBox *BOX, gint SPACING)
  - Function: void gtk_box_reorder_child (GtkBox *BOX, GtkWidget *CHILD,
           guint POS)
  - Function: void gtk_box_query_child_packing (GtkBox *BOX, GtkWidget
           *CHILD, gint *EXPAND, gint *FILL, gint *PADDING, GtkPackType
  - Function: void gtk_box_set_child_packing (GtkBox *BOX, GtkWidget
           *CHILD, gint EXPAND, gint FILL, gint PADDING, GtkPackType
  - Function: GtkBox* GTK_BOX (gpointer OBJ)
      Cast a generic pointer to `GtkBox*'.  Standard Macros, for
      more info.
  - Function: GtkBoxClass* GTK_BOX_CLASS (gpointer CLASS)
      Cast a generic pointer to `GtkBoxClass*'.  Standard Macros,
      for more info.
  - Function: gint GTK_IS_BOX (gpointer OBJ)
      Determine if a generic pointer refers to a `GtkBox' object. 
      Standard Macros, for more info.
Info Catalog ( GtkBin ( Widgets ( GtkButtonBox
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