( ndb-mgmd-process

Info Catalog ( ndbd-process ( mysql-cluster-process-management ( ndb-mgm-process
 15.5.3 `ndb_mgmd', the Management Server Process
 The management server is the process that reads the cluster
 configuration file and distributes this information to all nodes in the
 cluster that request it. It also maintains a log of cluster activities.
 Management clients can connect to the management server and check the
 cluster's status.
 It is not strictly necessary to specify a connectstring when starting
 the management server. However, if you are using more than one
 management server, a connectstring should be provided and each node in
 the cluster should specify its node ID explicitly.
 See  mysql-cluster-connectstring, for information about using
 connectstrings.   mysql-cluster-command-options, describes other
 options for `ndb_mgmd'.
 The following files are created or used by `ndb_mgmd' in its starting
 directory, and are placed in the `DataDir' as specified in the
 `config.ini' configuration file. In the list that follows, NODE_ID is
 the unique node identifier.
    * `config.ini' is the configuration file for the cluster as a whole.
      This file is created by the user and read by the management server.
       mysql-cluster-configuration, discusses how to set up this
    * `ndb_NODE_ID_cluster.log' is the cluster events log file. Examples
      of such events include checkpoint startup and completion, node
      startup events, node failures, and levels of memory usage. A
      complete listing of cluster events with descriptions may be found
      in  mysql-cluster-management.
      When the size of the cluster log reaches one million bytes, the
      file is renamed to `ndb_NODE_ID_cluster.log.SEQ_ID', where SEQ_ID
      is the sequence number of the cluster log file. (For example: If
      files with the sequence numbers 1, 2, and 3 already exist, the
      next log file is named using the number `4'.)
    * `ndb_NODE_ID_out.log' is the file used for `stdout' and `stderr'
      when running the management server as a daemon.
    * `' is the process ID file used when running the
      management server as a daemon.
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