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 D.1.17 Changes in release 5.0.4 (16 Apr 2005)
 Functionality added or changed:
    * Added `ENGINE=MyISAM' table option when creating `mysql.proc'
      table in `mysql_create_system_tables' script to make sure the
      table is created as a `MyISAM' table even if the default storage
      engine has been changed. (Bug #9496 (
    * `SHOW CREATE TABLE' for an `INFORMATION_SCHEMA' table no longer
      prints a `MAX_ROWS' value because the value has no meaning. (Bug
      #8941 (
    * Invalid `DEFAULT' values for `CREATE TABLE' now generate errors.
      (Bug #5902 (
    * Added -show-table-type option to `mysqlshow', to display a column
      indicating the table type, as in `SHOW FULL TABLES'.  (Bug #5036
    * The way the time zone information is stored in the binary log was
      changed, so that it is now possible to have a replication master
      and slave running with different global time zones. A drawback is
      that replication from 5.0.4 masters to pre-5.0.4 slaves is
    * Added -with-big-tables compilation option to `configure'.
      (Previously it was necessary to pass -DBIG_TABLES to the compiler
      manually in order to enable large table support.) See 
      configure-options, for details.
    * New configuration directives `!include' and `!includedir'
      implemented for including option files and searching directories
      for option files. See  option-files, for usage.
 Bugs fixed:
    * The use of `XOR' together with `NOT ISNULL()' erroneously resulted
      in some outer joins being converted to inner joins by the
      optimizer. (Bug #9017 (
    * Fixed an optimizer problem where extraneous comparisons between
      `NULL' values in indexed columns were being done for operators
      such as `=' that are never true for `NULL'. (Bug #8877
    * Fixed the client/server protocol for prepared statements so that
      reconnection works properly when the connection is killed while
      reconnect is enabled. (Bug #8866 (
    * A server installed as a Windows service and started with
      -shared-memory could not be stopped. (Bug #9665
    * Fixed a server crash resulting from multiple executions of a
      prepared statement involving a join of an `INFORMATION_SCHEMA'
      table with another table. (Bug #9383 (
    * Fixed `utf8_spanish2_ci' and `ucs2_spanish2_ci' collations to not
      consider ‘`r'’ equal to ‘`rr'’. If you upgrade to this
      version from an earlier version, you should rebuild the indexes of
      affected tables. (Bug #9269 (
    * `mysqldump' dumped core when invoked with -tmp and
      -single-transaction options and a non-existent table name. (Bug
      #9175 (
    * Allow extra HKSCS and cp950 characters (`big5' extension
      characters) to be accepted in `big5' columns. (Bug #9357
    * `mysql.server' no longer uses non-portable `alias' command or LSB
      functions. (Bug #9852 (
    * Fixed a server crash resulting from `GROUP BY' on a decimal
      expression. (Bug #9210 (
    * In prepared statements, subqueries containing parameters were
      erroneously treated as `const' tables during preparation,
      resulting in a server crash. (Bug #8807
    * InnoDB: `ENUM' and `SET' columns were treated incorrectly as
      character strings. This bug did not manifest itself with `latin1'
      collations if there were less than about 100 elements in an
      `ENUM', but it caused malfunction with `UTF-8'. Old tables will
      continue to work. In new tables, `ENUM' and `SET' will be
      internally stored as unsigned integers. (Bug #9526
    * InnoDB: Avoid test suite failures caused by a locking conflict
      between two server instances at server shutdown/startup. This
      conflict on advisory locks appears to be the result of a bug in
      the operating system; these locks should be released when the
      files are closed, but somehow that does not always happen
      immediately in Linux. (Bug #9381 (
    * InnoDB: True `VARCHAR': InnoDB stored the 'position' of a row
      wrong in a column prefix primary key index; this could cause MySQL
      to complain `ERROR 1032: Can't find record ...' in an update of
      the primary key, and also some `ORDER BY' or `DISTINCT' queries.
      (Bug #9314 (
    * InnoDB: Fix bug in MySQL/InnoDB 5.0.3: SQL statements were not
      rolled back on error. (Bug #8650 (
    * Fixed a `Commands out of sync' error when two prepared statements
      for single-row result sets were open simultaneously. (Bug #8880
    * Fixed a server crash after a call to `mysql_stmt_close()' for
      single-row result set. (Bug #9159 (
    * Fixed server crashes for `CREATE TABLE ...  SELECT' or `INSERT
      INTO ... SELECT' when selecting from multiple-table view. (Bug
      #8703 (, Bug #9398
    * `TRADITIONAL' SQL mode should prevent inserts where a column with
      no default value is omitted or set to a value of `DEFAULT'. Fixed
      cases where this restriction was not enforced. (Bug #5986
    * Fixed a server crash when creating a `PRIMARY KEY' for a table, if
      the table contained a `BIT' column. (Bug #9571
    * Warning message from `GROUP_CONCAT()' did not always indicate
      correct number of lines. (Bug #8681 (
    * The commit count cache for `NDB' was not properly invalidated when
      deleting a record using a cursor.  (Bug #8585
    * Fixed option-parsing code for the embedded server to understand
      `K', `M', and `G' suffixes for the `net_buffer_length' and
      `max_allowed_packet' options. (Bug #9472
    * Selecting a `BIT' column failed if the binary client/server
      protocol was used. (Bug #9608 (
    * Fixed a permissions problem whereby information in
      `INFORMATION_SCHEMA' could be exposed to a user with insufficient
      privileges. (Bug #7214 (
    * An error now occurs if you try to insert an invalid value via a
      stored procedure in `STRICT' mode. (Bug #5907
    * Link with `libsupc++' on Fedora Core 3 to get language support
      functions. (Bug #6554 (
    * The value of the `CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH' and
      `CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH' columns of the
      `INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS' table must be `NULL' for numeric
      columns, but were not.  (Bug #9344 (
    * `DROP TABLE' did not drop triggers that were defined for the
      table. `DROP DATABASE' did not drop triggers in the database. (Bug
      #5859 (, Bug #6559
    * `CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW' and `ALTER VIEW' now require the `CREATE
      VIEW' and `DROP' privileges, not `CREATE VIEW' and `DELETE'.
      (`DELETE' is a row-level privilege, not a table-level privilege.)
      (Bug #9260 (
    * Some user variables were not being handled with `implicit'
      coercibility. (Bug #9425 (
    * Setting the `max_error_count' system variable to 0 resulted in a
      setting of 1. (Bug #9072 (
    * Fixed a collation coercibility problem that caused a union between
      binary and non-binary columns to fail. (Bug #6519
    * Fixed a bug in division of floating point numbers. It could cause
      nine zeroes (`000000000') to be inserted in the middle of the
      quotient. (Bug #9501 (
    * `INFORMATION_SCHEMA' tables had an implicit upper limit for the
      number of rows. As a result, not all data could be returned for
      some queries. (Bug #9317 (
    * Fixed a problem with the `tee' command in `mysql' that resulted in
      `mysql' crashing. (Bug #8499 (
    * `CAST()' now produces warnings when casting incorrect `INTEGER' and
      `CHAR' values. This also applies to implicit `string' to `number'
      casts.  (Bug #5912 (
    * `ALTER TABLE' now fails in `STRICT' mode if the alteration
      generates warnings.
    * Using `CONVERT('0000-00-00',date)' or `CAST('0000-00-00' as date)'
      with the `NO_ZERO_DATE' SQL mode enabled now produces a warning.
      (Bug #6145 (
    * Inserting a zero date in a `DATE', `DATETIME' or `TIMESTAMP'
      column during `TRADITIONAL' mode now produces an error. (Bug #5933
    * Inserting a zero date into a `DATETIME' column in `TRADITIONAL'
      mode now produces an error.
    * `STR_TO_DATE()' now produces errors in strict mode (and warnings
      otherwise) when given an illegal argument.  (Bug #5902
    * Fixed a problem with `ORDER BY' that sometimes caused incorrect
      sorting of `utf8' data. (Bug #9309 (
    * Fixed server crash resulting from queries that combined `SELECT
      DISTINCT', `SUM()', and `ROLLUP'. (Bug #8615
    * Incorrect results were returned from queries that combined `SELECT
      DISTINCT', `GROUP BY ', and `ROLLUP'. (Bug #8616
    * Too many rows were returned from queries that combined `ROLLUP'
      and `LIMIT' if `SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS' was given. (Bug #8617
    * If on replication master a `LOAD DATA INFILE' is interrupted in
      the middle (integrity constraint violation, killed connection...),
      the slave used to skip this `LOAD DATA INFILE' entirely, thus
      missing some changes if this command permanently inserted/updated
      some table records before being interrupted. This is now fixed.
      (Bug #3247 (
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