( xa-states

Info Catalog ( xa-statements ( xa XA Transaction States
 An XA transaction progresses through the following states:
   1. Use `XA START' to start an XA transaction and put it in the
      `ACTIVE' state.
   2. For an `ACTIVE' XA transaction, issue the SQL statements that make
      up the transaction, and then issue an `XA END' statement. `XA END'
      puts the transaction in the `IDLE' state.
   3. For an `IDLE' XA transaction, you can issue either an `XA PREPARE'
      statement or an `XA COMMIT ... ONE PHASE' statement:
         * `XA PREPARE' puts the transaction in the `PREPARED' state. An
           `XA RECOVER' statement at this point will include the
           transaction's XID value in its output, because `XA RECOVER'
           lists all XA transactions that are in the `PREPARED' state.
         * `XA COMMIT ... ONE PHASE' prepares and commits the
           transaction. The XID value will not be listed by `XA RECOVER'
           because the transaction terminates.
   4. For a `PREPARED' XA transaction, you can issue an `XA COMMIT'
      statement to commit and terminate the transaction, or `XA
      ROLLBACK' to roll back and terminate the transaction.
 Here is a simple XA transaction that inserts a row into a table as part
 of a global transaction:
      mysql> XA START 'xatest';
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
      mysql> INSERT INTO mytable (i) VALUES(10);
      Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)
      mysql> XA END 'xatest';
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
      mysql> XA PREPARE 'xatest';
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
      mysql> XA COMMIT 'xatest';
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
 Within the context of a given client connection, XA transactions and
 local (non-XA) transactions are mutually exclusive. For example, if `XA
 START' has been issued to begin an XA transaction, a local transaction
 cannot be started until the XA transaction has been committed or rolled
 back. Conversely, if a local transaction has been started with `START
 TRANSACTION', no XA statements can be used until the transaction has
 been committed or rolled back.
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