X Version 11 (Release 6.1)


XmuAllStandardColormaps -- standard colormaps


cc . . . -lXmu

#include <X11/Xmu/StdCmap.h>

Status XmuAllStandardColormaps(dpy) Display *dpy;


Specifies the connection to the X server.


To create all of the appropriate standard colormaps for every visual of every screen on a given display, use XmuAllStandardColormaps.

The XmuAllStandardColormaps function defines and retains as permanent resources all standard colormaps that are meaningful for the visuals of each screen of the display. It returns 0 on failure, non-zero on success. If the property of any standard colormap is already defined, this function will redefine it.

This function is used by window managers or a special client at the start of a session.

The standard colormaps of a screen are defined by properties associated with the screen's root window. The property names of standard colormaps are predefined, and each property name except RGB_DEFAULT_MAP may describe at most one colormap.

The standard colormaps are: RGB_BEST_MAP, RGB_RED_MAP, RGB_GREEN_MAP, RGB_BLUE_MAP, RGB_DEFAULT_MAP, and RGB_GRAY_MAP. Therefore, a screen may have at most six standard colormap properties defined.

A standard colormap is associated with a particular visual of the screen. A screen may have multiple visuals defined, including visuals of the same class at different depths. Note that a visual id might be repeated for more than one depth, so the visual id and the depth of a visual identify the visual. The characteristics of the visual will determine which standard colormaps are meaningful under that visual, and will determine how the standard colormap is defined. Because a standard colormap is associated with a specific visual, there must be a method of determining which visuals take precedence in defining standard colormaps.

The method used here is: for the visual of greatest depth, define all standard colormaps meaningful to that visual class, according to this order of descending precedence: DirectColor; PseudoColor; TrueColor and GrayScale; and finally StaticColor and StaticGray.

This function allows success on a per screen basis. For example, if a map on screen 1 fails, the maps on screen 0, created earlier, will remain. However, none on screen 1 will remain. If a map on screen 0 fails, none will remain.

See XmuVisualStandardColormaps(X3xmu) for which standard colormaps are meaningful under these classes of visuals. To create all of the appropriate standard colormaps for a given visual on a given screen, use XmuVisualStandardColormaps.


XmuVisualStandardColormaps(X3xmu), XmuLookupStandardColormap(X3xmu), XmuGetColormapAllocation(X3xmu), XmuStandardColormap(X3xmu), XmuCreateColormap(X3xmu), XmuDeleteStandardColormap(X3xmu)
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