
curl_formadd(3)          libcurl Manual           curl_formadd(3)


     curl_formadd - add a section to  a  multipart/formdata  HTTP


     #include <curl/curl.h>

     CURLFORMcode curl_formadd(struct curl_httppost ** firstitem,
     struct curl_httppost ** lastitem, ...);


     curl_formadd() is used to append sections  when  building  a
     multipart/formdata  HTTP  POST  (sometimes  referred  to  as
     rfc1867-style posts). Append one section  at  a  time  until
     you've added all the sections you want included and then you
     pass the firstitem pointer as parameter to CURLOPT_HTTPPOST.
     lastitem  is  set after each call and on repeated invokes it
     should be left as set to allow repeated invokes to find  the
     end of the list faster.

     After the lastitem pointer follow the real arguments.

     The pointers *firstitem and *lastitem should both be  point-
     ing  to  NULL  in the first call to this function. All list-
     data will be allocated by the function itself. You must call
     curl_formfree  after the form post has been done to free the
     resources again.

     Using POST with HTTP 1.1 implies the use of a "Expect:  100-
     continue"   header.    You  can  disable  this  header  with

     First, there are some basics you need  to  understand  about
     multipart/formdata  posts.  Each part consists of at least a
     NAME and a CONTENTS part. If  the  part  is  made  for  file
     upload, there are also a stored CONTENT-TYPE and a FILENAME.
     Below here, we'll discuss on what options  you  use  to  set
     these properties in the parts you want to add to your post.


          followed by string is used to  set  the  name  of  this
          part.  libcurl  copies the given data, so your applica-
          tion doesn't need to keep it around after this function
          call. If the name isn't zero terminated properly, or if
          you'd like it to contain zero bytes, you  need  to  set
          the length of the name with CURLFORM_NAMELENGTH.

          followed by a string is used for the name of this part.
          libcurl  will  use the pointer and refer to the data in

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curl_formadd(3)          libcurl Manual           curl_formadd(3)

          your application, you must make sure it  remains  until
          curl  no  longer  needs it. If the name isn't zero ter-
          minated properly, or if you'd like it to  contain  zero
          bytes,  you  need  to  set  the length of the name with

          followed by a string is used for the contents  of  this
          part,  the actual data to send away. libcurl copies the
          given data, so your application doesn't need to keep it
          around after this function call. If the data isn't zero
          terminated properly, or if you'd  like  it  to  contain
          zero bytes, you need to set the length of the name with

          followed by a string is used for the contents  of  this
          part,  the  actual  data to send away. libcurl will use
          the pointer and refer to the data in your  application,
          you  must  make  sure  it  remains until curl no longer
          needs it. If the data isn't zero  terminated  properly,
          or  if you'd like it to contain zero bytes, you need to
          set     the     length     of     the     name     with

          followed by a long setting the length of the contents.

          followed by a file name, makes that file read  and  the
          contents will be used in as data in this part.

          followed by a file name, makes this part a file  upload
          part.  It  sets  the file name field to the actual file
          name used here, it gets the contents of  the  file  and
          passes  as  data and sets the content-type if the given
          file match one of the new internally known file  exten-
          sion.   For CURLFORM_FILE the user may send one or more
          files in one part by providing  multiple  CURLFORM_FILE
          arguments  each  followed  by  the  filename  (and each
          CURLFORM_FILE     is     allowed     to     have      a

          followed by a pointer to a string with  a  content-type

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curl_formadd(3)          libcurl Manual           curl_formadd(3)

          will  make  curl  use  this given content-type for this
          file upload part, possibly  instead  of  an  internally
          chosen one.

          followed by a pointer to a string to a name, will  make
          libcurl  use  the  given  name in the file upload part,
          instead of the actual file name given to CURLFORM_FILE.

          followed by a string, tells libcurl that a buffer is to
          be  used  to  upload  data instead of using a file. The
          given string is used as the  value  of  the  file  name
          field in the content header.

          followed by a pointer to a data area, tells libcurl the
          address  of  the  buffer  containing data to upload (as
          indicated with CURLFORM_BUFFER). The buffer  containing
          this    data    must   not   be   freed   until   after
          curl_easy_cleanup(3)  is  called.  You  must  also  use
          CURLFORM_BUFFERLENGTH  to  set  the length of the given
          buffer area.

          followed   by   a   long   with   the   size   of   the
          CURLFORM_BUFFERPTR  data area, tells libcurl the length
          of the buffer to upload.

          Another possibility to send options  to  curl_formadd()
          is  the  CURLFORM_ARRAY  option,  that  passes a struct
          curl_forms array pointer as its value. Each  curl_forms
          structure  element  has  a  CURLformoption  and  a char
          pointer. The final element  in  the  array  must  be  a
          CURLFORM_END.  All  available options can be used in an
          array, except the CURLFORM_ARRAY  option  itself!   The
          last   argument   in  such  an  array  must  always  be

          specifies extra headers  for  the  form  POST  section.
          This takes a curl_slist prepared in the usual way using
          curl_slist_append and appends the list  of  headers  to
          those  libcurl  automatically  generates. The list must
          exist while the POST occurs, if you free it before  the

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          post completes you may experience problems.

          When   you've   passed   the   HttpPost   pointer    to
          curl_easy_setopt(3)    (using    the   CURLOPT_HTTPPOST
          option), you must not free the list until after  you've
          called curl_easy_cleanup(3) for the curl handle.

          See example below.


     0 means everything was ok, non-zero means an error  occurred
     as <curl/curl.h> defines.


      struct curl_httppost* post = NULL;
      struct curl_httppost* last = NULL;
      char namebuffer[] = "name buffer";
      long namelength = strlen(namebuffer);
      char buffer[] = "test buffer";
      char htmlbuffer[] = "<HTML>test buffer</HTML>";
      long htmlbufferlength = strlen(htmlbuffer);
      struct curl_forms forms[3];
      char file1[] = "my-face.jpg";
      char file2[] = "your-face.jpg";
      /* add null character into htmlbuffer, to demonstrate that
         transfers of buffers containing null characters actually work
      htmlbuffer[8] = '\0';

      /* Add simple name/content section */
      curl_formadd(&post, &last, CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "name",
                   CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS, "content", CURLFORM_END);

      /* Add simple name/content/contenttype section */
      curl_formadd(&post, &last, CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "htmlcode",
                   CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS, "<HTML></HTML>",
                   CURLFORM_CONTENTTYPE, "text/html", CURLFORM_END);

      /* Add name/ptrcontent section */
      curl_formadd(&post, &last, CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "name_for_ptrcontent",
                   CURLFORM_PTRCONTENTS, buffer, CURLFORM_END);

      /* Add ptrname/ptrcontent section */
      curl_formadd(&post, &last, CURLFORM_PTRNAME, namebuffer,
                namelength, CURLFORM_END);

      /* Add name/ptrcontent/contenttype section */
      curl_formadd(&post, &last, CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "html_code_with_hole",
                   CURLFORM_PTRCONTENTS, htmlbuffer,
                   CURLFORM_CONTENTSLENGTH, htmlbufferlength,
                   CURLFORM_CONTENTTYPE, "text/html", CURLFORM_END);

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curl_formadd(3)          libcurl Manual           curl_formadd(3)

      /* Add simple file section */
      curl_formadd(&post, &last, CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "picture",
                   CURLFORM_FILE, "my-face.jpg", CURLFORM_END);

      /* Add file/contenttype section */
      curl_formadd(&post, &last, CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "picture",
                   CURLFORM_FILE, "my-face.jpg",
                   CURLFORM_CONTENTTYPE, "image/jpeg", CURLFORM_END);

      /* Add two file section */
      curl_formadd(&post, &last, CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "pictures",
                   CURLFORM_FILE, "my-face.jpg",
                   CURLFORM_FILE, "your-face.jpg", CURLFORM_END);

      /* Add two file section using CURLFORM_ARRAY */
      forms[0].option = CURLFORM_FILE;
      forms[0].value  = file1;
      forms[1].option = CURLFORM_FILE;
      forms[1].value  = file2;
      forms[2].option  = CURLFORM_END;

      /* Add a buffer to upload */
      curl_formadd(&post, &last,
                   CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "name",
                   CURLFORM_BUFFER, "data",
                   CURLFORM_BUFFERPTR, record,
                   CURLFORM_BUFFERLENGTH, record_length,

      /* no option needed for the end marker */
      curl_formadd(&post, &last, CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "pictures",
                   CURLFORM_ARRAY, forms, CURLFORM_END);
      /* Add the content of a file as a normal post text value */
      curl_formadd(&post, &last, CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "filecontent",
                   CURLFORM_FILECONTENT, ".bashrc", CURLFORM_END);
      /* Set the form info */
      curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPPOST, post);


     curl_easy_setopt(3), curl_formfree(3)

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