(BSD System Compatibility)


mm -- (BSD) text formatting macros


   nroff -mm [options] file . . .

troff -mm [options] file . . .


This package of nroff(1bsd) and troff(1bsd) macro definitions provides a formatting facility for various styles of articles, theses, and books. When producing 2-column output on a terminal or lineprinter, or when reverse line motions are needed, filter the output through col(1). All external -mm macros are defined below.

Many nroff and troff requests are unsafe in conjunction with this package. However, the first four requests below may be used with impunity after initialization, and the last two may be used even before initialization:

begin new page

break output line

.sp n
insert n spacing lines

.ce n
center next n lines

.ls n
line spacing: n=1 single space, n=2 double space

no alignment of right margin

Font and point size changes with \f and \s are also allowed; for example, \fIword\fR will italicize word. Output of the tbl(1bsd), eqn(1bsd) and refer(1bsd) preprocessors for equations, tables, and references is acceptable as input.


Macro Name Explanation
.AE Abstract end
.AF Author's Company Name
.AL Automated sequence list start
.AS Abstract start
.AT Author's Title
.AU Author's name
.AV Approver name
.B Boldface
.BE Bottom-Block Format End
.BI Bold on odd args Italics on even
.BL Bullet list Start
.BR Bold on odd args Roman on even
.BS Bottom-Block Format Start
.CS Cover sheet
.DE Display end
.DF Begin floating display
.DL Dashed list Start
.DS Begin Static Display
.EC Equation caption numbering
.EF Even page footer
.EH Even page Header
.EN End displayed equation
.EQ Break out equation
.EX Exhibit caption numbering
.FC Formal letter closing
.FD Setting Footnote style
.FE End footnote
.FG Figure caption numbering
.FS Start footnote
.H Heading Instruction
.HM Heading Style Instruction
.HU Un-Numbered Heading instruction
.I Italics
.IB Italics on odd args bold on even
.IR Italics on odd args Roman on even
.LB List Header
.LE List end
.LI List item
.ML Marked list; like DL or BL, but list items marked with arg given
.MT Memorandum Type
.ND No date in page footer; date is on cover
.NE Copy to list end
.NS Copy to list beginning
.OF Odd page footer
.OH Odd page header
.OK Keyword printed on the cover sheet
.OP Force document to begin on odd-numbered page
.P Paragraph start
.PF Page Footer Format
.PH Page Header Format
.PM Proprietary Marks
.R Roman Font
.RB Roman on odd args Bold even
.RD Interactively read text instruction
.RF Reference list item finish
.RB Roman on odd args Italics even
.RL Reference list start - numbered items enclosed in square brackets
.RS Reference list item start
.S Point size change
.SA Used to set right justification
.SG Signature
.SK Skip page
.SP Vertical spacing
.TB Table caption numbering
.TC Table of Contents included
.TE End of table
.TH Table header
.TL Memo tile in boldface
.TM Memorandum number
.TS Table start
.TY Table of Contents title
.VL Variable-mark list - a mark is supplied for each .LI
.VM Top/Bottom margins
.WC Width control instruction (for column specifications)
.1C 1-column format
.2C 2-column format

 Macro Name   Explanation
        .AE   Abstract end
        .AF   Author's Company Name
        .AL   Automated sequence list start
        .AS   Abstract start
        .AT   Author's Title
        .AU   Author's name
        .AV   Approver name
         .B   Boldface
        .BE   Bottom-Block Format End
        .BI   Bold on odd args Italics on even
        .BL   Bullet list Start
        .BR   Bold on odd args Roman on even
        .BS   Bottom-Block Format Start
        .CS   Cover sheet
        .DE   Display end
        .DF   Begin floating display
        .DL   Dashed list Start
        .DS   Begin Static Display
        .EC   Equation caption numbering
        .EF   Even page footer
        .EH   Even page Header
        .EN   End displayed equation
        .EQ   Break out equation
        .EX   Exhibit caption numbering
        .FC   Formal letter closing
        .FD   Setting Footnote style
        .FE   End footnote
        .FG   Figure caption numbering
        .FS   Start footnote
         .H   Heading Instruction
        .HM   Heading Style Instruction
        .HU   Un-Numbered Heading instruction
         .I   Italics
        .IB   Italics on odd args bold on even
        .IR   Italics on odd args Roman on even
        .LB   List Header
        .LE   List end
        .LI   List item
        .ML   Marked list; like DL or BL, but list items marked with arg given
        .MT   Memorandum Type
        .ND   No date in page footer; date is on cover
        .NE   Copy to list end
        .NS   Copy to list beginning
        .OF   Odd page footer
        .OH   Odd page header
        .OK   Keyword printed on the cover sheet
        .OP   Force document to begin on odd-numbered page
         .P   Paragraph start
        .PF   Page Footer Format
        .PH   Page Header Format
        .PM   Proprietary Marks
         .R   Roman Font
        .RB   Roman on odd args Bold even
        .RD   Interactively read text instruction
        .RF   Reference list item finish
        .RB   Roman on odd args Italics even
        .RL   Reference list start - numbered items enclosed in square brackets
        .RS   Reference list item start
         .S   Point size change
        .SA   Used to set right justification
        .SG   Signature
        .SK   Skip page
        .SP   Vertical spacing
        .TB   Table caption numbering
        .TC   Table of Contents included
        .TE   End of table
        .TH   Table header
        .TL   Memo tile in boldface
        .TM   Memorandum number
        .TS   Table start
        .TY   Table of Contents title
        .VL   Variable-mark list -  a mark is supplied for each .LI
        .VM   Top/Bottom margins
        .WC   Width control instruction (for column specifications)
        .1C   1-column format
        .2C   2-column format


Formatting distances can be controlled in -mm by means of built-in number registers. For example, this sets the line length to 6.5 inches:
   .nr  LL  6.5i

Here is a table of number registers and their default values:

Name Explanation
Cl Heading Levels in Table of Contents
Ds Vertical Space surrounding displays
Ec Equation caption Count
Ej Determines New Page for headings
Ex Exhibit caption count
Fg Figure Caption Count
Fs Separation between footnotes
H1 Controls First Level Heading Numbers
H2 Controls Second Level Heading Numbers
H3 Controls Third Level Heading Numbers
H4 Controls Fourth Level Heading Numbers
H5 Controls Fifth Level Heading Numbers
H6 Controls Sixth Level Heading Numbers
H7 Controls Seventh Level Heading Numbers
Hb Heading Break Level
Hc Determine Centering of Headings
Hi Post Heading Indent
Hs Heading Space level
Ht Controls Concatenation of subsection numbers
Le Set Inclusion of equations in T of C
Lf Set Inclusion of figures in T of C
Li List indentation
Lt Set Inclusion of tables in T of C
Lx Set Inclusion of exhibits in T of C
Np Paragraph Numbering Style
Pi Paragraph Indentation
Ps Point size
Pt Paragraph Style
Pv Controls "Private" message on document
Rf Current Reference Number
Si Indentation of displays
Tb Table Caption Count

 Name     Explanation
 Cl       Heading Levels in Table of Contents
 Ds       Vertical Space surrounding displays
 Ec       Equation caption Count
 Ej       Determines New Page for headings
 Ex       Exhibit caption count
 Fg       Figure Caption Count
 Fs       Separation between footnotes
 H1       Controls First Level Heading Numbers
 H2       Controls Second Level Heading Numbers
 H3       Controls Third Level Heading Numbers
 H4       Controls Fourth Level Heading Numbers
 H5       Controls Fifth Level Heading Numbers
 H6       Controls Sixth Level Heading Numbers
 H7       Controls Seventh Level Heading Numbers
 Hb       Heading Break Level
 Hc       Determine Centering of Headings
 Hi       Post Heading Indent
 Hs       Heading Space level
 Ht       Controls Concatenation of subsection numbers
 Le       Set Inclusion of equations in T of C
 Lf       Set Inclusion of figures in T of C
 Li       List indentation
 Lt       Set Inclusion of tables in T of C
 Lx       Set Inclusion of exhibits in T of C
 Np       Paragraph Numbering Style
 Pi       Paragraph Indentation
 Ps       Point size
 Pt       Paragraph Style
 Pv       Controls "Private" message on document
 Rf       Current Reference Number
 Si       Indentation of displays
 Tb       Table Caption Count

String Registers

Here is a list of string registers available in -mm; they may be used anywhere in the text:

Name String's Function
\*(BU automatically produces a bullet
\*(EM dash
\*(DT current date in the form "month,day,year"
\*(Tm trademark (places the letters TM half a line above preceding text and
in a smaller format - troff only)
\* ' acute accent
\* ` grave accent
\* ^ circumflex accent
\* , cedilla accent
\* ; lower-case umlaut
\* ; upper-case umlaut
\* ~ tilde accent

 Name      String's Function
 \*(BU     automatically produces a bullet
 \*(EM     dash
 \*(DT     current date in the form "month,day,year"
 \*(Tm     trademark (places the letters TM half a line above preceding text and
           in a smaller format - troff only)
 \* '      acute accent
 \* `      grave accent
 \* ^      circumflex accent
 \* ,      cedilla accent
 \* ;      lower-case umlaut
 \* ;      upper-case umlaut
 \* ~      tilde accent

When resetting these values, make sure to specify the appropriate units. Setting the line length to 7, for example, will result in output with one character per line. Setting FF to 1 suppresses footnote superscripting; setting it to 2 also suppresses indentation of the first line; and setting it to 3 produces an .IP-like footnote paragraph.




col(1), eqn(1bsd), nroff(1bsd), refer(1bsd), tbl(1bsd), troff(1bsd)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004