
dtactionfile(4)	 DEVICES AND NETWORK INTERFACES	  dtactionfile(4)

     dtactionfile - define the content of desktop action  defini-
     tion records

     set DtDbVersion=version_number
     set VariableName=variable_value

     ACTION  action_name
	  # Comment
	  FieldName field_value
	  FieldName field_value

     TED actions define	the behavior of	icons, front  panel  con-
     trols  and	 operations on data objects.  Actions are defined
     in	a set of text files with the  .dt  suffix.   Each  action
     definition	consists of the	word ACTION followed by	an action
     name and a	list of	Field and Value	pairs (one per	line)  on
     lines by themselves and enclosed in brackets.

     These text	files may also contain data typing information as
     described in dtdtsfile(4).	 (See dtdtfile(4) for the general
     syntax and	location of the	actions	and data types database.)

     Actions are  of  one  of  the  following  classes:	  command
     actions,  ToolTalk	 message  actions  or map actions.  These
     action classes are	described in the following sections.

  Command Actions
     Command actions are identified  by	 a  TYPE  COMMAND  field.
     This  field  defines an execution string to invoke	and a set
     of	related	information, such as the current  working  direc-
     tory  for	the command and	the host where the command should
     be	executed.  The following field names are unique	 to  com-
     mand  actions:  EXEC_STRING, EXEC_HOST, CWD, WINDOW_TYPE and

  ToolTalk Message Actions
     ToolTalk message actions are identified  by  a  TYPE  TT_MSG
     field.   This  field  defines a ToolTalk message to be sent.
     The following fields are unique to	ToolTalk message actions:

  Map Actions
     Map actions are identified	by a TYPE MAP field.  This  field
     does  not	define any specific behavior; instead, this field

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     specifies a different action name that should be invoked  in
     place  of	the original action.  Multiple map actions can be
     chained together, but the chain must ultimately terminate in
     a	non-map	 action.   The	following  field is unique to map
     actions:  MAP_ACTION.

  Common Fields
     In	addition to the	unique action fields  listed  above,  all
     actions support the following fields:  LABEL, ICON, DESCRIP-

     The value string for certain  action  fields  may	reference
     special  keywords	enclosed  within percentage character (%)
     delimiters.  These	keywords are evaluated when the	action is
     invoked  and replaced with	the appropriate	value.	In fields
     that  do  not  evaluate  keywords,	 the  keyword  is   taken
     literally.	 The valid keywords are:

	      The name of the host where  the  action  definition
	      file is located.	This hostname is specified by the
	      host portion of the host:/path searchpath	 used  to
	      find the action.

	      The name of the host where the X server  displaying
	      the TED session is running.

	      The name of the host where the application invoking
	      the action is executing.

	      The name of the host where  the  controlling  login
	      manager (dtlogin(1)) runs.

  Argument References
     Arguments passed to actions can  be  referenced  in  certain
     action  fields  using  special  argument  keywords	 enclosed
     within percent character  (%)  delimiters.	  These	 argument
     keywords  are  evaluated  when  the  action  is  invoked and
     replaced with the appropriate value.  In fields that do  not
     evaluate  keywords,  the  keyword	is  taken literally.  The
     valid argument keywords are:

	      The nth (starting	with 1)	argument of  the  action.
	      If  the  action was invoked with fewer than n argu-
	      ments, the value of the keyword is NULL.


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	      All remaining arguments  of  the	action.	  If  any
	      arguments	 of  the  action have already been refer-
	      enced within this	 field	by  an	%Arg_n%	 keyword,
	      those arguments are not referenced a second time by

	      Prompt the user for a value, using  prompt  as  the
	      label of a text field.

	      The nth (starting	with 1)	argument of  the  action.
	      If  the  action was invoked with fewer than n argu-
	      ments, prompt the	user for a value using prompt  as
	      the label	of a text field.

     If	a keyword references the name of  a  file  argument,  the
     value  of	the  keyword  is expanded to an	absolute pathname
     prior to substitution.  In	addition, if the file name is  to
     be	 passed	to a remote system, the	file name is first mapped
     appropriately	 (see	    tt_file_netfile(3)	      and

     If	the keyword references a buffer	argument, the buffer data
     is	 placed	in a temporary file and	the name of the	temporary
     file is substituted, as described above.  Some action fields
     provide  direct  support for data buffers and do not require
     use of a temporary	file.  This  behavior  is  noted  in  the
     description of the	appropriate fields.

     If	the keyword references a string	obtained from  the  user,
     it	 is  treated as	a simple string	and the	value substituted
     without any transformation.

     Argument references can be	forced	to  be	treated	 as  file
     names  or	simple	strings	 by  using the (File) or (String)
     qualifier immediately after the opening %	of  the	 keyword.
     For example:


     If	an action is invoked with more than one	argument, and the
     action definition only references one or zero arguments, the
     action is iteratively invoked  with  each	of  the	 supplied
     arguments.	  If  the  action definition references	more than
     one argument, any extra arguments are ignored.

  Action Selection
     Multiple actions can be defined with the  same  name.   When
     the  action is invoked, the appropriate action definition is
     chosen based on the number	and class of arguments	supplied.

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     For  example,  the	Open action may	invoke dtpad(1)	if a text
     file is supplied as an argument, or it may	invoke	dticon(1)
     if	 a  bitmap  file  argument  is	supplied.  The ARG_COUNT,
     ARG_CLASS,	ARG_MODE and ARG_TYPE fields specify the  number,
     mode  and types of	arguments that are accepted by a particu-
     lar action.  Because these	fields can  have  shell	 pattern-
     matching  values  such  as	*, it is possible that the action
     database contains multiple	actions	that have the  same  name
     and are all capable of accepting the arguments that are sup-
     plied.  In	this case, the	following  precedence  rules  are
     used to choose a single action definition to invoke:

	o  Actions with	more specific attribute	values take  pre-
	   cedence over	more general attribute values.

	o  For the ARG_COUNT field, an exact numerical value  (N)
	   is  more  specific  than  a	less-than  range (<N).	A
	   less-than range (<N)	is more	specific than a	 greater-
	   than	 range	(>N).	And  a greater-than range (>N) is
	   more	specific than a	shell pattern-matching	character

	o  For the ARG_CLASS and ARG_TYPE fields, a  single  item
	   is  more  specific  than a list of items and	a list of
	   items is more specific than a  shell	 pattern-matching

	o  For the ARG_MODE field, w (writable)	and !w (not writ-
	   able)  are more specific than a shell pattern-matching

	o  The fields have the following precedence, from high to

	o  If two action definitions have equal	specificity,  the
	   action definition appearing first in	the database load
	   order  takes	 precedence.   Database	 directories  are
	   loaded  in  the order specified by the DTDATABASESEAR-
	   CHPATH environment variable,	and  are  loaded  in  the
	   collation order of their file names.

     The ARG_CLASS field is optional for all  types  of	 actions.
     This  field  specifies  the  class	 of  arguments the action
     accepts.  If an action is invoked with more than  one  argu-
     ment,  the	 class	of  only  the  first  argument is checked
     against the value of the ARG_CLASS	field.	The valid  values
     for this field are:

	BUFFER	  The action accepts arguments that are	blocks of
		  data held in memory.

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	FILE	  The action  accepts  arguments  that	are  file

	*	  The action is	defined	for all	classes	of  argu-

     A comma-separated list of valid values is also  allowed  and
     specifies	that  the  action accepts arguments of any of the
     listed classes.

     If	an action is defined to	accept a buffer	argument, yet the
     implementation  of	 the  action  requires	a  file	name, the
     buffer is automatically converted into a temporary	file  for
     the  action  to  use.   See  the description of the DtTmpDir
     resource for information  on  configuring	the  location  of
     these temporary files.

     Keywords are not evaluated	 in  the  ARG_CLASS  field.   The
     default value of the ARG_CLASS field is *.

     The ARG_COUNT field is optional for all  types  of	 actions.
     The  ARG_COUNT  field specifies the number	of arguments that
     the action	accepts.  The valid values for this field  (where
     N denotes any non-negative	integer) are:

	N     The action accepts exactly N arguments.

	<N    The action accepts any  number  of  arguments  less
	      than N.

	>N    The action accepts any number of arguments  greater
	      than N.

	*     The action accepts any number of arguments.

     Keywords are not evaluated	 in  the  ARG_COUNT  field.   The
     default value of the ARG_COUNT field is *.

  ARG_MODE Field
     The ARG_MODE field	is optional for	 all  types  of	 actions.
     This  field  specifies  the  mode	of  arguments  the action
     accepts.  If an action is invoked with more than  one  argu-
     ment, the mode of only the	first argument is checked against
     the value of the ARG_MODE field.  The valid values	for  this
     field are:

	w     The action accepts arguments that	writable  by  the

	!w    The action accepts arguments that	are not	 writable
	      by the user.

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	*     The action is defined for	all classes of arguments.

     Keywords are not  evaluated  in  the  ARG_MODE  field.   The
     default value of the ARG_MODE field is *.

  ARG_TYPE Field
     The ARG_TYPE field	is optional for	 all  types  of	 actions.
     This  field  specifies  the  types	 of  arguments the action
     accepts.  If the action is	invoked	with more than one  argu-
     ment, the type of only the	first argument is checked against
     the value of this field.  Valid values for	this field are	*
     (all  data	types are accepted), a single data type	name or	a
     comma-separated list of data types.  The set of  valid  data
     types  are	 those	defined	 by DATA_ATTRIBUTE records in the
     data typing database.  (See dtdtsfile(4) for  more	 informa-

     Keywords are not  evaluated  in  the  ARG_TYPE  field.   The
     default value of the ARG_TYPE field is *.

  CWD Field
     The CWD field is optional for all types  of  actions.   This
     field  specifies  the  current  working directory to be used
     when the execution	string is invoked.  Valid values  include
     any  absolute pathname.  If this field is not specified, the
     current working directory for the execution string	is deter-
     mined by the following:

	o  If the application invoking	the  action  specifies	a
	   current working directory, that directory is	used.

	o  If arguments	are supplied to	the action and the  first
	   argument is a directory, that directory is used.

	o  If arguments	are supplied to	the action and the  first
	   argument  is	 a  file, the directory	where the file is
	   located is used.

	o  The	current	 working  directory  of	 the  application
	   invoking the	action is used.

     Keywords are not evaluated	in the CWD field.

     The DESCRIPTION field is optional for COMMAND actions.  This
     field  specifies a	textual	description of the action that is
     suitable for presentation to a user  requesting  information
     about the action.	The description	should contain no format-
     ting information such as tab  or  newline	characters.   The
     application  that	presents the information to the	user for-
     mats the information.

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     Keywords are not evaluated	in the DESCRIPTION field.   There
     is	no default value for the DESCRIPTION field.

     The EXEC_HOST field is optional for COMMAND  actions.   This
     field  specifies  the host	where the execution string should
     be	invoked.  Valid	values	for  this  field  include  actual
     hostnames,	 as  well  as any of the hostname keywords.  If	a
     comma-separated list of hostnames is provided, execution  is
     attempted	on each	of the hosts in	the order specified until
     execution succeeds.

     Keywords are evaluated in the EXEC_HOST field.  The  default
     value  of the EXEC_HOST field is %DatabaseHost%,%LocalHost%.
     (See the description  of  the  ExecutionHosts  resource  for
     information on how	to change this default value.)

     The EXEC_STRING field is required for COMMAND actions.  This
     field  specifies  an  execution  string  to be invoked.  The
     string is parsed using the	same quoting rules as defined  by
     sh(1);  however,  the  execution string is	not automatically
     passed to any shell.  Therefore,  if  the	execution  string
     requires  shell  features	such  as  redirection of standard
     input,  redirection  of  standard	output,	 or  pipes,   the
     appropriate shell must be specified explicitly in the execu-
     tion string.  For example:

	  EXEC_STRING sh -c 'ls	-l | more'

     Keywords are evaluated in the EXEC_STRING field.	There  is
     no	default	value for the EXEC_STRING field.

  ICON Field
     The ICON field is optional	for all	types of  actions.   This
     field  specifies  the  name  of  an icon that represents the

     Icons are found by	using the standard TED icon search  path,
     so	 the  value can	be either an absolute pathname (for exam-
     ple, /foo/icons/, a relative pathname  (for  exam-
     ple,  icons/  or	 a partial filename (for example,
     myicon).  Partial filenames are preferred because they allow
     the  TED  icon search path	to find	the icon with the optimum
     size and depth for	the current environment.

     Keywords are not evaluated	in the ICON field.   The  default
     value  of the ICON	field is Dtactn.  (See the description of
     the ActionIcon resource for information  on  how  to  change
     this default value.)

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  LABEL	Field
     The LABEL field is	optional for all types of actions.   This
     field  specifies  a user-visible label for	the action.  When
     actions are presented to the user,	the localized LABEL field
     is	 used to identify the action instead of	the non-localized
     action name.

     Keywords are not evaluated	in the LABEL field.  The  default
     value of the LABEL	field is the name of the action.

     The MAP_ACTION field is  required	for  MAP  actions.   This
     field specifies the name of an action that	should be invoked
     in	place of the current action.   The  specified  action  is
     invoked  with  the	same set of arguments that were	passed to
     the original action.

     Keywords are not evaluated	in the MAP_ACTION  field.   There
     is	no default value for the MAP_ACTION field.

     The TERM_OPTS field is optional for COMMAND  actions.   This
     field  specifies command-line options that	are passed to the
     terminal emulator for all COMMAND actions that are	 terminal
     based.   (That  is, any COMMAND action other than those that
     specify WINDOW_TYPE NO_STDIO.)  These  command-line  options
     are  typically  used  to  specify	a  unique terminal-window
     geometry, font, color or title.

     The value of the TERM_OPTS	field must be an option	string in
     a	form  the  terminal  emulator  supports	 and it	must only
     affect the	appearance of the terminal window.  For	 example,
     options  such as -e, which	affect the behavior of the termi-
     nal window, must not be used.

     Keywords are evaluated in the TERM_OPTS field.  The  default
     value of the TERM_OPTS field is

	  -title action_label

     where action_label	is the LABEL field for the  action.   See
     dtterm(1) (or xterm(1)) for the meaning of	-title.

  TT_ARGn_MODE Field
     The TT_ARGn_MODE field is optional	for TT_MSG actions.  This
     field specifies the value of the ToolTalk mode attribute for
     the nth message argument, where n is zero for the first mes-
     sage argument.  The valid values for this field are:  TT_IN,
     TT_INOUT and TT_OUT.

     (See <Tt/tt_c.h> for a description	of these values.)

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     Keywords are not evaluated	in the TT_ARGn_MODE field.  There
     is	no default value for the TT_ARGn_MODE field.

     The TT_ARGn_REP_TYPE field	is optional for	 TT_MSG	 actions.
     This  field  specifies  the  representation  type of the nth
     ToolTalk message argument,	where n	is  zero  for  the  first
     message argument.	The valid values for this field	are:

	      If TT_ARGn_VALUE references a buffer argument,  the
	      representation type is a buffer; otherwise, it is	a

	      The representation type is an integer.

	      The representation type is a buffer.

	      The representation type is string.

     Keywords are not evaluated	in  the	 TT_ARGn_REP_TYPE  field.
     The   default   value   of	 the  TT_ARGn_REP_TYPE	field  is

     The TT_ARGn_VALUE field is	optional for TT_MSG actions.   If
     there   is	  no   corresponding   TT_ARGn_MODE   field,  the
     TT_ARGn_VALUE field is ignored.  If there is a  TT_ARGn_MODE
     field,  the  TT_ARGn_VALUE	 field specifies the value of the
     nth ToolTalk message argument, where n is zero for	the first
     message  argument.	 If there is a TT_ARGn_MODE field with no
     corresponding TT_ARGn_VALUE field,	 the  value  of	 the  nth
     ToolTalk message argument is set to NULL.

     The value of the TT_ARGn_VALUE field must be a single string
     or	action argument.  Keywords that	reference a single action
     argument are evaluated in the TT_ARGn_VALUE  field,  however
     %Args% is not allowed as it references multiple action argu-
     ments.  There is no  default  value  for  the  TT_ARGn_VALUE

     The  TT_ARGn_VTYPE	 field	is  required  to  accompany   any
     TT_ARGn_MODE fields in TT_MSG actions.  This field	specifies
     the value of the ToolTalk vtype attribute of the nth message
     argument,	where  n  is zero for the first	message	argument.
     If	this field references  an  argument  keyword,  the  MEDIA
     attribute	of  the	specified argument is used.  If	the MEDIA
     attribute is not defined, the  DATA_ATTRIBUTE  name  of  the

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     data type is used.

     Keywords are evaluated in the TT_ARGn_VTYPE field.	 There is
     no	default	value for the TT_ARGn_VTYPE field.

  TT_CLASS Field
     The TT_CLASS field	is required  for  TT_MSG  actions.   This
     field  specifies  the  value  of  the ToolTalk class message
     field.  The valid values for this field are:

	      The action defines a ToolTalk notification message.

	      The action defines a ToolTalk request message.

     Keywords are not evaluated	in the TT_CLASS	field.	There  is
     no	default	value for the TT_CLASS field.

  TT_FILE Field
     The TT_FILE field is  optional  for  TT_MSG  actions.   This
     field  specifies  the  value  of  the  ToolTalk file message
     field.  The value of this field must be a single  file  name
     and  can  either  be  a  specific	file  name  (for example,
     /tmp/foo) or an argument  keyword	(for  example,	%Arg_1%).
     %Args%  is	not allowed because it references multiple action
     arguments.	 If an argument	 keyword  is  specified	 and  the
     corresponding  argument  is  not  a  file	(that is, it is	a
     buffer), the action invocation fails.

     Keywords are evaluated in the TT_FILE field.   There  is  no
     default  value  for the TT_FILE field; if it is not set, the
     file attribute of the ToolTalk message is set to NULL.

     The TT_OPERATION field is required	for TT_MSG actions.  This
     field  specifies the value	of the ToolTalk	operation message
     field.  Typical values are	operations  such  as  Display  or
     Edit that are defined by the Media	Exchange Message Set.

     Keywords are not evaluated	in the TT_OPERATION field.  There
     is	no default value for the TT_OPERATION field.

  TT_SCOPE Field
     The TT_SCOPE field	is required  for  TT_MSG  actions.   This
     field  specifies  the  value  of  the ToolTalk scope message
     field.  (See <Tt/tt_c.h> for a description	of these values.)
     The  valid	 values	 for  this  field are:	TT_BOTH, TT_FILE,

     Keywords are not evaluated	in the TT_SCOPE	field.	There  is
     no	default	value for the TT_SCOPE field.

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  TYPE Field
     The TYPE field is optional	for COMMAND actions and	 required
     for MAP or	TT_MSG actions.	 This field specifies the type of
     behavior defined by the action.  Valid values for this field

	      The action invokes a command.

	MAP   The action specifies a  different	 action	 name  to
	      invoke in	place of the current action.

	      The action defines a ToolTalk message to be sent.

     Keywords are not evaluated	in the TYPE field.   The  default
     value of the TYPE field is	COMMAND.

     The WINDOW_TYPE field is optional for COMMAND actions.  This
     field  specifies the type of windowing support the	execution
     string requires.  Valid values for	this field are:

	      No windowing support is required.	  This	value  is
	      appropriate for execution	strings	that have no out-
	      put or are X Windows applications.

	      The execution string requires  a	terminal  window.
	      When  the	execution string exits,	the terminal win-
	      dow is left open until the user  explicitly  closes
	      it.   This  value	 is  appropriate for applications
	      that write their output to standard output and then
	      terminate, such as ls(1).

	      The execution string requires  a	terminal  window.
	      When  the	execution string exits,	the terminal win-
	      dow is  closed.	If  the	 execution  string  exits
	      ``quickly''  (see	 the  description of the waitTime
	      resource), the terminal  window  is  left	 open  to
	      allow the	user to	view any error messages	that were
	      written to standard output or standard error.  This
	      value   is  appropriate  for  full-screen	 terminal
	      applications such	as the vi(1) editor.

     Keywords are not evaluated	in the	WINDOW_TYPE  field.   The
     default value of the WINDOW_TYPE field is PERM_TERMINAL.

     The  following  resources	are  available	to  control   the

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     behavior  of  actions.   These resources must be set for the
     application that is invoking the action.  They  can  be  set
     for  all  applications  that  invoke actions by omitting the
     application name or class name.

		  X11 Resources	That Modify Action Behavior
     Name	    |  Class	      |	 Type  |  Default
     actionIcon	    |  ActionIcon     |	 string|  ``Dtactn''
     dtEnvMap-	    |  DtEnvMap-      |	 string|  ``DTAPPSEARCHPATH:
	ForRemote   |	  ForRemote   |	       |  DTHELPSEARCHPATH:
		    |		      |	       |  DTDATABASESEARCHPATH:
		    |		      |	       |  XMICONSEARCHPATH:
		    |		      |	       |  XMICONBMSEARCHPATH''
     dtexecPath	    |  DtexecPath     |	 string|  ``/usr/dt/bin/dtexec''
     dtTmpDir	    |  DtTempDir      |	 string|  ``$HOME/.dt/tmp''
     executionHost- |  ExecutionHost- |	 string|  ``False''
	Logging	    |	  Logging     |	       |
     executionHosts |  ExecutionHosts |	 string|  ``%DatabaseHost%,
		    |		      |	       |  %LocalHost%''
     localTerminal  |  LocalTerminal  |	 string|  ``dtterm''
     remoteTerminals|  RemoteTerminals|	 string|  None
     waitTime	    |  WaitTime	      |	 number|  3

	      Specifies	the default value of the ICON  field  for
	      actions  that do not define the field.  The default
	      value of this resource is	Dtactn.

	      Specifies	a  colon-separated  list  of  environment
	      variables	 names.	  Each variable	contains a colon-
	      separated	list of	pathnames to be	mapped for remote
	      actions	    (see      tt_file_netfile(3)      and

	      Only environment variables in  the  user's  current
	      environment  (see	 environ(5)) are mapped.  Supple-
	      mental environment variables such	as those added by
	      dtspcdenv(4), for	example, are not mapped.

	      If a  pathname  contains	substitution  characters,
	      only  the	 portion of the	path up	to the first per-
	      cent character is	mapped,	with the  remaining  por-
	      tion appended to the resulting mapped portion.  For
	      example,	   if	  NLSPATH     is      set      to
	      /system/nlslib/%L/,	     it	     maps      to


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	      Specifies	the location  of  the  dtexec(1)  command
	      that  is	used  for  terminal-based  actions.   The
	      default value is /usr/dt/bin/dtexec.

	      Specifies	the full pathname of the directory to  be
	      used  for	 holding  temporary  files created during
	      action invocation.  The directory	must  be  visible
	      to remote	hosts used for action execution.

	      Turns on and off detailed	 logging  to  the  user's
	      $HOME/.dt/errorlog  of  action  invocation  events.
	      The default value	is False, which	disables logging.
	      Logging is enabled if this resource is set to True.

	      Specifies	the default value of the EXEC_HOST  field
	      for  COMMAND  actions that do not	define the field.
	      The default value	is %DatabaseHost%,%LocalHost%.

	      Specifies	 an  alternative  terminal  emulator  for
	      terminal-based  actions  that execute locally.  Any
	      terminal emulator	specified by this  resource  must
	      support  the  -title and -e options as described in
	      dtterm(1).  The default value is dtterm(1).

	      Specifies	 the  terminal	emulator   to	use   for
	      terminal-based  actions  that  execute on	the named
	      system.  The value of this  resource  is	a  comma-
	      separated	list of	the form host:terminal-path where
	      terminal-path is the terminal  emulator  used  when
	      invoking	terminal-based actions on host host.  The
	      default terminal emulator	used  for  any	host  not
	      specified	 by  this resource is the emulator speci-
	      fied by the localTerminal	resource.

	      Specifies	 the  time  threshold  used  for  COMMAND
	      actions  that specify WINDOW_TYPE	TERMINAL.  If the
	      command exits in less than  waitTime  seconds,  the
	      terminal window is left open.  The default value is

     The following action is defined to	pipe its argument through
     the pr(1) and lp(1) commands:

	  ACTION PrintText

Unix System LaboratoLast change: 10 June 1994		       13

dtactionfile(4)	 DEVICES AND NETWORK INTERFACES	  dtactionfile(4)

	      ICON	  printer
	      DESCRIPTION Paginate and print a text file to the	\
		      default printer.

	      ARG_TYPE	  Text
	      EXEC_STRING sh -c	'pr %Arg_1"File	to print:"% | lp'

     The following action defines that Open on Text files use the
     EditText action:

	  ACTION Open
	      ARG_TYPE	  Text
	      TYPE	  MAP
	      MAP_ACTION  EditText

     The following action is defined to	send the ToolTalk Display
     request message for non-writable objects:

	  ACTION Display
	      ARG_CLASS	      BUFFER
	      ARG_MODE	      !w

	      TYPE	      TT_MSG
	      TT_CLASS	      TT_REQUEST
	      TT_SCOPE	      TT_SESSION
	      TT_OPERATION	  Display
	      TT_ARG0_MODE	  TT_IN
	      TT_ARG0_VTYPE	  %Arg_1%
	      TT_ARG0_VALUE	  %Arg_1%

     Errors encountered	when loading database files  are  written
     to	the user's $HOME/.dt/errorlog.	Errors encountered in the
     value of an action	field cause the	field to be rejected.  If
     the  field	is a required field, the entire	action definition
     is	rejected.  Errors encountered when an action  is  invoked
     cause an error dialog to be displayed to the user.

     Tttt_c,(5)	dtdtfile(4), dtdtsfile(4), DtActionInvoke(3),
     tt_file_netfile(3), tt_netfile_file(3), dtterm(1).

Unix System LaboratoLast change: 10 June 1994		       14

See also dtactionfile(4)

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