
Bits -- variable-length bit strings


   #include <Bits.h>
   namespace SCO_SC {

typedef implementation_dependent_unsigned_integral_type Bits_chunk;

class Bits { public:

// Constructors, destructor

Bits( ); Bits(Bits_chunk n, unsigned m = 1); ~Bits ( );

// Copy and assign

Bits(const Bits& b); Bits& operator=(const Bits& b);

// Length

unsigned size( )const; unsigned count( )const; unsigned size(unsigned n); unsigned signif()const; unsigned trim( );

// Bitwise operators

friend Bits operator&(const Bits& a, const Bits& b); friend Bits operator|(const Bits& a, const Bits& b); friend Bits operator^(const Bits& a, const Bits& b); friend Bits operator<<(const Bits& b, int n); friend Bits operator>>(const Bits& b, int n);

Bits& operator&=(const Bits&b); Bits& operator|=(const Bits& b); Bits& operator^=(const Bits& b); Bits& operator<<=(int n); Bits& operator>>=(int n);

Bits& complement( ); friend Bits operator ~(const Bits& b);

// Relations

friend int operator<(const Bits& a, const Bits& b); friend int operator>(const Bits& a, const Bits& b); friend int operator<=(const Bits& a, const Bits& b); friend int operator>=(const Bits& a, const Bits& b); friend int operator==(const Bits& a, const Bits& b); friend int operator!=(const Bits& a, const Bits& b);

// Concatenation

Bits& concat(const Bits& b); friend Bits concat(const Bits& a, const Bits& b);

// Access individual bits

int operator[](unsigned i)const; Bits& set(unsigned i); Bits& reset(unsigned i); Bits& complement(unsigned i); Bits& set(unsigned i, unsigned long m);

// Conversion to integer

operator Bits_chunk()const;

// Stream insertion

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,const Bits& b);

}; }


A Bits is a variable-length string each of whose elements, called bits, can take the value zero or one. Each bit is numbered sequentially; for a Bits of length N, the rightmost (or low-order) bit is number 0 and the leftmost (or high-order) bit is number N-1. Bits behave as if they were right-justified under comparison and change of length.

The type Bits_chunk denotes the largest unsigned integral type acceptable for conversion to and from Bits. This is ordinarily unsigned long but may be shorter in some implementations.

Constructors, destructor


The empty string (a Bits of length zero).

   Bits(Bits_chunk n, unsigned m = 1);

A Bits whose elements are the bits of n and whose length is at least m. High-order zero bits will be added as necessary to attain the desired length, but significant bits will not be truncated if n cannot be represented in m bits. Bits(0) is treated as a one-bit string, not a zero-bit string.



Copy and assign

   Bits(const Bits& b);
   Bits& operator=(const Bits& b);

Copying or assigning a Bits creates a copy of its value.


   unsigned size()const;

The number of bits.

   unsigned count()const;

The number of 1-bits.

   unsigned size(unsigned n);

Change the length to n bits by truncating high-order bits or adding high-order zero bits as necessary. Return the new length.

   unsigned signif()const;

The number of significant bits. This number is zero if there are no 1-bits; otherwise it is one more than the number of the highest order 1-bit.

   unsigned trim();

Eliminate high-order zero bits. Equivalent to size(signif()).

Bitwise operators

   friend Bits operator&(const Bits& a, const Bits& b);
   friend Bits operator|(const Bits& a, const Bits& b);
   friend Bits operator^(const Bits& a, const Bits& b);

Each bit of the result is the logical "and," "or," or "exclusive or" of the corresponding bits of a and b. Prior to performing the operation, the shorter operand is considered to be extended with high-order zero-bits until its length is that of the longer operand.

   friend Bits operator<<(const Bits& b, int n);

The bits of the result are those of b shifted left n bits. That is, bits n,n+1,n+2,... of the result are equal to bits 0,1,2,... of b and bits 0 through n-1 of the result are zero. The length of the result is b.size()+n. If n is negative, the result is b>>-n.

   friend Bits operator>>(const Bits& b, int n);

The bits of the result are those of b shifted right n bits. That is, bits 0,1,2,... of the result are equal to bits n,n+1,n+2,... of b. The length of the result is b.size()-n. If n>=b.size() then the result is the empty string. If n is negative, the result is b<<-n.

   Bits& operator&=(const Bits& b);
   Bits& operator|=(const Bits& b);
   Bits& operator^=(const Bits& b);
   Bits& operator<<=(int n);
   Bits& operator>>=(int n);

Assignment versions of the above.

   Bits& complement();

Complements each bit.

   friend Bits operator~ (const Bits& b);

Each bit of the result is the logical complement of the corresponding bit of b.


   friend int operator<(const Bits& a, const  Bits& b);
   friend int operator>(const Bits& a, const Bits&  b);
   friend int operator<=(const Bits& a, const  Bits& b);
   friend int operator>=(const Bits& a, const Bits&  b);
   friend int operator==(const Bits& a, const Bits&  b);
   friend int operator!=(const Bits& a, const Bits&  b);

The usual relational operators, yielding 1 if the relation is true and 0 if it is false. In each case, comparison is done as if the shorter operand were extended with high-order zeroes to the length of the longer, followed by a lexical comparison. If, after this extension, the strings would be equal, the shorter one is considered smaller. Thus the empty string is the smallest of all, 0 is less than 1, 0 is less than 00, 10 is less than 101 or 010 but greater than 01, and strings of different lengths are never equal.


   Bits& concat(const Bits& b);

Concatenates the bits of b onto the right-hand (low-order) end of this Bits.

   friend  Bits concat(const Bits& a, const Bits&  b);

The bits of the result are those of a (on the left) followed by those of b (on the right).

Access individual bits

   int operator[](unsigned i)const;

Bit number i. If i>=size(), the result is zero.

   Bits& set(unsigned i);
   Bits& reset(unsigned i);

Sets bit i to 1, or 0, respectively. No effect if i>=size().

   Bits& complement(unsigned i);

Complements bit i. No effect if i>=size().

   Bits& compl(unsigned i);

Same as complement(), but denigrated because name conflicts with a new C++ internationalization keyword. Will be removed in the next release.

   Bits& set(unsigned i, unsigned long m);

Sets bit i to 0 if m is zero, otherwise sets it to 1. No effect if i>=size().

Conversion to integer

   operator Bits_chunk()const;

Conversion to the unsigned integral type Bits_chunk. If N is the number of bits in a Bits_chunk and size() is greater than N, the high-order size()-N bits will be ignored when performing the conversion.

Stream insertion

   friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&  os,const Bits& b);

Inserts a sequence of ASCII '0' and '1' characters representing the bits of b into os. For example, cout << Bits(9) would print 1001.


Bits can be interpreted as integer sets. For example, to represent the set of Fibonacci numbers less than 1000:

       int f1 = 1;
       int f2 = 1;

Bits fib(0,1000); fib.set(1);

while(1){ int f = f1 + f2; if(f>=1000)break; fib.set(f); f2=f1; f1=f; }

Under this interpretation, Bits::operator& is set intersection, Bits::operator| is set union, and so on. If you need integer sets, Bits are probably more efficient, both in time and space, than Set<int> (see Set(3C++)). Note, however, that under this interpretation, Bits::operator>, Bits::operator<, and so on do not correspond to integer superset and subset relations.


Any operation that allocates or changes the length of a Bits may run out of memory. If this is not trapped by a handler or a client-supplied operator new, the length of the Bits is set to zero.


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