
Mtune -- tunable parameter definitions


One of the Installable Driver/Tunables Parameters kernel configuration files, an Mtune file, contains definitions of tunable parameters, including default values, for a kernel module. System-specific tunable values are stored in stune. When the Mtune component of a module's Driver Software Package (DSP) is installed, idinstall(1M) stores the module's Mtune file information in /etc/conf/mtune.d/module-name, where the file module-name is the name of the module being installed. Package scripts should never access /etc/conf/mtune.d files directly; only the idinstall and idtune commands should be used.

Each integer tunable parameter is specified on a separate line of the form:

   parameter-name   default-value   minimum-value   maximum-value

Each string tunable parameter is specified on a separate line of the form:

   parameter-name   default-value

All fields are positional and must be separated by white space. Blank lines and lines beginning with # or * are considered comments and are ignored.

The Mtune file fields are:

A string (maximum of 20 characters) used to construct the preprocessor #defines that pass the value for this parameter to the system when the system is built (see Space.c(4dsp)).

Specifies the default value for this tunable parameter. If the value is not overridden by the stune(4dsp) file, this value will be used when the system is built.

Specifies the minimum allowable value for this tunable parameter. If the parameter is tuned by idtune(1M) command, the command will check that the new value specified is equal to or greater than this value.

Specifies the maximum allowable value for this tunable parameter. If the parameter is tuned by idtune(1M) command, the command will check that the new value specified is equal to or less than this value.

the advanced features sections on tunable parameters in your system administration documentation.


Autotune(4dsp), Dtune(4dsp), idbuild(1M), idinstall(1M), idtune(1M), Space.c(4dsp), stune(4dsp)


Compatibility considerations

For compatibility with existing add-on DSP packages, idbuild(1M) maintains a flat file, /etc/conf/cf.d/mtune, which contains all of the tunable parameters. Existing packages can read this file to find existing values, and can add tunables to the file. This mechanism is discouraged for any new add-on DSP package, however; new packages should use the idinstall(1M) and idtune(1M) commands.
25 April 2004
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004