
Tcl_TraceVar(3)      Tcl Library Procedures       Tcl_TraceVar(3)



     Tcl_TraceVar,         Tcl_TraceVar2,         Tcl_UntraceVar,
     Tcl_UntraceVar2, Tcl_VarTraceInfo, Tcl_VarTraceInfo2 - moni-
     tor accesses to a variable


     #include <tcl.h>

     Tcl_TraceVar(interp, varName, flags, proc, clientData)

     Tcl_TraceVar2(interp, name1, name2, flags, proc, clientData)

     Tcl_UntraceVar(interp, varName, flags, proc, clientData)

     Tcl_UntraceVar2(interp, name1, name2, flags, proc, clientData)

     Tcl_VarTraceInfo(interp, varName, flags, proc, prevClientData)

     Tcl_VarTraceInfo2(interp, name1, name2, flags, proc, prevClientData)


     Tcl_Interp *interp (in)                       Interpreter

     const char *varName (in)                      Name of  vari-
                                                   able.      May
                                                   refer   to   a
                                                   scalar   vari-
                                                   able,  to   an
                                                   array variable
                                                   with no index,
                                                   or to an array
                                                   variable  with

     int flags (in)                                OR-ed combina-
                                                   tion   of  the

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                                                   Not all  flags
                                                   are   used  by
                                                   all       pro-
                                                   cedures.   See
                                                   below for more

     Tcl_VarTraceProc *proc (in)                   Procedure   to
                                                   invoke   when-
                                                   ever  one   of
                                                   the     traced

     ClientData clientData (in)                    Arbitrary
                                                   one-word value
                                                   to   pass   to

     const char *name1 (in)                        Name of scalar
                                                   or array vari-
                                                   able  (without
                                                   array index).

     const char *name2 (in)                        For a trace on
                                                   an  element of
                                                   an      array,
                                                   gives      the
                                                   index  of  the
                                                   element.   For
                                                   traces      on
                                                   scalar   vari-
                                                   ables  or   on
                                                   whole  arrays,
                                                   is NULL.

     ClientData prevClientData (in)                If   non-NULL,
                                                   gives     last
                                                   value returned
                                                   so  this  call
                                                   will    return
                                                   about     next
                                                   trace.      If

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                                                   NULL,     this
                                                   call      will
                                                   return  infor-
                                                   mation   about
                                                   first trace.


     Tcl_TraceVar allows a C procedure  to  monitor  and  control
     access to a Tcl variable, so that the C procedure is invoked
     whenever the variable is read or written or unset.   If  the
     trace  is  created  successfully  then  Tcl_TraceVar returns
     TCL_OK.  If an error occurred  (e.g.  varName  specifies  an
     element  of  an  array,  but  the  actual variable is not an
     array) then TCL_ERROR is returned and an  error  message  is
     left in the interpreter's result.

     The flags argument to Tcl_TraceVar indicates when the  trace
     procedure is to be invoked and provides information for set-
     ting up the trace.  It consists of an OR-ed  combination  of
     any of the following values:

          Normally, the variable will be looked up at the current
          level  of  procedure call;  if this bit is set then the
          variable will be looked up at  global  level,  ignoring
          any active procedures.

          Normally, the variable will be looked up at the current
          level  of  procedure call;  if this bit is set then the
          variable will be looked up in  the  current  namespace,
          ignoring any active procedures.

          Invoke proc whenever an attempt is  made  to  read  the

          Invoke proc whenever an attempt is made to  modify  the

          Invoke proc whenever the variable is unset.  A variable
          may  be unset either explicitly by an unset command, or
          implicitly when a procedure returns  (its  local  vari-
          ables  are automatically unset) or when the interpreter
          is deleted (all variables are automatically unset).

          Invoke proc whenever  the  array  command  is  invoked.
          This  gives  the trace procedure a chance to update the

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          array before array names or array get is called.   Note
          that  this is called before an array set, but that will
          trigger write traces.

          The result of invoking the proc is a dynamically  allo-
          cated  string  that will be released by the Tcl library
          via a call to ckfree.  Must not  be  specified  at  the
          same time as TCL_TRACE_RESULT_OBJECT.

          The result of invoking the proc is a Tcl_Obj* (cast  to
          a  char*)  with a reference count of at least one.  The
          ownership of that reference will be transferred to  the
          Tcl  core  for release (when the core has finished with
          it) via a call to Tcl_DecrRefCount.  Must not be speci-
          fied at the same time as TCL_TRACE_RESULT_DYNAMIC.

     Whenever one of the specified operations occurs on the vari-
     able,  proc  will  be invoked.  It should have arguments and
     result that match the type Tcl_VarTraceProc:
          typedef char *Tcl_VarTraceProc(
                  ClientData clientData,
                  Tcl_Interp *interp,
                  char *name1,
                  char *name2,
                  int flags);
     The clientData and interp  parameters  will  have  the  same
     values  as  those  passed to Tcl_TraceVar when the trace was
     created.  ClientData typically  points  to  an  application-
     specific  data structure that describes what to do when proc
     is invoked.  Name1 and name2 give the  name  of  the  traced
     variable in the normal two-part form (see the description of
     Tcl_TraceVar2 below for details).  Flags is an OR-ed  combi-
     nation of bits providing several pieces of information.  One
     of    the    bits     TCL_TRACE_READS,     TCL_TRACE_WRITES,
     TCL_TRACE_ARRAY, or TCL_TRACE_UNSETS will be set in flags to
     indicate which operation is being performed on the variable.
     The  bit  TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY  will be set whenever the variable
     being accessed is a  global  one  not  accessible  from  the
     current  level  of procedure call:  the trace procedure will
     need to pass this flag back to  variable-related  procedures
     like  Tcl_GetVar if it attempts to access the variable.  The
     bit TCL_NAMESPACE_ONLY will be  set  whenever  the  variable
     being  accessed  is  a namespace one not accessible from the
     current level of procedure call:  the trace  procedure  will
     need  to  pass this flag back to variable-related procedures
     like Tcl_GetVar if it attempts to access the variable.   The
     bit TCL_TRACE_DESTROYED will be set in flags if the trace is
     about to be destroyed;  this information may  be  useful  to
     proc  so  that  it can clean up its own internal data struc-
     tures (see the section TCL_TRACE_DESTROYED  below  for  more

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     details).   Lastly, the bit TCL_INTERP_DESTROYED will be set
     if the entire interpreter is being destroyed.  When this bit
     is  set,  proc  must  be especially careful in the things it
     does (see  the  section  TCL_INTERP_DESTROYED  below).   The
     trace procedure's return value should normally be NULL;  see
     ERROR RETURNS below for information on other possibilities.

     Tcl_UntraceVar may be used to remove a trace.  If the  vari-
     able specified by interp, varName, and flags has a trace set
     with flags, proc, and  clientData,  then  the  corresponding
     trace is removed.  If no such trace exists, then the call to
     Tcl_UntraceVar has no effect.  The same bits are  valid  for
     flags as for calls to Tcl_TraceVar.

     Tcl_VarTraceInfo may be used to retrieve  information  about
     traces  set  on  a  given  variable.   The return value from
     Tcl_VarTraceInfo is the clientData associated with a partic-
     ular  trace.  The trace must be on the variable specified by
     the  interp,  varName,  and  flags   arguments   (only   the
     TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY  and  TCL_NAMESPACE_ONLY  bits from flags is
     used;  other bits are ignored) and its trace procedure  must
     the  same as the proc argument.  If the prevClientData argu-
     ment is NULL then the return value corresponds to the  first
     (most recently created) matching trace, or NULL if there are
     no matching traces.  If the prevClientData argument  is  not
     NULL,  then  it  should  be the return value from a previous
     call to Tcl_VarTraceInfo.  In  this  case,  the  new  return
     value  will  correspond to the next matching trace after the
     one whose clientData matches prevClientData, or NULL  if  no
     trace  matches prevClientData or if there are no more match-
     ing traces after it.  This mechanism makes  it  possible  to
     step  through  all  of  the traces for a given variable that
     have the same proc.


     The   procedures   Tcl_TraceVar2,    Tcl_UntraceVar2,    and
     Tcl_VarTraceInfo2    are    identical    to    Tcl_TraceVar,
     Tcl_UntraceVar, and Tcl_VarTraceInfo,  respectively,  except
     that  the name of the variable consists of two parts.  Name1
     gives the name of a scalar  variable  or  array,  and  name2
     gives the name of an element within an array.  When name2 is
     NULL, name1 may contain both an array and an  element  name:
     if  the  name  contains  an open parenthesis and ends with a
     close parenthesis, then the value between the parentheses is
     treated as an element name (which can have any string value)
     and the characters before the  first  open  parenthesis  are
     treated  as the name of an array variable.  If name2 is NULL
     and name1 does not refer to an array element it  means  that
     either the variable is a scalar or the trace is to be set on
     the entire array rather  than  an  individual  element  (see
     WHOLE-ARRAY TRACES below for more information).

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     During read, write, and array traces,  the  trace  procedure
     can   read,  write,  or  unset  the  traced  variable  using
     Tcl_GetVar2, Tcl_SetVar2, and other procedures.  While  proc
     is  executing, traces are temporarily disabled for the vari-
     able, so that calls to Tcl_GetVar2 and Tcl_SetVar2 will  not
     cause  proc  or  other trace procedures to be invoked again.
     Disabling only occurs for the variable whose trace procedure
     is  active;   accesses  to  other  variables  will  still be
     traced.  However, if a variable is unset during  a  read  or
     write trace then unset traces will be invoked.

     During unset traces the variable has already been completely
     expunged.  It is possible for the trace procedure to read or
     write the variable, but this will be a new  version  of  the
     variable.   Traces  are  not disabled during unset traces as
     they are for read and write traces, but existing traces have
     been  removed  from the variable before any trace procedures
     are invoked.  If new traces are  set  by  unset  trace  pro-
     cedures,  these  traces  will  be invoked on accesses to the
     variable by the trace procedures.


     When read tracing has been specified  for  a  variable,  the
     trace  procedure  will  be  invoked  whenever the variable's
     value is read.  This includes set Tcl  commands,  $-notation
     in  Tcl  commands,  and  invocations  of  the Tcl_GetVar and
     Tcl_GetVar2 procedures.  Proc is  invoked  just  before  the
     variable's  value  is  returned.  It may modify the value of
     the variable to  affect  what  is  returned  by  the  traced
     access.   If  it  unsets  the  variable then the access will
     return an error just as if the variable never existed.

     When write tracing has been specified for  a  variable,  the
     trace  procedure  will  be  invoked  whenever the variable's
     value is modified.  This  includes  set  commands,  commands
     that  modify  variables  as  side effects (such as catch and
     scan), and calls to  the  Tcl_SetVar  and  Tcl_SetVar2  pro-
     cedures).   Proc  will be invoked after the variable's value
     has been modified, but before the new value of the  variable
     has  been returned.  It may modify the value of the variable
     to override the change and to determine the  value  actually
     returned  by  the traced access.  If it deletes the variable
     then the traced access will return an empty string.

     When array tracing has been specified, the  trace  procedure
     will be invoked at the beginning of the array command imple-
     mentation, before any of the operations like  get,  set,  or
     names have been invoked.  The trace procedure can modify the
     array elements with Tcl_SetVar and Tcl_SetVar2.

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Tcl_TraceVar(3)      Tcl Library Procedures       Tcl_TraceVar(3)

     When unset tracing has been specified, the  trace  procedure
     will  be  invoked  whenever  the variable is destroyed.  The
     traces will be called after the variable has been completely


     If a call to Tcl_TraceVar  or  Tcl_TraceVar2  specifies  the
     name  of  an array variable without an index into the array,
     then the trace will be set on the array as  a  whole.   This
     means  that proc will be invoked whenever any element of the
     array is accessed in the ways specified by flags.   When  an
     array  is  unset,  a  whole-array trace will be invoked just
     once, with name1 equal to the name of the  array  and  name2
     NULL;  it will not be invoked once for each element.


     It is possible for multiple traces  to  exist  on  the  same
     variable.   When  this  happens, all of the trace procedures
     will  be  invoked  on  each  access,  in  order  from  most-
     recently-created   to  least-recently-created.   When  there
     exist whole-array traces for an array as well as  traces  on
     individual  elements,  the  whole-array  traces  are invoked
     before the individual-element traces.  If a  read  or  write
     trace  unsets the variable then all of the unset traces will
     be invoked but the remainder of the read  and  write  traces
     will be skipped.


     Under normal conditions trace procedures should return NULL,
     indicating  successful  completion.   If proc returns a non-
     NULL value it signifies that an error occurred.  The  return
     value  must  be  a pointer to a static character string con-
     taining an  error  message,  unless  (exactly  one  of)  the
     is set, which specify that the result is  either  a  dynamic
     string  (to  be released with ckfree) or a Tcl_Obj* (cast to
     char* and to be released with  Tcl_DecrRefCount)  containing
     the  error  message.  If a trace procedure returns an error,
     no further traces are invoked for the access and the  traced
     access  aborts with the given message.  Trace procedures can
     use this facility to make variables read-only,  for  example
     (but  note  that the value of the variable will already have
     been modified before the trace procedure is called,  so  the
     trace procedure will have to restore the correct value).

     The return value from proc is  only  used  during  read  and
     write  tracing.   During  unset  traces, the return value is
     ignored and all relevant trace  procedures  will  always  be


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Tcl_TraceVar(3)      Tcl Library Procedures       Tcl_TraceVar(3)

     A trace procedure can be called at any time, even when there
     is  a  partially  formed  result in the interpreter's result
     area.  If the trace procedure does anything that could  dam-
     age this result (such as calling Tcl_Eval) then it must save
     the original values of the interpreter's result and freeProc
     fields and restore them before it returns.


     It is legal to set a trace on an  undefined  variable.   The
     variable  will  still appear to be undefined until the first
     time its value is set.  If an undefined variable  is  traced
     and  then unset, the unset will fail with an error ("no such
     variable"), but the trace procedure will still be invoked.


     In an unset callback to proc, the TCL_TRACE_DESTROYED bit is
     set  in  flags  if the trace is being removed as part of the
     deletion.  Traces on a variable are always removed  whenever
     the  variable is deleted;  the only time TCL_TRACE_DESTROYED
     is not set is for a whole-array trace invoked  when  only  a
     single element of an array is unset.


     When an interpreter is destroyed, unset  traces  are  called
     for all of its variables.  The TCL_INTERP_DESTROYED bit will
     be set in the flags argument passed to the trace procedures.
     Trace  procedures  must be extremely careful in what they do
     if the TCL_INTERP_DESTROYED bit is set.  It is not safe  for
     the  procedures  to  invoke any Tcl procedures on the inter-
     preter, since its state  is  partially  deleted.   All  that
     trace  procedures  should do under these circumstances is to
     clean up and free their own internal data structures.


     Tcl does not do any error checking  to  prevent  trace  pro-
     cedures  from  misusing  the  interpreter during traces with

     Array traces are not yet integrated with the Tcl info exists
     command, nor is there Tcl-level access to array traces.


     clientData, trace, variable

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