
debug -- source-level, interactive, object file debugger


   debug [opts][[-f none|procs|all][-r][-l start_loc] cmd_line]

debug [opts][-f none|procs|all][-l object_file] live_object ...

debug [opts] -c core_file object_file

opts: [-V][-i c|x][-X opt][-d defaults][-s path][-Yitem,dir]


debug is a tool that facilitates the finding of errors in user programs by allowing the user to control the execution of a program and examine its state. The user can create a new process from an executable program, take over control of an existing process, or examine the state of a process that terminated abnormally with a core dump (see core(4)). Live programs can be executed one source statement or machine instruction at a time, or can be instructed to run until some event occurs. Program variables and the processor registers may be examined or modified, and the user can request a trace back of active functions, disassembly of a portion of the program's executable code or a raw dump of any area of the program's memory.

To take full advantage of the symbolic capabilities of debug, the programs examined and controlled by debug should be compiled with the -g option to the compiler [see cc(1)]. If the controlled program has not been compiled with -g, the capabilities of debug will be limited, but the program can still be controlled and examined.

debug provides both a command line interface and an X Windows based graphical user interface. Only the command line interface is described here.


debug can be invoked in one of three ways. In the first, the user may specify a cmd_line. cmd_line consists of one or more executable files, and their associated arguments. The individual commands can be linked by shell-style pipes, and the input and output of the cmd_line can be redirected (characters special to the shell must be quoted). debug creates a new controlled process for each command specified in cmd_line, taking care of any necessary redirections of input and output. The processes are set up to stop at the starting address specified by start_loc. If no start_loc is supplied, the processes are set up to stop at the symbol main, if present, otherwise at the starting address specified by the object file. debug then exec's each command, passing each the specified arguments.

If no cmd_line is specified, debug simply enters interactive mode.

In the second form of invocation, the user specifies one or more existing processes by giving a list of live_objects: either pathnames (entries in the /proc directory) or process ids. In either case, the debugger attempts to control the specified objects as live processes and, if successful, suspends their execution.

Finally, the user may specify an executable program in one of the object file formats understood by debug, along with a core_file. debug interprets the core_file as a record of the process state at the time of the death of the process associated with the object_file and lets the user examine the contents of the process stack, registers and data segments.

debug associates the name of each object (program name) with all processes derived from the current invocation of that object. This name may be used in any command that accepts a process list. If the object name matches the name of an already existing debugger-controlled program, the debugger will create a new name for the program. The default program name may be reset using the rename command (see below).


The following options are recognized:

Associate the core image core_file with the specified object_file.

Specify a defaults file containing debugger commands. If no defaults is given, debug will search for a file called .debugrc in the user's home directory. If a default command file exists, debug executes the commands it contains before it processes any other command line options or user requests.

Specify whether debug will follow all child processes created by any of the live_objects or by any of the programs given in the cmd_line, ( procs, or all) or none of the child processes ( none). See ``Process control''.

The interface mode for the debugger. -i c instructs debug to use the command line interface. -i x instructs debug to use the X Window based interface. If no -i option is given, debug uses the X Window interface, if the necessary hardware and software is present, otherwise, it uses the command line interface.

For the first form of invocation, specify the location at which debug will stop the process after it is created. For the second form of invocation, specify an alternate object_file from which to load symbolic information when debugging a live_object. If no alternate object is specified, debug finds the object file from which the process image was created. If -l is used, only one live_object may be specified. See create and grab under ``Commands''.

Redirect input and output of the created objects to a pseudo-terminal (this does not affect subsequent redirection by the shell or the processes themselves). See ``Redirection of process I/O''.

Specify initial value for the global search path, %global_path. The path is a colon separated list of directory pathnames. See ``Directory search paths''.

Print out version information about debug.

Specify option to be passed to the X Windows initialization routine. This option may be specified multiple times.

Specify a new directory dir for the location of item. item can consist of any of the following:

file containing definitions of built-in aliases for debug

graphical user interface for debug

Command language

debug provides a simple, user-extensible command language, with a syntax similar to sh(1) in style, using keywords and dash options. Command options may appear in any order. Multiple options may be specified together, as in symbols -lf or separately, as in symbols -l -f, but multiple occurrences of the same option letter are invalid.

Several commands separated by semi-colons (``;'') may be given on a single line. A backslash (\) at the end of a line indicates that the command is continued on the following line. The output of a command may be redirected to a file or shell pipeline using the sh syntax of >, >> and |. (For example, symbols -g | pg). As in the shell, > and >> may appear anywhere within a command, but | must appear at the end of a debugger command, since the rest of the line is treated as a shell command that will receive the output of the debugger command. A sequence of debugger commands may be enclosed in curly braces ({}), forming a command block. The output of such a block may be redirected as a whole. A debugger comment is introduced by a pound sign (#). Any characters following a pound sign on a line will be ignored.

Many debugger commands have built-in aliases. These are one or two character names that may be used wherever the full command is used. The user can redefine any of the built-in aliases, or may define his or her own aliases. An alias can consist of any valid debugger command sequence and may take parameters. See alias under ``Commands'' for more details.

On-line help is available for all debugger commands and on many other topics, as well. See help for details.

Built-in variables

debug maintains a set of special variables that describe the current debugger state and allow the user to customize certain debugger features. These variables all begin with a percent sign (%). The processor registers are also considered to be built-in variables and use the same naming convention. The current value of a debugger variable may be seen with the print or symbols commands. Some built-in variables are read-only. Those that can be modified may be changed using the set command.

User-defined variables

The user may also define variables in the debugger. The names of these variables consist of a dollar sign followed by a C-style identifier ($username). A user-defined variable is defined by assigning it an initial value using the set command, and may subsequently be modified. All of the user's environment variables are imported to debugger variables of the same name when debug is invoked.

User-defined variables are polymorphic, having either string or numeric values, according to the type of the last value assigned to them. Any variable, string or numeric, may be used where a string value is required, and any string-valued variable which is convertible to an integer via the strtol(3C) function may be used where a numeric value is required.

Command editing and history

debug supports a subset of the ksh(1) command-line editing facility [see ksh(1)]. Both vi and emacs modes are available. The initial mode is determined by examining the values of the VISUAL and EDITOR environment variables, as in ksh. The current mode is available in the debugger built-in variable mode, and may be changed using the set command. The debugger command history is written to the file specified by the environment variable DEBUG_HISTORY, if this variable exists and is non-null. Otherwise, the command history is written to the file .debug_hist in the user's home directory. The debugger command history file is

preserved across invocations of debug and is subject to the ksh history file size monitoring constraints.

debug also supports the ksh fc command, which allows command history searching, editing, listing and rerunning.

Process control

An application designed to run in the UNIX® System V environment can consist of one or more processes coordinated through some interprocess communication mechanism. These processes may have been created from a common ancestor via fork(2), or may have no particular ancestral relationship. A process is derived from an object file and zero or more static or dynamic shared libraries via exec(2), and is modified by attaching or detaching dynamic shared libraries during its execution.

Each process may consist of a single thread of control, or of multiple threads of control, all sharing a common address space. The threads abstraction is implemented by a set of library interfaces (see, for example, thr_create(3thread)). These interfaces are, in turn, built on top of an operating system abstraction known as light-weight processes, or LWPs.

debug provides control over both single and multiprocess applications and over both single and multithreaded processes. For each active process under its control, debug detects when the object program and shared library association changes and maintains current knowledge of the associations. In particular, processes may attach or detach shared objects into/from their address spaces using the interfaces dlopen(3C), dlclose(3C), dlsym(3C).

debug provides control of an arbitrary number of threads within a given process. These threads may be bound threads or multiplexed threads (see thr_create). The only restriction is that the user may not start (run or step) a multiplexed thread that is not currently running on an LWP. Note that debug provides control of multithreaded applications only via the library threads abstraction. It does not provide direct access to LWPs.

By default, debug detects when a new process is created by one of its controlled threads or processes and includes the new object in its set of controlled objects. The user can release such newly created objects from debugger control by using the release command (see below). The default behavior may be overridden by individual create or grab commands, or may be changed by setting the value of the built-in variable %follow. Legal values are:

Do not control child processes.

Follow all child processes.

Follow all child processes (same as procs).

debug assigns a unique identifier to each process and thread under its control. Process identifiers are in the form pid (p1, p2, p3, ...). Thread identifiers are in the form (p1.1, p1.2, p2.5, ...). debug maintains a record of the current process in the built-in variable %proc. The current thread is maintained in the built-in variable %thread. For all debugger commands that accept an optional list of threads and processes, the default action, if no such list is given, is to apply the command to the current thread (or the current process, if it is single-threaded).

When debug begins execution, the current process is set to the first process specified on the command line, whether a live process or one the debugger creates. The current thread is set to the first thread, for a process created by the debugger, and to an arbitrary thread for a grabbed process. The user may change the debugger's notion of the current thread or process by changing the contents of %thread or %proc with the set command.

Foreground and background execution

Most users of traditional single-process debuggers are accustomed to a synchronous interface with the debugger: the user enters a command that sets a process in motion, and the debugger suspends its own execution until the process stops, only then returning control to the user. In a multiprocess or multithreaded application, if a debugger synchronously watches one process or thread for too long, or takes too long to address a breakpoint or other event in some component, the timing of process interactions is affected. While it is impossible to avoid the problem of affecting the subject application entirely, the debugger can minimize this effect by reacting very quickly to all threads and processes at the same time. This implies asynchronous process interaction, which in turn implies an asynchronous user interface.

When the user enters a command that sets a controlled object in motion, debug, by default, waits for that object to stop before returning control to the user. If the debugger built-in variable %wait is set to 0 or no, or background, the debugger does not wait for the affected object to stop. The default behavior may be re-asserted by setting %wait to 1 or yes, or foreground. This global behavior may be overridden by each command that sets a process in motion.

Redirection of process I/O

When debugging a multiprocess or multithreaded application, a user can quickly get confused by output coming to the terminal from several different processes or threads at once, especially if several processes or threads are running in asynchronous mode. There is also a potential for confusion if more than one object is waiting for input from the user.

When the user creates a debugger-controlled object, debug does not, by default, attempt to intercept the input or output for the generated processes. Subject process output is unlabeled, and the subject competes with the debugger for the terminal input. If the debugger variable %redir is set to 1 or yes, the process or thread I/O is redirected to a pseudo-terminal. All output from that process or thread is labeled with an indication of which pseudo-terminal has been written. Subsequent input to the process or thread must be made through the input command (see below). The default behavior may be re-asserted by setting %redir to 0 or no. This global behavior may be overridden by an individual create command.

debug does not attempt to redirect the I/O of grabbed processes, or of the child processes of some created subject, since it cannot tell what those processes may have already done to redirect their own I/O. Note, too, that all of the processes and threads that result from a single create command read and write from/to the same pseudo-terminal.

Process lists

A process list is a way to specify one or more processes and threads as the target of a command. Many debugger commands take an argument (-p proc_list) that lists the names of those processes and threads which should be affected by the command. A program is the set of all processes and threads created as the result of invoking a single binary executable. It does not include processes created from different executables when a process within a program execs.

The command language represents process lists as comma-separated lists of process names. A process name is defined as either:

Context variables

The context for the execution of most debugger commands that describe the state of controlled objects is determined by a subset of the debugger built-in variables. %program, %proc and %thread determine the object(s) to which a command applies. Setting one affects the others. In addition, there is a set of context variables specific to each thread or process. For each controlled object, the following debugger built-in variables are available:

The source language of the current context.

The current frame (an integer representing the frame number).

The current function.

The current source file.

The current source line number.

The next file to be displayed by the list command.

The next line to be displayed by the list command.

The current program address.

These variables are reset whenever the thread or process that owns them stops for any reason. %frame may be explicitly set by the user to any active frame and changes the value of the other context variables accordingly. %func may be explicitly set to any function with a currently active frame and results in setting %frame to the most recent instance of that function. %db_lang, %file, %line, and %loc are read-only. If no debugging or symbolic information is available for the current function, %db_lang, %func, %file, %list_file, %line, and %list_line, may be null.

Verbosity levels

When a user process or thread under the debugger's control stops for any reason, single step, breakpoint, signal, and so on, the debugger generates output to the terminal. This output can sometimes be more voluminous than the user would desire. For that reason the amount of user-visible output can be adjusted on a global basis by setting the %verbose variable. The legal values are:

No output is generated for debugger events.

The debugger displays the next source or disassembly line.

If the process stops for an event (system call, signal or stop event) the debugger announces the type of event and the current location. For all stops, it displays the next source line.

reason (default)
This is the same as events, except that the debugger announces each single step in addition to all of the events.

The highest verbosity level. Currently, this is the same as reason.

Certain commands allow the user to specify the quiet verbosity level, with a -q option, overriding the global %verbose setting.

Thread state changes

A thread may undergo several different kinds of state changes during its lifetime: it is created and it exits; it can be suspended or continued; and a multiplexed thread may give up its LWP or be picked up by an LWP. The debugger variable %thread_change governs the behavior of the debugger when any of these state changes occur. The valid values are:

The debugger will not print a message announcing the change or stop the thread involved. A newly created or continued thread, or a thread picked up by an LWP will be set running, if possible.

The debugger will print a message announcing the state change but will not stop the thread involved. A newly created or continued thread, or a thread picked up by an LWP will be set running, if possible.

stop (default)
The debugger will print a message announcing the state change and stop the thread involved, if possible. A continued thread or a thread picked up by an LWP will be stopped (or in the Off LWP state). For thread creation, the thread that created the new thread will be stopped and the new thread will stop when it reaches the function specified in the thr_create call.

Directory search paths

To associate program addresses with source listings, debug must know where to look for the source of the programs being debugged. The built-in variable %global_path contains a colon-separated list of directory pathnames. debug combines this information with the names of source files it derives from the debugging information in the object file, to search for source code. In addition to the global path, each program may have a program-specific path. This path is stored in the built-in variable %path. Each program has its own version of this variable. When attempting to find the source for a given program, debug searches first the list of directories in that program`s %path variable, and then the list specified by %global_path.


Events in the debugger are triggers in the execution sequence of a process or thread that cause control to pass from the process or thread to the debugger. These triggers are activated at the user's request and consist of changes in the process address space, signals, exceptions and entry to or exit from system calls. Events may also consist of user-specified actions taken by the debugger when a controlled entity stops for any reason.

Event triggers may apply to a given thread or process or to a set of threads and processes. The event fires if any of the specified objects encounter the trigger. Commands that create events apply, by default, to the current program, rather than the current thread.

With each event, the user may specify an optional debugger command block. This block is executed whenever the event triggers. Events and their associated commands can be deleted, or temporarily deactivated and then reactivated.

For each user-specified event, debug assigns a unique identifier in a common name space. This identifier may be used in the commands that delete, enable, disable and list events. The last event identifier assigned is maintained in the special variable %lastevent, which is updated automatically by the debugger. When an event triggers, debug executes the commands associated with the event, after setting the special variables %program, %proc, %thread, %file, %line, %func, %frame, %loc, %db_lang to indicate the context in which the event occurred, and %thisevent to the event number of the triggered event. These variables are set only for the execution of the commands associated with the triggering event. They revert to their previous values (or are updated to reflect the new debugger state) when those commands complete.

The default action for each event is to announce the occurrence of the event and display the current source line (or current instruction, if no line number information or source is available).

When a controlled process dies, debug remembers the events created for that process. If a new process is created for the same program, all events that applied to the entire program (the default) are re-instantiated for the new process. Events that were created to apply only to a single process within a multiprocess program or to a single thread, are not recreated. Similarly, when a process creates a new child process via fork(2), all events that apply to the entire program from which the parent process is derived are copied in the child process. Events that apply to the parent process only or to a single thread are not copied.

When a new thread is created within a process, all events that applied to the entire process or the entire program are copied in the sibling thread. Events that applied only to the original thread that created the new thread are not copied.


Many debugger commands accept programming language expressions. Each expression is evaluated using the syntax and semantics of the current language, subject to possible limitations of the debugger on that language. The current language, %db_lang, is determined dynamically from the source language of the current file. The debugging information in an object file supplies a language attribute describing the programming language of the source file. If the debugger cannot determine the program's source language, %db_lang defaults to C. The user may override the information in the object file by setting the variable %lang. If the user sets %lang to the null string (""), the debugger reverts to using %db_lang. Expressions referencing variables defined in files compiled from different languages do not change the current language.

debug accepts expressions containing any combination of program variables or functions, qualified names, built-in debugger variables, and user-defined debugger variables. A qualified name specifies a program identifier that may not be visible in the current context. The syntax is:

   [[thread id]@][[source file]@][[function]@][[line number]@]identifier
   [[thread id]@][[source file]@][[header file]@]identifier
   [[thread id]@]frame number@identifier
   [[thread id]@]object name@[[source file]@][[header file]@]identifier

The qualified name is evaluated left to right, and may be disambiguated by supplying @'s as needed. frame number and function must refer to functions that are currently active. thread id may refer to a thread or single-threaded process. object name refers to any object (executable file or shared library) making up the process. header file may be used to find a static function or object defined in a header file. If header file is specified without specifying source file and the debugger cannot find the header within the current file, it will ask if the search should continue through all the compilation units making up the program. The search will stop when the first instance of header file is found.

Expressions beginning with a dash (-) or containing character sequences with special meanings to debug must be enclosed in parentheses, square brackets or curly braces. The special character sequences are: >, >>, |, ||, &&, #, `,', ;, newline.

Support for the C language

When %db_lang is set to C, debug supports evaluation of all legal ANSI C expressions, except those involving macro expansion.

debug evaluates C expressions using ANSI C semantics rather than the pre-ANSI C (or transition mode) semantics. The main effect is on type promotions involving unsigned

types, where ANSI C semantics are value preserving rather than unsigned preserving. The debugger's behavior may differ from the behavior of programs compiled with cc -Xt (for transition mode).

Support for the C++ language

When %db_lang is set to C++, the debugger accepts a subset of C++ expressions, including:

debug accepts and prints names as they appear in the C++ source, not as they appear in the object file.

The print and set commands have a verbose option (-v) that prints the function prototype for any functions the debugger calls in evaluating the expression. This is useful for understanding what's happening in expressions using overloaded functions or operators. The -v option to print will also display compiler-generated structure and class members, such as pointers to virtual function tables.

If given a pointer to a base class object with virtual functions, and if debug can determine that the type of the object pointed to is a class derived from the base class, the whatis command will display both the base class and the derived class. The print command will also display the object in terms of the derived type.

When printing the contents of a structure or class, the print command will display static class members, with the notation that they are static. Note that symbols -v does not display static members.

Breakpoints (stop events) may be set on:

A stop event may also be created on a specific object and member function combination, using the syntax:

   stop pointer->function
   stop object.function

debug will stop the process or thread upon entering the function only if the ``this'' pointer matches the specified object. If the function is a virtual function, debug will set the breakpoint on the appropriate overriding function.

Events may also be created to take action when an exception of a specific type is thrown or caught. While an exception is in effect, the debugger variable %eh_object represents the thrown object. The print and whatis commands may be used to examine the value and type of the thrown object. If an exception is thrown while an expression is being evaluated, the debugger will abort the expression evaluation. Any side effects of the expression, such as objects created on the stack, will be left in an indeterminate state. Note that %eh.object will not be available in a multi-threaded core image or in a multi-threaded live process that was grabbed rather than created by debug.


The syntax and semantics for each command are described below. The following terms are used in the synopses and descriptions:

A constant, user-defined variable, built-in variable or register name that evaluates to an address (an integer or pointer value).

A list of commands, enclosed in braces, separated by newlines or semicolons.

A system call name or number. Case is not significant.

A simple command or a block.

A shell-style command line (possibly including shell scripts, environment variables, pipes, and I/O redirection) which will be interpreted by the shell, but the resulting processes will be controlled by the debugger.

The relative or complete pathname of a file which was created by the kernel upon abnormal termination of some process.

An unsigned decimal integer.

Any of onstop, stop, signal or syscall.

A small integer, assigned by the debugger when any event is created, that identifies the resulting set of actions.

An expression in the current language. See ``Expressions'', above.

The name of a function in the current process.

A designation of an address in a subject process. It includes shared object or executable names, line numbers, program symbols, processor registers, and limited expressions involving these components. The syntax is:
   [thread id@][object@]addressconstant] # includes debugger and user variables
   [thread id@][object@][source file@][header file@]func_nameconstant]
   [thread id@][object@][source file@][header file@]line_number

The relative or complete pathname of an executable object file (an ``a.out'') in COFF or ELF format.

Simple regular expressions used to restrict a list of names. sh(1) syntax is used.

A system process identifier.

See ``Process lists''.

A simple internationalized regular expression using the syntax accepted by ed(1).

A signal name or number. A signal name may be specified with or without the SIG prefix, and case is not significant.

An expression denoting conditions under which specified processes should be stopped. See stop.

. . .
Denotes optional repetition of the preceding element.

Denotes that either xxx or yyy, but not both, may appear.


! shell-command
This command passes the entire command line, less the exclamation mark, to the shell ($SHELL, if set, or else /usr/bin/sh) for execution. Note that any redirection will be interpreted by the shell, not the debugger.

If the shell escape operator is given twice, with no arguments, that is, !!, debug re-executes the last shell escape specified.

alias [-r] [name [tokens]]
The alias command, with no arguments, lists the current aliases and their definitions. If the -r option is present, it removes the alias with the given name from the list of aliases. If no -r option is present, but a name is given, the alias command displays the definition, if any, for the alias with the given name . If any characters, other than spaces, tabs, or comments, follow the name argument, the command establishes a new alias for the name , consisting of all the characters up to, but not including, the comment or newline.

Alias definitions may contain the special identifiers $1, $2, . . . Each such special identifier $n in an alias definition is replaced by the nth argument in an alias invocation, where the arguments are numbered beginning at 1. Each argument must be preceded by whitespace and is terminated by whitespace, a newline, the comment character (#) or the beginning of a block ({). The special identifiers $1, $2, . . . will not be replaced within a quoted string.

If an alias definition contains the special identifier $#, it will be replaced during invocation of the alias with the number of arguments actually used during the current alias invocation. If an alias definition contains the special identifier $*, it will be replaced during invocation of the alias with a list of all arguments passed during the current alias invocation, each separated from the next by a single space.

Aliases may be defined in terms of other aliases, but not recursively. At least 20 levels of nested alias definitions are supported.

If the name given is the same as any existing built-in command, a warning will be generated. Aliases take precedence over built-in commands.

break causes the debugger to exit from the innermost enclosing while loop (see while).

cancel [-p proc_list] [signal ...]
cancel takes a list of signals, that are specified as in the kill command. If debug has intercepted any of the listed signals for any of the specified objects, it will ensure that those objects do not see the specified signals when they continue execution. If no signals are specified, debug cancels all pending signals for the specified objects.

cd [pathname]
The cd command changes the debugger's current working directory to pathname. If no pathname is given, cd uses the directory specified by the environment variable HOME.

changeevent_num[-pproc_list] [-eqvx] [-ccount] [throw|catch] [stop_expr|call...| signal|exception_type...] [block]
The change command allows the user to modify various attributes associated with a previously assigned event. event_num must come before the optional stop expression, signal, system call or exception specifications and must be the number of an event that is currently defined (although it may be disabled).

The list of threads and processes to which the event is applied may be changed with the -p option.

The -q option specifies that debug will not announce the occurrence of the event. -v specifies that the event occurrence will be announced.

The -e and -x options work as in the syscall command, and specify whether the system call will be trapped on entry, exit or both entry and exit.

The -c option specifies the number of times the event must occur before it triggers. The -c option is valid only for stop and syscall events.

Alternate expressions, signals, system calls, exception type and/or an alternate command block, may be specified. For exception events, whether the event occurs on throws, catches or both may be specified.

The resulting event will have the same event number as event_num . Note that the change command does not allow the type of event: onstop, stop, signal syscall or exception, to be changed. Further note that the command list must be in the form of a block (that is, with enclosing braces) to distinguish it from a stop expression, system call, signal name or exception type.

The continue command causes the debugger to begin execution of the next iteration of the innermost enclosing while loop. The debugger continues by re-evaluating the expr part of the while command (see while).

create [-f none|procs|all] [-dr] [-l start_loc] [cmd_line]
cmd_line consists of one or more executable files, in any of the object file formats understood by the debugger, and their associated arguments. The individual commands can be linked by shell-style pipes, and the input and output of the cmd_line can be redirected. Shell meta-characters need not be quoted. The length of cmd_line is limited only by the length of the argument list accepted by exec (ARG_MAX).

debug creates a new controlled process for each command specified in cmd_line , taking care of any necessary redirections of input and output. The processes are set up to stop at the location specified by start_loc. If no start_loc is supplied, the processes are set up to start at the symbol main, if it exists, otherwise at the starting address specified by the object file. debug then exec's each command, passing each the specified arguments.

If no cmd_line is specified to create, debug re-executes the last create command issued, (first killing all processes created as a result of the last create command, if they still exist) in effect, re-running the last process (or processes) created with the same set of arguments.

If the -r option is specified, debug redirects the I/O of the resulting subjects to a pseudo-terminal, as described above. If the -d option is given no redirection is attempted. If neither -r nor -d is specified, the default is determined by the value of the debugger variable %redir.

debug resets its notion of the current program to the first executable specified on the cmd_line . The current process is reset to the process generated from that executable. The current thread is set to the first thread in that process, if the program uses the threads interfaces.

The -f option may be used to specify whether the debugger should take control of child processes, and overrides the default behavior of the debugger. The arguments to the -f option have the same meanings as do the legal values for the %follow built-in variable (see ``Process control'').

debug associates the name of each object (program name) with all processes derived from the current invocation of that object. This name may be used in any command that accepts a process list. If the command name matches the name of an already existing debugger-controlled program, debug creates a new name for the program. The default program name may be reset with the rename command (see below).

delete event_num ...

delete -a [-p proc_list] [event_command]
delete can be invoked in one of two ways. In the first, the user specifies a list of previously assigned event identifiers. debug deletes any associated events, removing the planted breakpoint or canceling the signal or system call trigger.

In the second form, all debugger events for the current thread or process (or all events associated with the optional proc_list ) are deleted. If an event_command (exception, onstop, stop, signal or syscall) is given, only events of the type specified are deleted.

dis [-p proc_list] [-c instr_count] [-ns] [location] [end_location]
The dis command with no arguments displays the result of disassembling %num_lines instructions. %num_lines starts out at 10 and may be reset by the user. If an instr_count is given, dis displays instr_count instructions, instead.

If a location is given, dis begins disassembling at that address. If no location has been specified, and the context for the specified process or thread has not changed since the last dis invocation on that object, dis begins with the address following the last instruction displayed for that object. Otherwise, dis begins its display with the current location, as specified by the debugger variable %loc, which is reset whenever the context for the specified process or thread changes.

If an end_location is given, disassembly ends at the given location in each specified process. If -c and end_location are both supplied, then the closest value to location has precedence. end_location is ignored if it is a value before location.

If more than one thread or process is specified by the proc_list argument, the disassembly request is performed for each thread or process in turn.

The output of dis normally contains only the disassembled machine instructions. (This is also the behavior asserted by the -n option). If the -s option is specified, the debugger will also attempt to display the source line corresponding to the disassembled instructions. The source line will be displayed only if there is debugging information for the range of addresses being disassembled and if the debugger can find the corresponding source file. If neither the -n nor the -s options are specified, the output mode is governed by the value of the %dis_mode variable.

disable event_num ...

disable -a [-p proc_list] [event_command]
disable can be invoked in one of two ways. In the first, the user specifies a list of previously assigned event identifiers. The debugger marks any associated events as inactive, but does not delete them. The event identifiers are still valid, but the actions specified by the events are not performed.

In the second form, all debugger events for the current thread or process (or all events associated with the optional proc_list) are disabled. If an event_command is given, only events of the type specified are disabled.

dump [-p proc_list] [-c byte_count] [-b] expr
dump displays the contents of memory for each specified thread or process. It evaluates the expression and uses the result as an address. Any valid expression that evaluates to an address in the process may be entered. dump displays byte_count bytes, 16 bytes per line, in hexadecimal and ASCII, starting at the address it has calculated. If no byte_count is given, dump displays %num_bytes bytes. %num_bytes starts out at 256 and may be changed.

dump normally tries to organize its output into words, of a size appropriate for the target architecture. For little-endian architectures, this means that the hexadecimal values for each byte will appear in a different order than the values actually appear in memory. The -b option to dump suppresses this word organization. When -b is specified, dump will output each byte individually, as it is laid out in memory.

enable event_num . . .

enable -a [-p proc_list] [event_command]
enable can be invoked in one of two ways. In the first, the user specifies a list of previously assigned event identifiers. For each, if the associated event is currently disabled, the debugger reactivates it.

In the second form, all disabled debugger events for the current thread or process (or all events associated with the optional proc_list ) are enabled. If an event_command is given, only events of the type specified are enabled.

events [-p proc_list] [event_num ...]
The events command without any arguments prints the entire list of user-specified events for the current program. For each event, the event identifier and status (active or disabled), event type, list of associated threads and processes, the event trigger (stop expression, system call, signal, or exception type) and the beginning of the associated command list is printed.

If a proc_list is specified, those events associated with the list of threads or processes are printed. If a list of event numbers is given, a more detailed record of the specified events is printed, including the full set of associated commands.

exception -d [-i] [throw|catch]

exception [-p proc_list] [-iq] [throw|catch] [type] [cmd]
The exception command specifies actions to take when an exception is thrown or caught in one of the debugger's subject processes or threads. By default, when an exception is thrown or caught, the debugger announces its occurrence and stops the process or thread. The exception command allows you to tell the debugger not to stop for exception events. It also allows you to specify a set of commands that will get executed when a given exception is thrown or caught.

The exception command has two forms. When the -d option is given, the command sets up the default exception event behavior for the entire debugger. Each process created or grabbed by the debugger inherits this default exception event behavior. When the debugger starts up, the default action for all exceptions is set so that the debugger stops on each throw-point or exception handler as described above. The -i option with either throw or catch (or both) specifies that the debugger will ignore (not stop for or announce) exceptions that are thrown or caught, respectively. Issuing the command again without the -i option re-establishes the default action. If neither throw nor catch is given, exception -d displays the current default behavior.

Without the -d option, the exception command applies to the current program, or to the list of threads and processes given by the proc_list. Using exception in this way allows you to change the exception action for a given process without changing the default actions inherited by other processes.

Note that exception -d does not affect the default exception event behavior of any process already under the debugger's control.

The exception command without the -d option may also be used to specify debugger behavior when an exception of a particular type is thrown or caught. This form of the exception command establishes an event that may be deleted or enabled, as can stop, onstop, syscall, and signal events. The event action overrides the default behavior and stops the process or thread. Multiple events may be assigned for the same type. Deleting all events for a given exception type re-establishes the default debugger action for that exception type.

The actions for an event will apply to any thrown or caught assignment-compatible object, as specified by the C++ language definition. This includes derived classes and const-or-volatile qualified objects. The type given may be any valid C++ type, or an ellipsis (...) which matches any type.

The -q option specifies that the exception event will not be announced.

With no arguments, the exception command lists the exception event actions for the list of processes given by proc_list, or for the current program.

export $username
The export command makes a user-defined variable and its value available in the debugger's environment. The variable is thereafter passed to all processes created by debug. If the value of $username is changed using the set command, after it has been exported, it must be explicitly re-exported for the new value to be visible in the environment. $username is exported without the leading $ sign.

fc [-e ename] [-nlr] [first [last]]

fc -e - [old=new] [command]
In the first form, a range of commands from first to last is selected from the last HISTSIZE commands (environment variable, default 128) that were entered. The arguments first and last may be specified as numbers or as strings. A string is used to locate the most recent command starting with the given string. A negative number is used as an offset to the current command number. If the -l option is given, the commands are listed on standard output. Otherwise, the editor program ename is invoked on a temporary file containing the commands. If ename is not supplied, the value of the environment variable FCEDIT (default /usr/bin/ed) is used as the editor. When editing is completed, the edited commands are executed.

If first is not specified, the default is the previous command for editing and the previous 16 commands for listing. The -r option reverses the order of the commands; the -n option suppresses command numbers when listing.

In the second form, the command is re-executed after the substitution old=new is performed. If command is not supplied, the default is the previous command.

grab [-f none|procs|all] [-l object_file] live_object ...

grab -c core_file object_file
The grab command can take one of two forms. In the first, the user specifies one or more existing processes by giving a list of live_objects (either pathnames, entries in the /proc directory, or process ids). In either case, debug attempts to control the specified objects as live processes and, if successful, suspends their execution. debug resets its notion of the current program to the executable from which the first process specified was derived. The current process is reset to the first process specified. The current thread is set to an arbitrary thread within the current process, if it uses the threads interfaces.

debug, by default, loads symbolic information for the process from the object file from which the process was created. The -l option specifies an alternate object_file from which to load symbolic information. If -l is used, only one live_object may be specified. This option is useful when debugging long running applications that have no symbol information.

The -f option may be used to specify whether the debugger should take control of child processes, and overrides the default behavior of the debugger. The arguments to the -f option have the same meanings as do the legal values for the %follow built-in variable (see ``Process control'')

In the second form of grab, the user specifies an executable program in one of the object file formats understood by the debugger. debug interprets the core_file as a kernel-created record of the process state at the time of the death of the process associated with the object_file and lets the user examine the contents of the process stack, registers and data segments.

debug associates the name of each object with all processes derived from the current invocation of that object. This name may be used in any command that accepts a process list. If the command name matches the name of an already existing debugger-controlled program, debug creates a new name for the program. The default program name may be reset using the rename command (see below).

halt [-p proc_list]
debug instructs the specified threads or processes to stop execution and waits for them to stop.

help [topic]
The help command, with no arguments, lists all of the available commands and help topics. If a command name is given, it gives a detailed syntax and usage message for that command. If a ``help topic'' name is given, it lists the help available on that topic. Each debugger command has a help message which describes its syntax, options, and usage, and gives examples of its use. In addition, there are help topics which are not also command names, to explain the syntax for process lists, expressions, command output redirection and ``locations,'' and to list the available languages for expression evaluation.

identify expression
identify provides information about a particular location of memory. expression may be an address, expression, symbol or any value that can be interpreted as a memory location. The information displayed may contain the memory size (if allocated), its location in a function, its name, its location in the process map and frame position in the stack if applicable. When used in conjunction with MALLOC_CHECKS, (see malloc(3C)) additional memory debugging information becomes available.

if (expr) cmd [else cmd]
This is the traditional conditional branch statement, similar to that present in C, with the exception that semicolons are not necessary, except to separate multiple commands on a single line.

expr can be any valid expression in the current language (see


The expression is evaluated, and if it evaluates to ``true'' in the semantics of the current language, the cmd associated with the if clause is executed. Otherwise, if there is an else clause, the cmd associated with it is executed.

The if construct is more likely to be used in commands associated with events, or in scripts, than to be typed interactively as a top-level command.

input [-p proc_name|-r pseudo_tty] [-n] string
The input command is used to send user input to a process whose I/O has been redirected by the debugger to a pseudo-terminal (see ``Redirection of process I/O'').

The first argument may be either the name of a single program or process (as specified in a process list), or the name of a pseudo-terminal, as used by debug to label process output. If a proc_name is specified, debug finds the pseudo-terminal (if any) associated with that program. If neither a program nor a pseudo-terminal is specified, debug attempts to find a pseudo-terminal associated with the current program.

debug sends the input string to the specified pseudo-terminal, after appending a new-line. If the -n option is given, no new-line is appended.

It is an error if the specified proc_name has no associated pseudo-terminal.

jump [-p proc_list] location
location may be any debugger expression that resolves to an address in one of the specified threads or processes. For each thread or process specified, if the given object is currently stopped, and if the specified location is valid for that process, debug adjusts the program counter for that object to that location. Subsequent run or step commands for that object continue execution from the specified location . debug does not attempt to adjust the thread or process stack if the specified location is in a different function.

kill [-p proc_list] [signal]
kill sends a single signal to the current thread or process or to the list of threads and processes specified by proc_list. Unlike most other debugger commands, if a process identifier is given in the proc_list, the signal is sent to the process as a whole, rather than to each thread in the process.

If no signal is specified, the default is SIGKILL. signal may be either a valid signal number (as defined in <sys/signal.h>) or a symbolic name, formed from the manifest constant name listed in <sys/signal.h>, with or without the SIG prefix. Case is ignored.

list [-p proclist] [-c count] [line|func_name|reg_exp]
The list command displays source lines for the specified threads or processes. The default is the current thread or process.

If no count argument is given, the list command displays %num_lines source lines. %num_lines starts out at 10 and may be reset by the user. If a count is given, list displays count lines, instead.

The starting place for the listing may be specified in several ways. If a regular expression is given, the current file is searched for the next occurrence of a line which matches the given reg_exp , beginning from the line immediately following the current line (preceding, if the reg_exp is surrounded by question marks). If a match is found, and no count is given, only the line containing the match is listed. If a count is given, the line containing the match begins the display. ed(1) syntax is used for regular expressions.

A function name as an argument causes the list command to begin its display at the first line of the named function. The function may be specified as in the location syntax: a name, the debugger built-in variable %func, or a qualified name ([source file@][header file@]func_name). A line number may be specified as in the location syntax: a single decimal constant, the debugger built-in variables %line or %list_line, or a qualified name ([source file@][header file@]line). List may be used to display the source of a header file, but header file must be specified in terms of a primary source file that includes it. If only one file name is given, the debugger looks first for a primary source file with that name, then for a header file within the current compilation unit. If neither is found, debug will ask if the search should continue through all the compilation units until it finds one that includes that header file.

If no starting location is specified, the list command begins the display with %list_file@%list_line. %list_file is set to the current file (%file) and %list_line is set to the current line (%line) whenever the current context changes. In addition, %list_line is set to the last line displayed each time list is invoked. Thus, if the current context has not changed and no starting location is specified, list begins with the last line displayed in the previous list invocation.

The logoff command stops session logging.

logon [filename]
The logon command starts debugger session logging. All debugger input and output are sent to filename in addition to being echoed at the terminal. Output lines are printed as comments.

If no filename is given, the last filename used in a logon command is assumed, and new debugger commands and output are appended to that file.

map [-p proc_list]
The map command prints out a list of all mapped segments for the current process, or for each thread or process specified in proc_list. The listing includes the virtual address range and access permissions for all segments, and the pathname, for all segments associated with the a.out and associated shared libraries.

Note that since all threads within a process share a common address space, the virtual memory map will be identical for each thread within a process.

onstop [-p proc_list] [cmd]
The onstop command, by default, applies to all threads or processes derived from the current program. The onstop command with no arguments prints out the list of onstop events with their associated commands.

cmd is a debugger command block. The commands are executed whenever the specified list of processes stops for any reason.

print [-p proc_list] [-v] [-f fmt] expr [, expr] . . .
The print command displays the results of evaluating the (comma-separated) list of expressions. The expressions are evaluated in the context of the current thread or process, unless other threads or processes are specified in the proc_list argument. If more than one thread or process is specified, the expressions are evaluated and printed in the context of each specified object, with the %proc and %thread debugger variables set to the process and thread identifiers of the object in which the expressions are being evaluated. Except for exception events, all events which would be triggered as a side effect of evaluating an expression (breakpoints in a function, a call to which appears in the expression, for example) are ignored, as if they had been disabled.

The -f option allows specification of a list of format expressions to be used when printing values. The fmt is a string enclosed in quotation marks ("") and may contain a subset of the format expressions accepted by printf [see fprintf(3S)]. A format expression may have the following form:

   	%[flags][width][.[precision]][conversion] specifier

The flags, width, precision, and conversion fields have the same meanings as in the printf routine, with the exception that positional parameters are not accepted. The specifier may be one of the following characters (specifiers marked with an asterisk (*) may not be available on all systems):

floating-point in hexadecimal with exponent (as power of two)

unsigned binary integer

wide character

unsigned char

signed decimal integer

floating point in style [-]d.ddde±dd

floating point in style [-] ddd.dddd

floating point in either of above 2 styles

unsigned octal integer

void * (generic data pointer; hexadecimal address)

wide character string


unsigned decimal integer

unsigned hexadecimal integer

debugger default style for the expression


Any character in the fmt that is not part of a format expression is printed as given. The default format for a particular expression is determined by the expression evaluator for the current language. The expression evaluators will attempt to present information formatted in a way that is meaningful for the given language. For example, for C, a pointer to a character would be printed as a character string, a reference to an array variable would print all members of that array and dereferencing a pointer to a structure would print each member of that structure. Each expr may be any valid expression in the current language (see ``Expressions'').

Each expression in the list is converted to its printable representation, a newline is added, and the result displayed. This process is repeated for each object named in the proc_list . If a fmt is given, no terminating newline is printed unless specified in the fmt . The -v option specifies verbose mode. The debugger prints the function prototype of any function that was called as a result of evaluating the given expressions. This is particularly useful in evaluating C++ expressions to see how overloaded functions or operators are resolved. The -v option will also display compiler-generated structure and class members, such as pointers to virtual function tables.

ps [-p proc_list]
The ps command prints the debugger-generated identifiers, kernel-generated identifiers, current state, location, if the object is stopped, and object name for all controlled threads and processes, or for only those objects specified by the -p option, if present.

The pwd command prints the debugger's current working directory. The current working directory may be changed using the cd command.

The quit command causes the debugger to exit, releasing and running any grabbed processes and killing any processes created by the debugger.

If a user wishes to leave a grabbed process suspended, perhaps to be grabbed at a later time from a different invocation of the debugger, he or she should use the release command with the -s option before quitting.

regs [-p proc_list]
The regs command displays in hexadecimal the contents of the processor registers for the current thread or process. If more than one thread or process is specified by the proc_list argument, the register display is performed for each object in turn.

release [-s] [-p proc_list]
debug removes all planted breakpoints from all threads or processes specified in proc_list and relinquishes control over them. Releasing all threads within a given process is equivalent to releasing the entire process. If the -s option is specified, the processes are released, but halted. Otherwise, the released objects are allowed to continue execution. The -s option is ignored for threads. If the current thread or process is released, debug chooses a new object to become current.

Processes released in the halted state may be grabbed by the debugger in a different debug session.

release can be used on core images as well as live processes. The debugger deletes the core image and associated object file from the list of objects that can be examined.

rename prog_name name
The rename command changes the name by which a related group of processes are known. All threads and processes derived from a single invocation of the executable from which prog_name was derived, can be referred to by the new name. name can be used in any command that accepts a proc_list and will appear in any debugger output that would have used prog_name.

run [-p proc_list] [-bfr] [-u location]
debug starts the current thread or single-threaded process or each object specified by proc_list. Execution continues from the program address at which it was suspended when the given object last stopped, or at the address specified in a preceding jump command.

The -f and -b options allow the global behavior set by the %wait debugger variable to be overridden. -f specifies foreground execution for the threads or processes. -b specifies background execution.

The -r option causes debug to continue execution of the given object until each returns from its current stack frame, that is, until the return address of the current function is reached (or until some other event causes execution to halt).

The -u option specifies that debug continues execution of the specified objects until the address specified by location is reached (or until some other event causes execution to halt).

A multiplexed thread that is not currently running on an LWP cannot be set running.

script [-q] fname
The script command reads and executes debugger commands from the named file. Commands are echoed before execution, unless the -q option is given.

Scripts may nest; the debugger implementation does not place a limit on the number of nested scripts (although external limits, such as the number of open files supported by stdio, may apply).

set [-p proc_list] [-v] expr

set [-p proc_list] debug_or_user_var [=] expr [, expr] ...
The set command has two forms. In the first, expr may be any valid expression in the current language (see ``Expressions'').

While any valid language expression may be given, the typical use of the set command is to evaluate assignment expressions. The -v option specifies verbose mode. The debugger prints the function prototype of any function that was called as a result of evaluating the given expressions. This is particularly useful in evaluating C++ expressions to see how overloaded functions or operators are resolved.

In the second form of the command, set is used to change the value of a debugger built-in variable name or user-defined variable name. Debugger built-in variables may have special semantics associated with them, such as %path, which requires a string value having a particular structure, or %frame, which denotes a frame number and must be within the range of currently active frame numbers. Setting a built-in variable such as %frame, may cause the values of other built-in variables to change as well (for example, %line or %func). There is also an implied string concatenation operator. Any pair of string-valued expressions which appear separated by commas will be concatenated into a single string-valued expression before the assignment is performed.

The debug_or_user_var and expr are both evaluated in the context of the current thread or single-threaded process, unless one or more other threads or processes have been specified in the proc_list argument. If more than one thread or process is specified, the set command is evaluated in the context of each of the specified objects, in turn.

signal -d [-i] [signal ...]

signal [-p proc_list] [[-iq] signal ... [cmd]]
When a signal is posted to one of its controlled processes, the debugger, by default, intercepts the signal and announces its occurrence. The user then has the chance to cancel the signal before the process receives it. The signal command allows you to tell the debugger not to intercept a given signal or set of signals. It also allows you to specify a set of commands that will get executed when a given signal is intercepted.

The signal command has two forms. When the -d option is given, the command sets up the default signal behavior for the entire debugger. Each process created or grabbed by the debugger inherits this default signal behavior. When the debugger starts up, the default action for all signals is set so that the debugger intercepts each signal as described above. The -i option with one or more signal names or numbers (see kill) specifies that the debugger will ignore those signals (not intercept them). A signal name may be given with or without the initial SIG prefix. Case is not significant. Specifying the signal again without the -i option re-establishes the default action for that signal. If no signal names are given, signal -d displays the current default signal settings for the debugger.

Without the -d option, the signal command applies to the current program, or to the list of threads and processes given by the proc_list. Using signal in this way allows you to change the signal action for a given process without changing the default actions inherited by other processes.

Note that signal -d does not affect the signal state of any process already under the debugger's control.

The signal command without the -d option may also be used to specify a list of commands to be executed when a signal is posted to a given process. The signal will be intercepted, even if the current setting for that signal is to ignore it.

If a command is given with a set of signals, the debugger establishes an event for that set. This event may be deleted, or enabled, as can stop, onstop, syscall or exception events. Multiple events may be assigned for the same signal. Deleting all events for a given signal re-establishes the current debugger action for that signal. That is, if a signal was being ingored for a given process, it will again be ignored once all events for that signal are deleted. If a signal was being intercepted, it will continue to be intercepted, even though all events relating to that signal have been deleted.

The -q option specifies that the signal event will not be announced.

With no arguments, the signal command lists the signal actions for the list of processes given by proc_list, or for the current program.

stack [-p proc_list] [-c count] [-f frame] [-a address] [-s stack]
The stack command with no arguments prints the entire call stack for the current thread or process. Displays begin with the top of the stack, unless the -f option is given, in which case they begin with frame. The count argument restricts the display to at most count frames from each stack. The current stack frame (%frame) is marked with an asterisk (*). If more than one object is specified by the proc_list argument, the stack request is performed for each object in turn.

By default, frames are numbered from 0 for the top of the stack (most recent frame). Setting the debugger variable %frame_numbers to down causes the most recent frame to be the highest numbered, and the remaining frames to be numbered down to 0, for the initial frame. Setting %frame_numbers to up restores the default behavior.

The address and stack arguments may be used to specify beginning values for the program counter and/or stack pointer, respectively. This can be useful when attempting to print a stack trace for a process that has jumped to an illegal address or whose stack pointer has been corrupted. Both the address and stack arguments must be hexadecimal numbers.

step [-p proc_list] [-bfioq] [-c count]
The step command continues execution of the current thread or single-threaded process or of each object specified by proc_list. The -i option specifies stepping at the machine instruction level. The specified objects are instructed to execute a single machine instruction, or count instructions, if a count is specified.

The default is stepping at the source statement level. debug continues execution until the object reaches the next source statement as defined by the compiler-generated debugging information. If a count is specified, the debugger repeats the step command count times, or until execution is interrupted by some other event. An explicit count of zero is interpreted to mean ``step forever.''

The -o option specifies stepping over function calls. When the debugger encounters a subroutine call while stepping with the -o option, it will set a temporary breakpoint at the return point of the call and run at ``full speed'' until the temporary breakpoint is reached. Stepping over function calls is available with both the instruction and source level stepping.

The -f and -b options allow the global behavior set by the %wait debugger variable to be overridden. -f specifies foreground execution for the threads or processes. -b specifies background execution.

The -q option specifies quiet stepping: the debugger does not announce the step action nor the new source line.

A multiplexed thread that is not currently running on an LWP cannot be stepped.

stop [-p proc_list] [[-q] [-c count] stop_expr [cmd]]
The stop command specifies conditions in the address space of one or more controlled objects that should cause a list of threads or processes to stop. By default, the stop command applies to all threads or processes derived from the current program.

A stop_expr consists of one or more stop events , joined by the special debugger conjunction (&&) or disjunction (||) operators. These operators are left-associative, and debug does not guarantee the order in which their operands are evaluated. A stop event can take one of three forms:

   * lvalue

Each type of stop event has some action that will cause the event to be noticed by the debugger. When such an action occurs, the entire stop_expr is evaluated for ``truth''. If true, the event triggers in the normal way (debug informs the user of the event and executes any associated commands).

A location is an address in the process's text where debug can set a breakpoint. When the thread or process reaches the specified location debug notices the event. For location stop events that refer to function names, the expression is true as long as that function is active. For location stop events that apply to a particular address or line number, the expression is true only when the thread or process is at that address or line.

lvalue may be any expression in the current language that would be valid on the left-hand side of an assignment statement in that language. The debugger notices this event when the contents of the location change. The change itself makes this kind of stop event true.

expr can be any valid expression in the current language. The debugger notices the stop event when any of the identifiers involved in the expression changes value. The entire expression is then evaluated in the context of the current language.

stop events are evaluated continuously while the thread or process is executing. The debugger is free to choose whatever means it has available to achieve this effect. This may include hardware support or may involve continuous single stepping of the object.

The optional count specifies the number of times the stop_expr must evaluate to true before the event triggers. After count times, the event triggers each time the stop_expr evaluates to true.

The -q option specifies that debug will not announce the occurrence of the event.

The stop command with no stop_expr arguments prints the list of user-specified stop expressions including the event identifier and current status (active or disabled).

symbols [-p proc_list] [-o object] [-n filename] [-dfgltuv] [pattern]
The symbols command with no arguments displays ``local'' symbols; that is, names of variables which are defined within the current function (%frame) and are visible from the current location. This is also the behavior of the -l option.

The -g option displays only the names of global variables which are visible from the current location. This includes only those symbols defined within the current object (executable program or shared library). The -o option, in conjunction with -g, displays the names of global variables in the named object.

The -f option displays only the names of variables which are local to the current file ( %file) and are visible from the current location (%loc). If the -n option is used, the symbols local to filename are displayed instead.

The -d option displays the debugger built-in variables. The -u option displays the debugger-maintained, user-defined variables.

If a pattern is given, the display is further restricted to symbols which match the pattern. sh(1) syntax is used.

If the -v option is specified, the value of each symbol is displayed, along with its name. The -t option displays the type of the variable.

If more than one thread or process is specified by the proc_list argument, the symbols request is performed in the context of each object in turn.

syscall [-p proc_list] [[-eqx] [-c count] call ... [cmd]]
The syscall command, by default, applies to all threads or processes derived from the current program. The syscall command with no call arguments prints the current list of user-specified system call actions, including the event identifier and current status (active or disabled), list of associated processes, system call name and the beginning of any associated command block.

Each call may be given as either a system call entry number, or as the name used in the C language interface to the call. The -e option specifies system call entry, and is the default. The -x option specifies system call exit. Both may be given on a single invocation of the syscall command. For each call listed, the debugger arranges for the specified objects to stop on entry to or exit from that call, or on both entry and exit. The resulting set of actions is then assigned a unique event identifier.

The optional count specifies the number of times the call must occur before the event triggers. After count times, the event triggers each time the call occurs.

The -q option specifies that debug will not announce the occurrence of the system call.

whatis [-p proc_list] expr
whatis prints the type of expr as evaluated in the current context. expr can be any valid expression in the current language.

If no proc_list is given, the type of expr is evaluated in the context of the current thread or process. Otherwise, it is evaluated for each object specified by the proc_list, in turn.

If a variable is a structure or class type, whatis variable will display the name of the structure or class. whatis structure_tag_name or whatis type_name will display all known information about that type, including structure members or enumeration constants.

If given an unadorned identifier, whatis will print all objects, functions, or types with that name that are visible from the current scope, along with information about where they are defined.

If %db_lang is set to C++ and the expression given is a pointer to a base class object with virtual functions, if the debugger can determine that the type of the object pointed to is a class derived from the base class, whatis will print the names of both the base and derived classes.

while (expr) cmd
This is the traditional conditional loop statement, similar to that present in C, with the exception that semicolons are not necessary, except to separate multiple commands on a single line.

expr can be any valid expression in the current language (see


The expression is evaluated, and if it evaluates to ``true'' in the semantics of the current language, the cmd is executed. The expression is then re-evaluated.

Unlike if, the while construct is often useful as a top-level command.

Built-In command aliases




fc -l


step -o

step -o

step -io




fc -e -


step -i





Summary of built-in variables

The current language as determined from the object file (read-only, thread specific).

Control disassembly mode (global). Valid values are nosource (default, disassembly only is displayed) and source (source is displayed when possible, interspersed with the disassembly).

The object that is thrown or caught during exception handling (read-only, thread specific). Its value may be displayed using print; its type may be displayed using whatis.

The current file (read-only, thread specific).

Should debug follow child processes? Valid values are none, procs, all (global).

The current active stack frame. Affects %db_lang, %func, %file, %line, %list_file, %list_line, %loc (thread specific).

Controls direction of numbering for stack displays (global). Valid values are up (default, stack frames are numbered from 0 for the most recent frame) and down (the most recent frame has the highest number).

The current function. Affects %frame (thread specific).

The list of directory pathnames used to search for source files for all processes. Searched after the program specific list %path (global).

The current language. Setting %lang overrides the language as determined from the object file and maintained in %db_lang (global) .

The id of the last event created (read-only, global).

The current line (read-only, thread specific).

The name of the file to be displayed by the list command. Reset when the current context changes (thread specific).

The number of the next source line to be displayed by the list command. Reset when the current context changes. Set to the last line displayed by any invocation of list (thread specific).

The current location (read-only, thread specific).

Mode for command line editing (global). Valid values are vi and emacs. Setting %mode to NULL turns off command line editing.

The default number of bytes printed by the dump command (global).

The default number of lines printed by the dis and list commands (global).

The list of directory pathnames used to search for source files for a given program. Searched before the global list %global_path (program specific).

The current process (global).

The current program (global).

The string used by debug to prompt the user for input; default is debug> (global).

Should process I/O be redirected to a pseudo-terminal for processes created by debug? Valid values are 0, 1, no, yes

The result status of any debugger command. 0 indicates success, non-zero failure (read-only, global).

The id of the event whose associated command list is currently being executed (read-only, global).

The current thread (global).

Control debugger behavior when a thread changes state (global).

Level of verbosity for event notification (global). Valid values are quiet, source, events, reason, all.

Should threads and processes run in the foreground or background? Valid values are 0, 1, background, foreground, no, yes (global).

The processor registers.


If debug is invoked with invalid arguments, it prints a diagnostic message and exits with a non-zero exit status. If the command-line processing fails for any other reason, debug continues execution, allowing the user to enter requests interactively. debug prints diagnostics for any failure in processing user requests. The result status of each command is recorded in the debugger variable %result. A value of 0 indicates successful execution; a non-zero value indicates failure.

If debug cannot create or execute processes for any of the commands specified in cmd_line, it acts as if the entire cmd_line request had failed. In particular, any processes that had been created as part of the same cmd_line request are killed.

On the other hand, if debug cannot gain control of one or more of the live_objects specified in the second form of invocation, it continues to attempt to control the other objects specified.

If debug is invoked with the -i x option and cannot start the X Window based interface, it prints a diagnostic message and exits with a non-zero exit status.


This command has been updated to handle Intel Pentium III Streaming SIMD instructions; see ``Pentium III extended floating point support'' in New features for more information.


command history log

defaults file

built-in alias definitions

graphical interface

usually /usr/ccs/lib

default message file

language-specific message file

X interface default message file

X interface language-specific message file

help screens

default help messages

language-specific help messages


cc(1), CC(1C++), core(4), dlclose(3C), dlopen(3C), dlsym(3C), ed(1), exec(2), fork(2), fprintf(3S), ksh(1), sh(1), strtol(3C), thr_create(3thread)

© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004