
eisa_slotinfo_t, eisa_funcinfo_t -- EISA bus slot information and function block data structures


   #include <sys/eisa.h>
   #include <sys/ddi.h>


eisa_slotinfo- SVR5 EISA bus slot information

eisa_funcinfo- SVR5 EISA bus slot information

EISA bus device configuration space is composed of two structures: slot specific information, given by the SVR5 eisa_slotinfo_t structure, and function-specific information, given by the SVR5 eisa_funcinfo_t structure. There may be multiple functions per slot.

Structure definitions

The eisa_slotinfo_t structure holds slot-specific information as returned by the EISA ``int 15h'' ``read slot'' BIOS call. The eisa_funcinfo_t structure holds function-specific information as returned by the EISA ``int 15h'' ``read func'' BIOS call. These structures are defined below:

   #pragma pack(1)

/* * Size of each function configuration block. */ #define EISA_MAX_SELECTIONS 26 #define EISA_MAX_TYPE 80 #define EISA_MAX_MEMORY 9 #define EISA_MAX_IRQ 7 #define EISA_MAX_DMA 4 #define EISA_MAX_PORT 20 #define EISA_MAX_INIT 60 #define EISA_MAX_DATA 203

eisa_slotinfo structure

    * Returned information from an INT 15h call "Read Slot" (AH=D8h, AL=0).
   typedef struct {
           uchar_t         boardid[4];     /* Compressed board ID */
           ushort_t        revision;       /* Utility version */
           uchar_t         functions;      /* Number of functions */

struct { uchar_t type :1, /* Type string present */ memory :1, /* Memory configuration present */ irq :1, /* IRQ configuration present */ dma :1, /* DMA configuration present */ port :1, /* Port configuration present */ init :1, /* Port initialization present */ data :1, /* Free form data */ disable :1; /* Function is disabled */ } fib; /* Function information byte */

ushort_t checksum; /* CFG checksum */

struct { ushort_t cpid :4, /* Duplicate ID number */ type :2, /* Slot type */ readid :1, /* Readable ID */ dups :1, /* Duplicates exist */ disable :1, /* Board disable is supported */ IOcheck :1, /* EISA I/O check supported */ :5, /* Reserved */ partial :1; /* Configuration incomplete */ } dupid; /* Duplicate ID information */

} eisa_slotinfo_t;

#define EISA_SLOTINFO_SIZE (sizeof(eisa_slotinfo_t))

#define EISA_EXP_SLOT 0x00 /* expansion slot */ #define EISA_EMB_SLOT 0x01 /* embedded slot */ #define EISA_VIR_SLOT 0x02 /* virtual slot */

eisa_funcinfo structure

   /* Standard Function Configuration Data Block Structure (size = 320 bytes).
    * Returned information from an INT 15h call "Read Function" (AH=D8h, AL=01h).
   typedef struct {

uchar_t boardid[4]; /* Compressed board ID */

            * Duplicate ID information byte format. (total bytes = 2, offset = 0x4)
           struct {
               ushort_t    cpid    :4,     /* Duplicate ID number */
                           type    :2,     /* Slot type */
                           readid  :1,     /* Readable ID */
                           dups    :1,     /* Duplicates exist */
                           disable :1,     /* Board disable is supported */
                           IOcheck :1,     /* EISA I/O check supported */
                                   :5,     /* Reserved */
                           partial :1;     /* Configuration incomplete */
           } dupid;                        /* 0x04: Duplicate ID information */

uchar_t ovl_minor; /* Minor revision of .OVL code */ uchar_t ovl_major; /* Major revision of .OVL code */ uchar_t selects[EISA_MAX_SELECTIONS]; /* Selections */

/* * Function information byte. (total bytes = 1, offset = 0x22) */ struct { uchar_t type :1, /* Type string present */ memory :1, /* Memory configuration present */ irq :1, /* IRQ configuration present */ dma :1, /* DMA configuration present */ port :1, /* Port configuration present */ init :1, /* Port initialization present */ data :1, /* Free form data */ disable :1; /* Function is disabled */ } fib; /* 0x22: Function information byte */

uchar_t type[EISA_MAX_TYPE]; /* Function type/subtype */

            * Function block configuration resource data definition.
           union {

/* * Configuration resource data definition. */ struct {

/* * Memory Configuration Info. (total bytes = 63, offset = 0x73) */ struct { struct { uchar_t write :1, /* Memory is read only */ cache :1, /* Memory is cached */ :1, /* Reserved */ type :2, /* Memory type */ share :1, /* Shared Memory */ :1, /* Reserved */ more :1; /* More entries follow */ } config; struct { uchar_t width :2, /* Data path size */ decode :2; /* Address decode */ } datapath; uchar_t start[3]; /* Start addr DIV 100h */ ushort_t size; /* Mem size in 1K bytes */ } memory[EISA_MAX_MEMORY]; /* Memory conf. */

                * IRQ Configuration Info. (total bytes = 14, offset = 0x82)
               struct {
                   ushort_t        line    :4,     /* IRQ line */
                                           :1,     /* Reserved */
                                   trigger :1,     /* Trigger (EGDE=0, LEVEL=1) */
                                   share   :1,     /* Sharable */
                                   more    :1,     /* More follow */
                                           :8;     /* Reserved */
               } irq[EISA_MAX_IRQ];                /* IRQ conf. */
                * DMA Channel Description. (total bytes = 8, offset = 0xc0)
               struct {
                   ushort_t        channel :3,     /* DMA channel number */
                                           :3,     /* Reserved */
                                   share   :1,     /* Shareable */
                                   more    :1,     /* More entries follow */
                                           :2,     /* Reserved */
                                   width   :2,     /* Transfer size */
                                   timing  :2,     /* Transfer timing */
                                           :2;     /* Reserved */
               } dma[EISA_MAX_DMA];                /* 0xc0: DMA conf. */
                * I/O port info. (total bytes = 60, offset = 0xc8)
               struct {
                   uchar_t         count   :5,     /* No.of sequential ports - 1 */
                                           :1,     /* Reserved */
                                   share   :1,     /* Shareable */
                                   more    :1;     /* More entries follow */
                   ushort_t        address;        /* IO port address */
               } port[EISA_MAX_PORT];              /* PORT conf. */
                * Initialization Data (total bytes = 60, offset = 0x104)
               union {
                 struct {
                    uchar_t        type    :2,     /* Port type */
                                   mask    :1,     /* Apply mask */
                                           :4,     /* Reserved */
                                   more    :1;     /* More entries follow */
                    ushort_t       port;           /* Port address */
                    union {
                       struct {
                           uchar_t value;          /* Byte to write */
                       } bv;

struct { uchar_t value; /* Byte to write */ uchar_t mask; /* Mask to apply */ } bvm;

struct { ushort_t value; /* Word to write */ } wv;

struct { ushort_t value; /* Word to write */ ushort_t mask; /* Mask to apply */ } wvm;

struct { ulong_t value; /* Dword to write */ } dv;

struct { ulong_t value; /* Dword to write */ ulong_t mask; /* Mask to apply */ } dvm; } vm; } initform[5]; /* EISA_MAX_INIT / 11 */

uchar_t initdata[EISA_MAX_INIT];

} init; /* INIT info. */

} rd; /* Resource Data */

uchar_t freeform[EISA_MAX_DATA + 1]; /* Free format */

} fd; /* Function Data */

} eisa_funcinfo_t;

    * EISA Function Information aliases.
   #define eisa_memory              fd.rd.memory
   #define eisa_irq                 fd.rd.irq
   #define eisa_dma                 fd.rd.dma
   #define eisa_port                fd.rd.port
   #define eisa_init                fd.rd.init
   #define eisa_freeform            fd.freeform

#define EISA_FUNCINFO_SIZE (sizeof(eisa_funcinfo_t))

#pragma pack()

Applicable hardware

PC-AT compatible architectures with EISA buses configured.

Version applicability

ddi: 5, 5mp, 6, 6mp, 7, 7mp, 7.1, 7.1mp, 8, 8mp

SCO OpenServer 5 ODDI compatibility

See the eisa(D4oddi) manual page for information about the SCO OpenServer 5 ODDI structures that are used to access EISA device configuration space.


eisa_parse_devconfig(D3), cm_read_devconfig(D3), cm_write_devconfig(D3), eisa(D5)

``EISA device configuration'' in HDK Technical Reference

BCPR EISA Specification, Version 3.12

19 June 2005
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
OpenServer 6 and UnixWare (SVR5) HDK - June 2005