
ipcstream -- iostream and streambuf specialized to interprocess communication


   #include <ipcstream.h>
   class ipc_attachment{
   //  Constructors, destructor
       ipc_attachment(const String& name);
       ipc_attachment(const char* name);
   //  Copy and assign
           ipc_attachment(const ipc_attachment& a);
           ipc_attachment& operator=(const ipc_attachment& a);
   //  Test state
       operator const void*()const;
       int operator!()const;
       int fail()const;
       int bad()const;
       int good()const;
   //  Wait for a connection
       void listen();
   //  Info about requester
       const char* username();
       int uid();
       int gid();
   //  Respond to request
       ipcstream accept();
       void reject(int err_no, const char* reason);
   //  Project identifier
       static char ftok_id;
   class ipcstream : public iostream {
   //  Constructors, destructor
       ipcstream(const String& name);
       ipcstream(const char* name);
       ipcstream(ipc_attachment& att);
   //  Project identifier
       static char ftok_id;
   //  Reason for rejection
       int remote_errno;
       String remote_reason;


The above classes are used for interprocess communication (IPC) between servers and clients. Each server may have several clients. The server makes itself accessible to clients by creating an ipc_attachment with a name like a filename. A client creates an IPC connection to the server by creating an ipcstream with the same name. An ipcstream accesses an IPC connection in much the same way that an fstream(iostream(3C++)) accesses a file, except that reading and writing on one end of an IPC connection are cross-connected to the other end: that is, data written by the client are available for reading by the server, and vice versa. Also, there is no seek operation on an ipcstream.

When a client requests an IPC connection, it waits until the request is acted upon by the server. The client's username, uid, and gid (see getuid(2)) are available to the server through the correspondingly-named ipc_attachment member functions; if no request is outstanding, these functions wait for one. The server may reject() the request, in which case the would-be client's ipcstream becomes invalid and its data members remote_errno and remote_reason are set to the values supplied by server. Otherwise, the server establishes a connection by creating an ipcstream of its own, using the ipc_attachment as the constructor argument. The server may then listen for requests from other clients.


Only servers create and manipulate ipc_attachments.

Constructors, destructor

ipc_attachment(const String& name);

ipc_attachment(const char* name); An ipc_attachment whose name is is name, given as either a String or a null-terminated character array. If the supplied string is empty (or the character pointer is zero), the default name "ipcattachment" will be used. If the number of characters in name is greater than or equal to the System V maximum filename length (14 characters), it will be truncated to one less than the maximum.

~ipc_attachment(); Destructor. Existing clients will be able to continue IPC with server, but clients with outstanding requests will see a failure return (similar to rejection).

Copy and assign

An ipc_attachment cannot be copied or assigned.

Test state

operator const void*()const;

int operator!()const;

int fail()const;

int bad()const;

int good()const; These functions test the state of the attachment. There is no distinction between fail and bad: the names are copied from ios(iostream(3C++)).

Wait for a connection

void listen(); Waits for a request. Each request must be accepted or rejected in turn, so a call to listen when a request is already outstanding will have no effect.

Info about requester

const char* username();

int uid();

int gid(); These functions wait for a request if one is not currently outstanding and then return information about the requester. They rely on the requester's honesty for their security.

Respond to request

ipcstream accept(); Waits for a request if one is not currently outstanding and then returns an ipcstream connected to the requester. The resulting ipcstream will be cross-connected to the corresponding ipcstream in the client. Works by calling ipcstream(ipc_attachment&(*this)).

void reject(int err_no, const char* reason); Waits for a request if one is not currently outstanding and then rejects it, giving err_no and reason as reasons for rejection. These values are subsequently available to the requester through its ipcstream data members (see below).

Project identifier

static char ftok_id; The current implementation of ipc_attachment uses a semaphore to ensure that only one process at a time tries to make a connection. The key for the semaphore is obtained by calling ftok(3C) with the ipc_attachment name and the character 'z' as the 'project identifier,' unless ftok_id is set, in which case its value is used as the project identifier. If the server sets ftok_id, its clients must set the same value in their ipcstream::ftok_id.


Both servers and clients create and manipulate ipcstreams. Some operations are used only by the server, some are used only by clients, and some are used by both server and clients. These are indicated below.

Constructors, destructor

ipcstream(const String& name);

ipcstream(const char* name); Used by clients. Generates a request to the server holding the ipc_attachment with the same name (for the rules concerning names, see ipc_attachment::ipc_attachment). If no such server exists, the request fails immediately. Otherwise, the request blocks until the request is accepted or rejected by the server. The client should determine the outcome of the request by testing the ipcstream error bits (see ios(iostream(3C++)) and the Example). If the request failed or was rejected, error bits will be set. If the request was accepted, the error bits will be clear and the ipcstream will be cross-connected to the corresponding ipcstream in the server.

ipcstream(ipc_attachment& att); Used by server. Accepts the current request, or waits for a request if one is not currently outstanding. The resulting ipcstream will be cross-connected to the corresponding ipcstream in the client.

~ipcstream(); Used by servers and clients. Destructor. The cross-connected ipcstream (whether server or client) will test as null.

Project identifier

static char ftok_id; Used by clients. See ipc_attachment::ftok_id.

Reason for rejection

int remote_errno;

String remote_reason; Used by clients to determine the reason for rejection of a request (see ipc_attachment::reject()).


In the current implementation data is transmitted between server and client over named pipes (FIFOs) which have a maximum buffering capacity of 5120 characters. An ipc_attachment is represented by a file, a semaphore, and two named pipes. Each ipcstream adds two more named pipes. The pathname (see intro(2)) of the file is the same as the ipc_attachment name; the pathnames of the pipes are formed by adding one-letter suffixes 'a', 'b', ... to the ipc_attachment name. The semaphore identifier is obtained by passing a key to semget(2); the key is obtained using ftok(3C) (see the description of ipc_attachment::ftok_id).

Since there is a limit of 20 open files, a server is limited to approximately 5 simultaneous clients.

It is usually not necessary to change the value of ftok_id.


Since communication is buffered, there is no guarantee of when data written to an ipcstream will be read by the other process or in fact if it will be read at all. Since buffering is finite, deadlock is possible.


All operations other than writing data are synchronous. There is no way to select among ipcstreams or ipc_attachments according to which has available data.

Certain error conditions in a server or client may result in the signal SIGPIPE (see signal(2)) being sent to the other.

If a server or client terminates without executing destructors for its ipcstreams and ipc_attachments, pipes, files, and/or semaphores may be left behind and may interfere with the operation of other ipcstream processes. Users must find and remove these manually. See Notes for information on file and pipe naming conventions; these can be removed in the usual way with rm(1). The semaphore, which has neither a name nor a directory, can be found using ipcs(1) and removed with ipcrm(1) by specifying either the semaphore's key or its identifier.


The following example illustrates IPC among three processes: a server and two clients (server reads an integer from client1 and passes it to client2). It relies on programs being started in the following order: server, client1, client2.

               ipc_attachment att("x");
               ipcstream s1(att);
               ipcstream s2(att);
                   int i;
                   s1 >> i;
                   s2 << i << endl;
                   if (i < 0)
               char next[20];
               ipcstream s("x");
               for(int i = 0; i<10; i++){
                   s << i << endl;
               if (next[0] == 'y') {
                   s << -1 << endl;
               ipcstream s("x");
               while (1){
                   int i;
                   s >> i;
                   if (i < 0)


filebuf(3C++), fstream(3C++), ftok(3C), intro(2), ios(3C++), ipcs(1), ipcrm(1), istream(3C++), ostream(3C++), semget(2), signal(2), String(3C++)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004