(BSD System Compatibility)


mp: madd, msub, mult, mdiv, mcmp, min, mout, pow, gcd, rpow, msqrt, sdiv, itom, xtom, mtox, mfree -- (BSD) multiple precision integer arithmetic


   /usr/ucb/cc [flag . . . ] file . . .

#include <mp.h>

madd(MINT *a, MINT *b, MINT *c);

msub(MINT *a, MINT *b, MINT *c);

mult(MINT *a, MINT *b, MINT *c);

mdiv(MINT *a, MINT *b, MINT *q, MINT *r);

mcmp(MINT *a,MINT *b);

min(MINT *a);

mout(MINT *a);

pow(MINT *a, MINT *b, MINT *c, MINT *d);

gcd(MINT *a, MINT *b, MINT *c);

rpow(MINT *a, short n, MINT *b);

msqrt(MINT *a, MINT *b, MINT *r);

sdiv(MINT *a, short n, MINT *q, short r);

MINT *itom(short n);

MINT *xtom(char *s);

char *mtox(MINT *a);

void mfree(MINT *a);


These routines perform arithmetic on integers of arbitrary length. The integers are stored using the defined type MINT. Pointers to a MINT should be initialized using the function itom, which sets the initial value to n. Alternatively, xtom may be used to initialize a MINT from a string of hexadecimal digits. mfree may be used to release the storage allocated by the itom and xtom routines.

madd, msub and mult assign to their third arguments the sum, difference, and product, respectively, of their first two arguments. mdiv assigns the quotient and remainder, respectively, to its third and fourth arguments. sdiv is like mdiv except that the divisor is an ordinary integer. msqrt produces the square root and remainder of its first argument. mcmp compares the values of its arguments and returns 0 if the two values are equal, >0 if the first argument is greater than the second, and <0 if the second argument is greater than the first. rpow calculates a raised to the power b, while pow calculates this reduced modulo m. min and mout do decimal input and output. gcd finds the greatest common divisor of the first two arguments, returning it in the third argument. mtox provides the inverse of xtom. To release the storage allocated by mtox, use free [see malloc(3C)].

Return values

Invalid operations and running out of memory produce messages and core images.


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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004