Using the graphical interface of debug

Symbol pane

The Symbol pane displays the values of the variables visible from the ``current context''. The kinds of symbols that may be displayed include:

By default, the Symbol pane displays only local variables. You may change the kinds of variables displayed with the ``Symbols'' option. You can also select specific variables from each category by using the ``Pin'' button. For example, selecting Pin on a global variable will cause it to remain in the Symbol pane even if the Symbol pane is displaying locals only. This allows you to follow only those few variables that you're interested in without others cluttering the display.

The information displayed for each symbol includes the symbol's name, its location, type, and value. For local variables, the location is the function and line number of the enclosing scope. For file static symbols, it is the name of the compilation unit, and for global symbols, the name of the object file.

If any of the information is too long to fit in its column, the information is truncated. If you click SELECT on any column, the full contents of that column are displayed in the footer area of the window containing this pane.

Double clicking SELECT on any entry in the Symbol pane will bring up the ``Show Value'' popup window, with the expression set to the name of the symbol in the entry.

Note that when a C++ class object is shown in the Symbol pane, static members of that class will not be shown in the list of member values in the Value column. They may be seen by displaying the class object in the ``Show Value'' popup window.

The list of symbols in the Symbol pane is searchable. See ``Searching in lists''.

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 27 April 2004