Using EELS

Using standard reports

EELS supports a number of standard report formats that you can use with eels_log_report(1Meels). These report formats are stored in a configuration file called report.rc. Use the following command to list the reports contained in this file:

eels_log_report -l R

A report similar to the one shown below is displayed:

   Reports defined in report.rc

Report Specifications

audit Audit_Report column_filter LSS(= "audit") column_widths UEID(12) TO(30) ENS(10) ESI(32) fields_to_list UEID(Uniq ID) TO(Date-Time) ENS(Event) ESI(Event) page_height 65 title Activity Report

syslog Syslog_Report column_filter LSS(= "syslog") column_widths UEID(12) TO(30) OSN(12) ESI(32) fields_to_list UEID(Uniq ID) TO(Date-Time) OSN(Origin) ESI(Event) page_height 65 title Syslog Report

xdas XDAS_Report column_filter LSS(= "xdas") column_widths UEID(12) TO(30) ESI(32) fields_to_list UEID(Uniq ID) TO(Date-Time) ESI(Event) page_height 65 title XDAS Activity Report

Use the report names on the left of the report in conjunction with eels_log_report to generate standard reports. For example, to generate a standard report for syslog messages from the default EELS database, use the following command:

eels_log_report -r syslog

You can also use the date matching mechanism supplied by eels_log_report. This mechanism supports the following date formats:

For example, to report all syslog messages between the 5th August 1998 and the 10th August 1998, you could use the -b and -e options of eels_log_report in the following way:

eels_log_report -r syslog -b '08/05/1998' -e '08/10/1998'|lp

If the report still contains too much information, you could restrict the amount of data returned by using the -w option that enables you to specify a WHERE clause. For example, you may want to specify a WHERE clause that selected only records where the UniqEventID was greater than 800:

eels_log_report -r syslog -b '08/05/1998' -e '08/10/1998' \
where 'UEID > 800'|lp

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 22 April 2004