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 D.1.15 Changes in release 5.0.6 (26 May 2005)
 Functionality added or changed:
    * *Incompatible change:* `MyISAM' and `InnoDB' tables created with
      `DECIMAL' columns in MySQL 5.0.3 to 5.0.5 will appear corrupt
      after an upgrade to MySQL 5.0.6.  Dump such tables with
      `mysqldump' before upgrading, and then reload them after
      upgrading. (The same incompatibility will occur for these tables
      created in MySQL 5.0.6 after a downgrade to MySQL 5.0.3 to 5.0.5.)
      (Bug #10465 (, Bug #10625
    * The precision of the `DECIMAL' data type has been increased from
      64 to 65 decimal digits.
    * Added the `div_precision_increment' system variable, which
      indicates the number of digits of precision by which to increase
      the result of division operations performed with the `/' operator.
    * Added the `log_bin_trust_routine_creators' system variable, which
      applies when binary logging is enabled.  It controls whether
      stored routine creators can be trusted not to create stored
      routines that will cause unsafe events to be written to the binary
    * Added the -log-bin-trust-routine-creators server option for
      setting the `log_bin_trust_routine_creators' system variable from
      the command line.
    * Implemented the `STMT_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS' option for the
      `mysql_stmt_attr_set()' C API function. This sets how many rows to
      fetch at a time when using cursors with prepared statements.
    * The `GRANT' and `REVOKE' statements now support an OBJECT_TYPE
      clause to be used for disambiguating whether the grant object is a
      table, a stored function, or a stored procedure. Use of this
      clause requires that you upgrade your grant tables. See 
      mysql-fix-privilege-tables. (Bug #10246
      `REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME' columns to the `KEY_COLUMN_USAGE' table of
      `INFORMATION_SCHEMA'. (Bug #9587 (
    * Added a -show-warnings option to `mysql' to cause warnings to be
      shown after each statement if there are any. This option applies to
      interactive and batch mode. In interactive mode, `\w' and `\W' may
      be used to enable and disable warning display. (Bug #8684
    * Removed a limitation that prevented use of FIFOs as logging
      targets (such as for the general query log). This modification
      _does not apply_ to the binary log and the relay log. (Bug #8271
    * Added a -debug option to `my_print_defaults'.
    * When the server cannot read a table because it cannot read the
      `.frm' file, print a message that the table was created with a
      different version of MySQL. (This can happen if you create tables
      that use new features and then downgrade to an older version of
      MySQL.) (Bug #10435 (
    * `SHOW VARIABLES' now shows the `slave_compressed_protocol',
      `slave_load_tmpdir' and `slave_skip_errors' system variables. (Bug
      #7800 (
    * Removed unused system variable `myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size'.
    * Changed default value of `myisam_data_pointer_size' from 4 to 6.
      This allows us to avoid `table is full' errors for most cases.
    * The variable `concurrent_insert' now takes 3 values. Setting this
      to 2 changes `MyISAM' to do concurrent inserts to end of table if
      table is in use by another thread.
    * New `/*>' prompt for `mysql'. This prompt indicates that a `/* ...
      */' comment was begun on an earlier line and the closing `*/'
      sequence has not yet been seen. (Bug #9186
    * If strict SQL mode is enabled, `VARCHAR' and `VARBINARY' columns
      with a length greater than 65,535 no longer are silently converted
      to `TEXT' or `BLOB' columns.  Instead, an error occurs. (Bug #8295
      (, Bug #8296
    * The `INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA' table now has a
      `DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME' column. (Bug #8998
    * `InnoDB': When the maximum length of `SHOW INNODB STATUS' output
      would be exceeded, truncate the beginning of the list of active
      transactions, instead of truncating the end of the output.  (Bug
      #5436 (
    * `InnoDB': If `innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog' option is set and
      the isolation level of the transaction is not set to serializable
      then `InnoDB' uses a consistent read for select in clauses like
      `INSERT INTO ...  SELECT' and `UPDATE ... (SELECT)' that do not
      specify `FOR UPDATE' or `IN SHARE MODE'. Thus no locks are set to
      rows read from selected table.
    * Updated version of `libedit' to 2.9. (Bug #2596
    * Removed `mysqlshutdown.exe' and `mysqlwatch.exe' from the Windows
      `With Installer' distribution.
 Bugs fixed:
    * An error in the implementation of the `MyISAM' compression
      algorithm caused `myisampack' to fail with very large sets of data
      (total size of all the records in a single column needed to be >=
      3 GB in order to trigger this issue). (Bug #8321
    * Statements that create and use stored routines were not being
      written to the binary log, which affects replication and data
      recovery options. (Bug #2610 ( Stored
      routine-related statements now are logged, subject to the issues
      and limitations discussed in  stored-procedure-logging.
    * Disabled binary logging within stored routines to avoid writing
      spurious extra statements to the binary log. For example, if a
      routine `p()' executes an `INSERT' statement, then for `CALL p()',
      the `CALL' statement appears in the binary log, but not the
      `INSERT' statement. (Bug #9100 (
    * Statements that create and drop triggers were not being written to
      the binary log, which affects replication and data recovery
      options. (Bug #10417 (
      Trigger-related statements now are logged, subject to the issues
      and limitations discussed in  stored-procedure-logging.
    * The `mysql_stmt_execute()' and `mysql_stmt_reset()' C API
      functions now close any cursor that is open for the statement,
      which prevents a server crash. (Bug #9478
    * The `mysql_stmt_attr_set()' C API function now returns an error
      for option values that are defined in `mysql.h' but not yet
      implemented, such as `CURSOR_TYPE_SCROLLABLE'. (Bug #9643
    * `MERGE' tables could fail on Windows due to incorrect
      interpretation of pathname separator characters for filenames in
      the `.MRG' file. (Bug #10687 (
    * Fixed a server crash for `INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE' with
      `MERGE' tables, which do not have unique indexes. (Bug #10400
    * Fix `FORMAT()' to do better rounding for double values (for
      example, `FORMAT(4.55,1)' returns `4.6', not `4.5').  (Bug #9060
    * Disallow use of `SESSION' or `GLOBAL' for user variables or local
      variables in stored routines. (Bug #9286
    * Fixed a server crash when using `GROUP BY ... WITH ROLLUP' on an
      indexed column in an `InnoDB' table. (Bug #9798
    * In strict SQL mode, some assignments to numeric columns that
      should have been rejected were not (such as the result of an
      arithmetic expression or an explicit `CAST()' operation). (Bug
      #6961 (
    * `CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT UUID()' created a `VARCHAR(12)' column,
      which is too small to hold the 36-character result from `UUID()'.
      (Bug #9535 (
    * Fixed a server crash in the `BLACKHOLE' storage engine. (Bug
      #10175 (
    * Fixed a server crash resulting from repeated calls to `ABS()' when
      the argument evaluated to `NULL'. (Bug #10599
    * For a user-defined function invoked from within a prepared
      statement, the UDF's initialization routine was invoked for each
      execution of the statement, but the deinitialization routine was
      not. (It was invoked only when the statement was closed.)
      Similarly, when invoking a UDF from within a trigger, the
      initialization routine was invoked but the deinitialization
      routine was not. For UDFs that have an expensive deinit function
      (such as `myperl', this bugfix will have negative performance
      consequences. (Bug #9913 (
    * Portability fix for Cygwin: Don't use `#pragma interface' in
      source files. (Bug #10241 (
    * Fix `CREATE TABLE ... LIKE' to work when `lower_case_table_names'
      is set on a case-sensitive filesystem and the source table name is
      not given in lowercase. (Bug #9761 (
    * Fixed a server crash resulting from a `CHECK TABLE' statement
      where the arguments were a view name followed by a table name.
      (Bug #9897 (
    * Within a stored procedure, attempting to update a view defined as
      an inner join failed with a `Table 'TBL_NAME' was locked with a
      READ lock and can't be updated' error. (Bug #9481
    * Fixed a problem with `INFORMATION_SCHEMA' tables being
      inaccessible depending on lettercase used to refer to them. (Bug
      #10018 (
    * `my_print_defaults' was ignoring the -defaults-extra-file option
      or crashing when the option was given. (Bug #9136
      (, Bug #9851
    * The `INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS' table was missing columns of
      views for which the user has access. (Bug #9838
    * Fixed a `mysqldump' crash that occurred with the -complete-insert
      option when dumping tables with a large number of long column
      names. (Bug #10286 (
    * Corrected a problem where `DEFAULT' values where not assigned
      properly to `BIT(1)' or `CHAR(1)' columns if certain other columns
      preceded them in the table definition. (Bug #10179
    * For `MERGE' tables, avoid writing absolute pathnames in the `.MRG'
      file for the names of the constituent `MyISAM' tables so that if
      the data directory is moved, `MERGE' tables will not break. For
      `mysqld', write just the `MyISAM' table name if it is in the same
      database as the `MERGE' table, and a path relative to the data
      directory otherwise. For the embedded servers, absolute pathnames
      may still be used. (Bug #5964 (
    * Corrected a problem resolving outer column references in
      correlated subqueries when using the prepared statements. (Bug
      #10041 (
    * Corrected the error message for exceeding the
      `MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR' limit to say `max_connections_per_hour'
      instead of `max_connections'. (Bug #9947
    * Fixed incorrect memory block allocation for the query cache in the
      embedded server. (Bug #9549 (
    * Corrected an inability to select from a view within a stored
      procedure. (Bug #9758 (
    * Fixed a server crash resulting from use of `AVG(DISTINCT)' with
      `GROUP BY ...  WITH ROLLUP'. (Bug #9799
    * Fixed a server crash resulting from use of `DISTINCT AVG()' with
      `GROUP BY ... WITH ROLLUP'. (Bug #9800
    * Fixed a server crash resulting from use of a `CHAR' or `VARCHAR'
      column with `MIN()' or `MAX()' and `GROUP BY ... WITH ROLLUP'.
      (Bug #9820 (
    * Fixed a server crash resulting from use of `SELECT DISTINCT' with
      a prepared statement that uses a cursor. (Bug #9520
    * Fixed server crash resulting from multiple calls to a stored
      procedure that assigned the result of a subquery to a variable or
      compared it to a value with `IN'. (Bug #5963
    * Selecting from a single-table view defined on multiple-table views
      caused a server crash. (Bug #8528 (
    * If the file named by a -defaults-extra-file option does not exist
      or is otherwise inaccessible, an error now occurs. (Bug #5056
    * `net_read_timeout' and `net_write_timeout' were not being respected
      on Windows. (Bug #9721 (
    * `SELECT' from `INFORMATION_SCHEMA' tables failed if the statement
      has a `GROUP BY' clause and an aggregate function in the select
      list. (Bug #9404 (
    * Corrected some failures of prepared statements for SQL (`PREPARE'
      plus `EXECUTE') to return all rows for some `SELECT' statements.
      (Bug #9096 (, Bug #9777
    * Remove extra slashes in -tmpdir value (for example, convert
      `/var//tmp' to `/var/tmp', because they caused various errors.
      (Bug #8497 (
    * Added `Create_routine_priv', `Alter_routine_priv', and
      `Execute_priv' privileges to the `' privilege table.
      (They had been added to `mysql.db' in MySQL 5.0.3 but not to the
      `host' table.) (Bug #8166 (
    * Fixed `configure' to properly recognize whether NTPL is available
      on Linux. (Bug #2173 (
    * Incomplete results were returned from `INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS'
      for `INFORMATION_SCHEMA' tables for non-`root' users. (Bug #10261
    * Fixed a portability problem in compiling `' with `VC++' on
      Windows. (Bug #10245 (
    * `SELECT 0/0' returned `0' rather than `NULL'. (Bug #10404
    * `MAX()' for an `INT UNSIGNED' (unsigned 4-byte integer) column
      could return negative values if the column contained values larger
      than 231. (Bug #9298 (
    * `SHOW CREATE VIEW' got confused and could not find the view if
      there was a temporary table with the same name as the view. (Bug
      #8921 (
    * Fixed a deadlock resulting from use of `FLUSH TABLES WITH READ
      LOCK' while an `INSERT DELAYED' statement is in progress. (Bug
      #7823 (
    * The optimizer was choosing suboptimal execution plans for certain
      outer joins where the right table of a left join (or left table of
      a right join) had both `ON' and `WHERE' conditions. (Bug #10162
    * `RENAME TABLE' for an `ARCHIVE' table failed if the `.arn' file
      was not present. (Bug #9911 (
    * Invoking a stored function that executed a `SHOW' statement
      resulted in a server crash.  (Bug #8408
    * Fixed problems with static variables and do not link with
      `libsupc++' to allow building on FreeBSD 5.3.  (Bug #9714
    * Fixed some `awk' script portability problems in
      `cmd-line-utils/libedit/'. (Bug #9954
    * Fixed a problem with mishandling of `NULL' key parts in hash
      indexes on `VARCHAR' columns, resulting in incorrect query
      results. (Bug #9489 (, Bug #10176
    * `InnoDB': Fixed a critical bug in InnoDB `AUTO_INCREMENT': it
      could assign the same value for several rows. (Bug #10359
      ( `InnoDB': All InnoDB bug fixes from
      4.1.12 and earlier versions, and also the fixes to bugs #10335 and
      #10607 listed in the 4.1.13 change notes.
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