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 D.1.14 Changes in release 5.0.7 (10 June 2005)
 Functionality added or changed:
    * Security improvement: Applied a patch to fix a UDF library-loading
      vulnerability that could result in a buffer overflow and code
    * Added `mysql_set_character_set()' C API function for setting the
      default character set of the current connection. This allows
      clients to affect the character set used by
      `mysql_real_escape_string()'. (Bug #8317
    * The behavior of the `Last_query_cost' system variable has been
      changed. The default value is now 0 (rather than -1) and it now
      has session-level scope (rather than being global). See 
      server-status-variables, for additional information.
    * All characters occurring on the same line following the
      `DELIMITER' keyword will be set as delimiter.  For example,
      `DELIMITER :;' will set `:;' as the delimiter. This behavior is now
      consistent between MySQL 5.1 and MySQL 5.0. (Bug #9879
    * The `table', `type', and `rows' columns of `EXPLAIN' output can
      now be `NULL'. This is required for using `EXPLAIN' on `SELECT'
      queries that use no tables (for example, `EXPLAIN SELECT 1'). (Bug
      #9899 (
    * Placeholders now can be used for `LIMIT' in prepared statements.
      (Bug #7306 (
    * `SHOW BINARY LOGS' now displays a `File_size' column that
      indicates the size of each file.
    * The -delayed-insert option for `mysqldump' has been disabled to
      avoid causing problems with storage engines that do not support
      `INSERT DELAYED'. (Bug #7815 (
    * Improved the optimizer to be able to use indexes for expressions
      of the form `INDEXED_COL NOT IN (VAL1, VAL2, ...)' and
    * Removed `mysqlshutdown.exe' and `mysqlwatch.exe' from the Windows
      `No Installer' distribution (they had already been removed from
      the `With Installer' distribution before).  Removed those programs
      from the source distribution.
    * Removed `WinMySQLAdmin' from the source distribution and from the
      `No Installer' Windows distribution (it had already been removed
      from the `With Installer' distribution before).
    * `InnoDB': In stored procedures and functions, `InnoDB' no longer
      takes full explicit table locks for every involved table. Only
      `intention' locks are taken, similar to those in the execution of
      an ordinary SQL statement. This greatly reduces the number of
 Bugs fixed:
    * *Security update*: A user with limited privileges could obtain
      information about the privileges of other users by querying
      objects in the `INFORMATION_SCHEMA' database for which that user
      did not have the requisite privileges. (Bug #10964
    * Triggers with dropped functions caused crashes. (Bug #5893
    * Failure of a `BEFORE' trigger did not prevent the triggering
      statement from performing its operation on the row for which the
      trigger error occurred. Now the triggering statement fails as
      described in  using-triggers. (Bug #10902
    * Issuing a write lock for a table from one client prevented other
      clients from accessing the table's metadata. For example, if one
      client issued a `LOCK TABLES MYDB.MYTABLE WRITE', then a second
      client attempting to execute a `USE MYDB;' would hang. (Bug #9998
    * The `LAST_DAY()' failed to return `NULL' when supplied with an
      invalid argument. See  date-and-time-functions. (Bug #10568
    * The functions `COALESCE()', `IF()', and `IFNULL()' performed
      incorrect conversions of their arguments. (Bug #9939
    * The `TIME_FORMAT()' function returned incorrect results with some
      format specifiers. See  date-and-time-functions. (Bug
      #10590 (
    * Dropping stored routines when the MySQL server had been started
      with -skip-grant-tables generated extraneous warnings. (Bug #9993
    * A problem with the `my_global.h' file caused compilation of MySQL
      to fail on single-processor Linux systems running 2.6 kernels.
      (Bug #10364 (
    * The ucs2_turkish_ci collation failed with upper('i').  UPPER/LOWER
      now can return a string with different length.  (Bug #8610
    * OPTIMIZE of InnoDB table does not return 'Table is full' if out of
      tablespace. (Bug #8135 (
    * GROUP BY queries with ROLLUP returned wrong results for
      expressions containing group by columns. (Bug #7894
    * Fixed bug in `FIELD()' function where value list contains `NULL'.
      (Bug #10944 (
    * Corrected a problem where an incorrect data type was returned in
      the result set metadata when using a prepared `SELECT DISTINCT'
      statement to select from a view. (Bug #11111
    * Fixed bug in the MySQL Instance manager that caused the version to
      always be `unknown' when `SHOW INSTANCE STATUS' was issued. (Bug
      #10229 (
    * Using `ORDER BY' to sort the results of an `IF()' that contained a
      `FROM_UNIXTIME()' expression returned incorrect results due to
      integer overflow. (Bug #9669 (
    * Fixed a server crash resulting from accessing `InnoDB' tables
      within stored functions. This is handled by prohibiting statements
      that do an implicit or explicit commit or rollback within stored
      functions or triggers. (Bug #10015 (
    * Fixed a server crash resulting from the second invocation of a
      stored procedure that selected from a view defined as a join that
      used `ON' in the join conditions. (Bug #6866
    * Using `ALTER TABLE' for a table that had a trigger caused a crash
      when executing a statement that activated the trigger, and also a
      crash later with `USE DB_NAME' for the database containing the
      table. (Bug #5894 (
    * Fixed a server crash resulting from an attempt to allocate too
      much memory when `GROUP BY BLOB_COL' and `COUNT(DISTINCT)' were
      used. (Bug #11088 (
    * Fixed a portability problem for compiling on Windows with Visual
      Studio 6. (Bug #11153 (
    * The incorrect sequence of statements `HANDLER TBL_NAME READ
      INDEX_NAME NEXT' without a preceding `HANDLER TBL_NAME READ
      INDEX_NAME = (VALUE_LIST)' for an `InnoDB' table resulted in a
      server crash rather than an error. (Bug #5373
    * On Windows, with `lower_case_table_names' set to 2, using `ALTER
      TABLE' to alter a `MEMORY' or `InnoDB' table that had a mixed-case
      name also improperly changed the name to lowercase. (Bug #9660
    * The server timed out SSL connections too quickly on Windows.  (Bug
      #8572 (
    * Executing `LOAD INDEX INTO CACHE' for a table while other threads
      where selecting from the table caused a deadlock. (Bug #10602
    * Fixed a server crash resulting from `CREATE TABLE ...  SELECT'
      that selected from a table being altered by `ALTER TABLE'. (Bug
      #10224 (
    * The `FEDERATED' storage engine properly handled outer joins, but
      not inner joins. (Bug #10848 (
    * Consistently report `INFORMATION_SCHEMA' table names in uppercase
      in `SHOW TABLE STATUS' output. (Bug #10059
    * Fixed a failure of `WITH ROLLUP' to sum values properly. (Bug
      #10982 (
    * Triggers were not being activated for multiple-table `UPDATE' or
      `DELETE' statements. (Bug #5860 (
    * `INSERT BEFORE' triggers were not being activated for `INSERT ...
      SELECT' statements.  (Bug #6812 (
    * `INSERT BEFORE' triggers were not being activated for implicit
      inserts (`LOAD DATA').  (Bug #8755 (
    * If a stored function contained a `FLUSH' statement, the function
      crashed when invoked.  `FLUSH' now is disallowed within stored
      functions. (Bug #8409 (
    * Multiple-row `REPLACE' could fail on a duplicate-key error when
      having one `AUTO_INCREMENT' key and one unique key. (Bug #11080
    * Fixed a server crash resulting from invalid string pointer when
      inserting into the `' table.  (Bug #10181
    * Multiple-table `DELETE' did always delete on the fly from the
      first table that was to be deleted from. In some cases, when using
      many tables and it was necessary to access the same row twice in
      the first table, we could miss some rows-to-be-deleted from other
      tables. This is now fixed.
    * The `mysql_next_result()' function could hang if you were
      executing many statements in a `mysql_real_query()' call and one
      of those statements raised an error. (Bug #9992
    * The combination of `COUNT()', `DISTINCT', and `CONCAT()' sometimes
      triggered a memory deallocation bug on Windows resulting in a
      server crash. (Bug #9593 (
    * `InnoDB': Do very fast shutdown only if `innodb_fast_shutdown=2',
      but wait for threads to exit and release allocated memory if
      `innodb_fast_shutdown=1'. Starting with MySQL/InnoDB 5.0.5, InnoDB
      would do brutal shutdown also when `innodb_fast_shutdown=1'. (Bug
      #9673 (
    * `InnoDB': Fixed `InnoDB: Error: stored_select_lock_type is 0
      inside ::start_stmt()!' in a stored procedure call if
      `innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog' was set in `my.cnf'. (Bug #10746
    * `InnoDB': Fixed a duplicate key error that occurred with `REPLACE'
      in a table with an `AUTO-INC' column. (Bug #11005
    * MySQL would pass an incorrect key length to storage engines for
      `MIN()'. This could cause warnings `InnoDB: Warning: using a
      partial-field key prefix in search.' in the `.err' log. (Bug
      #11039 (, same as Bug #13218
      ( in MySQL 4.1.15)
    * Fixed a server crash for `INSERT' or `UPDATE' when the `WHERE'
      clause contained a correlated subquery that referred to a column
      of the table being modified. (Bug #6384
    * Fixed a problem causing an incorrect result for columns that
      include an aggregate function as part of an expression when `WITH
      ROLLUP' is added to `GROUP BY'. (Bug #7914
    * Fixed a problem with returning an incorrect result from a view
      that selected a `COALESCE()' expression from the result of an
      outer join. (Bug #9938 (
    * MySQL was adding a `DEFAULT' clause to `ENUM' columns that
      included no explicit `DEFAULT' and were defined as `NOT NULL'.
      (This is supposed to happen only for columns that are `NULL'.)
      (Bug #6267 (
    * Corrected inappropriate error messages that were displayed when
      attempting to set the read-only `warning_count' and `error_count'
      system variables. (Bug #10339 (
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