Using the graphical interface of debug

File menu

The File menu in the debugger's default configuration gives you access to files and to the debugger's windows. Clicking MENU on the File button brings up a menu with different options, depending on which panes are present in the window. The following options appear in the File menu of one or more windows in the default configuration (remember that you can configure the File menu to have different options, or can move these options to different menus):

Change Directory

The Change Directory popup window lets you change the debugger's current working directory. The current working directory is displayed at the top of the window. Enter the pathname of the new current directory in the ``New Directory'' field. If you do not enter a pathname, it will use the directory specified in the environment variable HOME.

In the debugger's default configuration, the Change Directory option is available in the ``File menu'' of the Command, Process and Source windows.

Close Window

Clicking SELECT on the Close Window option will close the window. The window may be reopened with the ``Windows'' option in the ``File menu'' button of any other window in its window set.

If the window is the only open window in its window set, closing the window gets rid of that window set. You will not be able to close the last window in a window set if that window set contains any processes or threads.

If the window is the only debugger window open, Close Window is equivalent to ``Exit''. If there are any processes or threads under the debugger's control, you will be asked for confirmation before exiting.

In the debugger's default configuration the Close Window option is available in the ``File menu'' of every window.


Clicking SELECT on the Exit option lets you exit from the debugger. If there are any processes or threads under the debugger's control, you will be asked for confirmation. When you exit the debugger, all controlled processes and threads will be killed, if they were created (see ``Create''), or released and run, if they were grabbed (see ``Grab process'' or ``Release''). If there are any source files that contain unsaved changes, the ``Save Open Source Files'' window will popup to ask you how to deal with the changed files.

In the debugger's default configuration the Exit option is available in the ``File menu'' of every window.

Save Open Source Files

The Save Open Source Files window is popped up automatically when you attempt to exit the debugger without having saved all the changes you have made to source files during this debugger session. The window contains a scrolling list of the source files that have unsaved changes. You must select one file at a time from the list and select an option for dealing with that file. The options are:

The debugger attempts to write the current contents of the file over the original contents.

Save As
The debugger brings up a file selection dialog to allow you to specify an alternate path name under which to save the current version of the file.

Discard Changes
The debugger discards any changes you have made.
You will not be able to exit the debugger until you have chosen a disposition for all files containing unsaved changes. See also ``Saving text'', ``Save'', and ``Save As''.


The Move popup window lets you move a process or thread from one window set to another. If any processes or thread were selected in the ``Process pane'', they will be moved, otherwise the current process or thread will be moved. The target of the move can be either a new window set or an existing one. Window sets are identified by an integer id starting from 1. This integer id also appears in the title of all windows in the set. The first window set has an implicit id of 1.

If you choose the An Existing Window Set option, the list of all existing window sets will be shown in the Existing Window Sets list. Selecting an item in this list and then clicking the Move button, or simply double clicking on an item, will cause the object to be moved there.

If you choose the A New Window Set option, a new window set will be created. Any window that is configured for automatic display will appear (See ``Configuration''), and the selected processes or threads will be moved to the new window set.

Another way to move a process or thread to a new window set is to select the process or thread in the ``Process pane'' and then click on the ``New Window Set'' option. You can also drag a process or thread from a Process pane in one window set and drop it onto a Process pane of another window set.

In the debugger's default configuration the Move option is available in the ``File menu'' of the Process window. The Move option is not available if there are no processes or threads in the window set.

New Source

The New Source option creates a new, secondary source window. Secondary source windows may be used to view multiple files or functions simultaneously. When it is first created, the secondary source window displays the same file as the ``Source pane'' in the window from which the New Source option was invoked, but you may change the contents with the ``Open Source'' or ``Show Function Source'' options.

In the debugger's default configuration the New Source option is always available in the ``File menu'' of the Source window.

New Window Set

Clicking SELECT on the New Window Set option creates a new window set. Any window that is configured for automatic display will appear (see ``Configuration'' under ``Customization''). If any processes or threads were selected in the ``Process pane'' of the previous window set, they will be moved to the new window set, otherwise the new window set will be empty.

In the debugger's default configuration the New Window Set option is always available in the ``File menu'' of the Process and Source windows.

Open Source

The Open Source popup window lets you choose a file to be displayed in a ``Source pane''. The window displays a list of the files making up the program that were compiled with debugging information. To view one of the files, select the file and then click SELECT on the Open button, or drag the file and drop it on the Source Window.

Note that the list of source files comes from the object file itself and not from the current directory. The debugger does not try to find a file until you have made a selection. If it cannot find the selected file, use the ``Source Path'' option in the ``Properties menu'' to tell the debugger where to find the source.

The list of files in the Open Source window is searchable. See ``Searching in lists''.

If you wish to see a file that does not appear in the file list, enter the name of the file in the ``File name'' field. The debugger will search for the file using the current source paths.

The Open Source option may only be configured in windows that contain a ``Source pane'' or a Secondary Source pane. In the debugger's default configuration the Open Source option is always available in the ``File menu'' of the Source window.


Selecting the Save option causes the debugger to try to save the changes you have made to the file currently being displayed in the ``Source pane'' by overwriting the disk version of the file.

The Save option may only be configured in windows that contain a ``Source pane'' or a Secondary Source pane. In the debugger's default configuration, the Save option is available in the ``File menu'' of the Source window.

See also ``Saving text'' and ``Save As''.

Save As

The Save As option brings up a File Selection dialog. This dialog allows you to choose a path name for the debugger to use in saving changes you have made to the file currently being displayed in the ``Source pane''.

The Save As option may only be configured in windows that contain a ``Source pane'' or a Secondary Source pane. In the debugger's default configuration, the Save As option is available in the ``File menu'' of the Source window.

See also ``Saving text'' and ``Save''.

Save Layout

The Save Layout option causes the debugger to remember which windows are currently being displayed, whether they are currently fully realized or iconified and, if fully realized, their position on the display. The next time the debugger is invoked it attempts to open each window opened at the time Save Layout was executed and to position the windows as they were then positioned.

In the debugger's default configuration, the Save Layout option is available in the ``File menu'' of the every window.


The Script popup window lets you execute debugger commands from a file. Enter the name of the file on the ``Script File'' line or drag the file from its folder in the desktop and drop it onto the Script window. You may specify whether to echo the commands as they are read with the Echo Commands option. The commands and their output are displayed in the Transcript area of the ``Command pane''.

Nearly all the other debugger commands are unavailable while the debugger is executing a script. The few commands that are available include closing windows, bringing up Help, and interrupting the script (with the ``Interrupt'' button).

The Script option may only be configured in windows that contain a ``Command pane''. In the debugger's default configuration the Script option is always available in the ``File menu'' of the Command window.


The Sources option brings up a menu with a list of all secondary source windows currently available in this window set. (The windows are listed by the name of the source file they are currently displaying). Selecting an item from the list will popup the corresponding source window (or raise the window, if it is already popped up) and move the focus to that window.

In the debugger's default configuration, the Sources option is available in the ``File menu'' of the every window.

Window Sets

The Window Sets option brings up a menu with a list of all the window sets current in the debugger. Selecting an item from the list will popup any window in that window set that is configured for automatic display (see ``Configuration'').

In the debugger's default configuration, the Window Sets option is available in the ``File menu'' of the every window.


Clicking SELECT on the Windows option will bring up a popup menu with an option for each other window in the window set. Selecting one of the options in the popup menu will open that window.

The Windows option is available in the ``File menu'' of every debugger window.

Popup window button

Each entry in the Windows menu is a Popup Window Button. The label on the button describes the window to be popped up. Clicking SELECT on the button will popup the window associated with that button in the same window set as the window containing the button.

In addition to its use in the Windows menu, the Popup Windows Button may be explicitly configured in any window. In the debugger's default configuration the Button Bar of each window contains Popup Window Buttons for all of the other windows.

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 27 April 2004