Berkeley DB version 4.4.20 |
Packages that use DatabaseException | |
com.sleepycat.bind.serial | Bindings that use Java serialization. |
com.sleepycat.bind.tuple | Bindings that use sequences of primitive fields, or tuples. |
com.sleepycat.collections | Data access based on the standard Java collections API. |
com.sleepycat.db | Berkeley DB Java API [reference guide] [Java programming notes]. |
Uses of DatabaseException in com.sleepycat.bind.serial |
Methods in com.sleepycat.bind.serial that throw DatabaseException | |
boolean |
TupleSerialKeyCreator.createSecondaryKey(SecondaryDatabase db,
DatabaseEntry primaryKeyEntry,
DatabaseEntry dataEntry,
DatabaseEntry indexKeyEntry)
boolean |
TupleSerialKeyCreator.nullifyForeignKey(SecondaryDatabase db,
DatabaseEntry dataEntry)
void |
byte[] |
StoredClassCatalog.getClassID(ObjectStreamClass classFormat)
ObjectStreamClass |
StoredClassCatalog.getClassFormat(byte[] classID)
boolean |
SerialSerialKeyCreator.createSecondaryKey(SecondaryDatabase db,
DatabaseEntry primaryKeyEntry,
DatabaseEntry dataEntry,
DatabaseEntry indexKeyEntry)
boolean |
SerialSerialKeyCreator.nullifyForeignKey(SecondaryDatabase db,
DatabaseEntry dataEntry)
void |
Close a catalog database and release any cached resources. |
byte[] |
ClassCatalog.getClassID(ObjectStreamClass classDesc)
Return the class ID for the current version of the given class description. |
ObjectStreamClass |
ClassCatalog.getClassFormat(byte[] classID)
Return the ObjectStreamClass for the given class ID. |
Constructors in com.sleepycat.bind.serial that throw DatabaseException | |
StoredClassCatalog(Database database)
Creates a catalog based on a given database. |
Uses of DatabaseException in com.sleepycat.bind.tuple |
Methods in com.sleepycat.bind.tuple that throw DatabaseException | |
boolean |
TupleTupleKeyCreator.createSecondaryKey(SecondaryDatabase db,
DatabaseEntry primaryKeyEntry,
DatabaseEntry dataEntry,
DatabaseEntry indexKeyEntry)
boolean |
TupleTupleKeyCreator.nullifyForeignKey(SecondaryDatabase db,
DatabaseEntry dataEntry)
Uses of DatabaseException in com.sleepycat.collections |
Methods in com.sleepycat.collections that throw DatabaseException | |
void |
TransactionRunner.run(TransactionWorker worker)
Calls the TransactionWorker.doWork() method and, for transactional
environments, may begin and end a transaction. |
void |
PrimaryKeyAssigner.assignKey(DatabaseEntry keyData)
Assigns a new primary key value into the given data buffer. |
Transaction |
CurrentTransaction.beginTransaction(TransactionConfig config)
Begins a new transaction for this environment and associates it with the current thread. |
Transaction |
Commits the transaction that is active for the current thread for this environment and makes the parent transaction (if any) the current transaction. |
Transaction |
Aborts the transaction that is active for the current thread for this environment and makes the parent transaction (if any) the current transaction. |
Uses of DatabaseException in com.sleepycat.db |
Subclasses of DatabaseException in com.sleepycat.db | |
class |
DeadlockException is thrown to a thread of control when multiple threads competing for a lock are deadlocked, when a lock request has timed out or when a lock request would need to block and the transaction has been configured to not wait for locks. |
class |
A LockNotGrantedException is thrown when a lock requested using the Environment.getLock or Environment.lockVector
methods, where the noWait flag or lock timers were configured, could not
be granted before the wait-time expired. |
class |
This exception is thrown when a DatabaseEntry
passed to a Database or Cursor method is not large
enough to hold a value being returned. |
class |
The replication group has more than one master. |
class |
Thrown when a database handle has been invalidated because a replication election unrolled a committed transaction. |
class |
An election is needed. |
class |
Thrown if a new master has been chosen but the client is unable to synchronize with the new master (possibly because the client has been configured with the ReplicationConfig.NOAUTOINIT setting to turn-off automatic
internal initialization). |
class |
Thrown when an operation was blocked by client/master synchronization. |
class |
Thrown if replication group was unable to elect a master, or was unable to complete the election in the specified timeout period. |
class |
Thrown when the database environment needs to be recovered. |
class |
Thrown if the version of the Berkeley DB library doesn't match the version that created the database environment. |
Methods in com.sleepycat.db with parameters of type DatabaseException | |
void |
PanicHandler.panic(Environment environment,
DatabaseException e)
A function to be called if the database environment panics. |
Methods in com.sleepycat.db that throw DatabaseException | |
int |
Return the transaction's unique ID. |
void |
Cause an abnormal termination of the transaction. |
void |
End the transaction. |
void |
End the transaction, committing synchronously. |
void |
End the transaction, not committing synchronously. |
void |
Transaction.setTxnTimeout(long timeOut)
Configure the timeout value for the transaction lifetime. |
void |
Transaction.setLockTimeout(long timeOut)
Configure the lock request timeout value for the transaction. |
void |
Transaction.setName(String name)
Set the user visible name for the transaction. |
String |
Get the user visible name for the transaction. |
void |
Free up all the per-process resources associated with the specified Transaction handle, neither committing nor aborting the
transaction. |
void |
Transaction.prepare(byte[] gid)
Initiate the beginning of a two-phase commit. |
void |
Close a sequence. |
long |
Sequence.get(Transaction txn,
int delta)
Return the next available element in the sequence and changes the sequence value by delta . |
Database |
Return the Database handle associated with this sequence. |
DatabaseEntry |
Return the DatabaseEntry used to open this sequence. |
SequenceStats |
Sequence.getStats(StatsConfig config)
Return statistical information about the sequence. |
boolean |
SecondaryKeyCreator.createSecondaryKey(SecondaryDatabase secondary,
DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data,
DatabaseEntry result)
Creates a secondary key entry, given a primary key and data entry. |
SecondaryConfig |
Returns a copy of the secondary configuration of this database. |
OperationStatus |
SecondaryDatabase.get(Transaction txn,
DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry pKey,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Retrieves the key/data pair with the given key. |
OperationStatus |
SecondaryDatabase.getSearchBoth(Transaction txn,
DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry pKey,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Retrieves the key/data pair with the specified secondary and primary key, that is, both the primary and secondary key items must match. |
SecondaryCursor |
SecondaryDatabase.openSecondaryCursor(Transaction txn,
CursorConfig cursorConfig)
Obtain a cursor on a database, returning a SecondaryCursor . |
OperationStatus |
SecondaryDatabase.getSearchRecordNumber(Transaction txn,
DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry pKey,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Retrieves the key/data pair associated with the specific numbered record of the database. |
Cursor |
SecondaryCursor.dup(boolean samePosition)
Returns a new SecondaryCursor for the same transaction as
the original cursor. |
SecondaryCursor |
SecondaryCursor.dupSecondary(boolean samePosition)
Returns a new copy of the cursor as a SecondaryCursor . |
OperationStatus |
SecondaryCursor.getCurrent(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry pKey,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Returns the key/data pair to which the cursor refers. |
OperationStatus |
SecondaryCursor.getFirst(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry pKey,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the first key/data pair of the database, and return that pair. |
OperationStatus |
SecondaryCursor.getLast(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry pKey,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the last key/data pair of the database, and return that pair. |
OperationStatus |
SecondaryCursor.getNext(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry pKey,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the next key/data pair and return that pair. |
OperationStatus |
SecondaryCursor.getNextDup(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry pKey,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
If the next key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the next key/data pair of the database and return that pair. |
OperationStatus |
SecondaryCursor.getNextNoDup(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry pKey,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the next non-duplicate key/data pair and return that pair. |
OperationStatus |
SecondaryCursor.getPrev(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry pKey,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the previous key/data pair and return that pair. |
OperationStatus |
SecondaryCursor.getPrevDup(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry pKey,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
If the previous key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the previous key/data pair of the database and return that pair. |
OperationStatus |
SecondaryCursor.getPrevNoDup(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry pKey,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the previous non-duplicate key/data pair and return that pair. |
OperationStatus |
SecondaryCursor.getSearchKey(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry pKey,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the given key of the database, and return the datum associated with the given key. |
OperationStatus |
SecondaryCursor.getSearchKeyRange(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry pKey,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the closest matching key of the database, and return the data item associated with the matching key. |
OperationStatus |
SecondaryCursor.getSearchBoth(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry pKey,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the specified secondary and primary key, where both the primary and secondary key items must match. |
OperationStatus |
SecondaryCursor.getSearchBothRange(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry pKey,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the specified secondary key and closest matching primary key of the database. |
OperationStatus |
SecondaryCursor.getRecordNumber(DatabaseEntry secondaryRecno,
DatabaseEntry primaryRecno,
LockMode lockMode)
Return the record number associated with the cursor. |
OperationStatus |
SecondaryCursor.getSearchRecordNumber(DatabaseEntry secondaryRecno,
DatabaseEntry pKey,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the specific numbered record of the database, and return the associated key/data pair. |
int |
ReplicationTransport.send(Environment environment,
DatabaseEntry control,
DatabaseEntry rec,
LogSequenceNumber lsn,
int envid,
boolean noBuffer,
boolean permanent,
boolean anywhere,
boolean isRetry)
The callback used when Berkeley DB needs to transmit a replication message. |
void |
RecordNumberAppender.appendRecordNumber(Database db,
DatabaseEntry data,
int recno)
A callback function to modify the stored database based on the generated key. |
void |
Close the log cursor. |
OperationStatus |
LogCursor.getCurrent(LogSequenceNumber lsn,
DatabaseEntry data)
Return the LogSequenceNumber and log record to which the log cursor currently refers. |
OperationStatus |
LogCursor.getNext(LogSequenceNumber lsn,
DatabaseEntry data)
Return the next LogSequenceNumber and log record. |
OperationStatus |
LogCursor.getFirst(LogSequenceNumber lsn,
DatabaseEntry data)
Return the first LogSequenceNumber and log record. |
OperationStatus |
LogCursor.getLast(LogSequenceNumber lsn,
DatabaseEntry data)
Return the last LogSequenceNumber and log record. |
OperationStatus |
LogCursor.getPrev(LogSequenceNumber lsn,
DatabaseEntry data)
Return the previous LogSequenceNumber and log record. |
OperationStatus |
LogCursor.set(LogSequenceNumber lsn,
DatabaseEntry data)
Return a specific log record. |
void |
Closes the cursors that have been opened by this join cursor. |
OperationStatus |
JoinCursor.getNext(DatabaseEntry key,
LockMode lockMode)
Returns the next primary key resulting from the join operation. |
OperationStatus |
JoinCursor.getNext(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Returns the next primary key and data resulting from the join operation. |
File |
Return the database environment's home directory. |
EnvironmentConfig |
Return this object's configuration. |
Transaction |
Environment.beginTransaction(Transaction parent,
TransactionConfig txnConfig)
Create a new transaction in the database environment. |
void |
Environment.checkpoint(CheckpointConfig checkpointConfig)
Synchronously checkpoint the database environment. |
LockStats |
Environment.getLockStats(StatsConfig config)
Return the database environment's locking statistics. |
TransactionStats |
Environment.getTransactionStats(StatsConfig config)
Return the database environment's transactional statistics. |
void |
Close the database environment, freeing any allocated resources and closing any underlying subsystems. |
static void |
Environment.remove(File home,
boolean force,
EnvironmentConfig config)
Destroy a database environment. |
void |
Environment.setConfig(EnvironmentConfig config)
Change the settings in an existing environment handle. |
Database |
Environment.openDatabase(Transaction txn,
String fileName,
String databaseName,
DatabaseConfig config)
Open a database. |
SecondaryDatabase |
Environment.openSecondaryDatabase(Transaction txn,
String fileName,
String databaseName,
Database primaryDatabase,
SecondaryConfig config)
Open a database. |
void |
Environment.removeDatabase(Transaction txn,
String fileName,
String databaseName)
Remove a database. |
void |
Environment.renameDatabase(Transaction txn,
String fileName,
String oldDatabaseName,
String newDatabaseName)
Rename a database. |
int |
Environment.trickleCacheWrite(int percent)
Ensure that a specified percent of the pages in the shared memory pool are clean, by writing dirty pages to their backing files. |
int |
Environment.detectDeadlocks(LockDetectMode mode)
Run one iteration of the deadlock detector. |
Lock |
Environment.getLock(int locker,
boolean noWait,
DatabaseEntry object,
LockRequestMode mode)
Acquire a lock from the lock table. |
void |
Environment.putLock(Lock lock)
Release a lock. |
int |
Allocate a locker ID. |
void |
Environment.freeLockerID(int id)
Free a locker ID. |
void |
Environment.lockVector(int locker,
boolean noWait,
LockRequest[] list)
Atomically obtain and release one or more locks from the lock table. |
LogCursor |
Return a log cursor. |
String |
Environment.getLogFileName(LogSequenceNumber lsn)
Return the name of the log file that contains the log record specified by a LogSequenceNumber object. |
void |
Environment.setReplicationConfig(ReplicationConfig config,
boolean onoff)
Configure the replication subsystem. |
boolean |
Environment.getReplicationConfig(ReplicationConfig config)
Get the configuration of the replication subsystem. |
int |
Environment.electReplicationMaster(int nsites,
int nvotes,
int priority,
int timeout)
Hold an election for the master of a replication group. |
ReplicationStatus |
Environment.processReplicationMessage(DatabaseEntry control,
DatabaseEntry rec,
int envid)
Process an incoming replication message sent by a member of the replication group to the local database environment. |
void |
Environment.startReplication(DatabaseEntry cdata,
boolean master)
Configure the database environment as a client or master in a group of replicated database environments. |
void |
Forces synchronization to begin for this client. |
CacheStats |
Environment.getCacheStats(StatsConfig config)
CacheFileStats[] |
Environment.getCacheFileStats(StatsConfig config)
Return the database environment's per-file memory pool (that is, the buffer cache) statistics. |
LogStats |
Environment.getLogStats(StatsConfig config)
Return the database environment's logging statistics. |
MutexStats |
Environment.getMutexStats(StatsConfig config)
Return the database environment's mutex statistics. |
ReplicationStats |
Environment.getReplicationStats(StatsConfig config)
Return the database environment's replication statistics. |
void |
Environment.logFlush(LogSequenceNumber lsn)
Flush log records to stable storage. |
LogSequenceNumber |
Environment.logPut(DatabaseEntry data,
boolean flush)
Append a record to the log. |
void |
Environment.logPrint(Transaction txn,
String message)
Append an informational message to the Berkeley DB database environment log files. |
File[] |
Environment.getArchiveLogFiles(boolean includeInUse)
Return the names of all of the log files that are no longer in use. |
File[] |
Return the names of the database files that need to be archived in order to recover the database from catastrophic failure. |
void |
Remove log files that are no longer needed. |
PreparedTransaction[] |
Environment.recover(int count,
boolean continued)
Return a list of prepared but not yet resolved transactions. |
void |
Environment.panic(boolean onoff)
Set the panic state for the database environment. |
OperationStatus |
Database.delete(Transaction txn,
DatabaseEntry key)
Remove key/data pairs from the database. |
OperationStatus |
Database.get(Transaction txn,
DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Retrieves the key/data pair with the given key. |
OperationStatus |
Database.getSearchBoth(Transaction txn,
DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Retrieves the key/data pair with the given key and data value, that is, both the key and data items must match. |
OperationStatus |
Database.put(Transaction txn,
DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data)
Store the key/data pair into the database. |
OperationStatus |
Database.append(Transaction txn,
DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data)
Append the key/data pair to the end of the database. |
OperationStatus |
Database.putNoOverwrite(Transaction txn,
DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data)
Store the key/data pair into the database if the key does not already appear in the database. |
OperationStatus |
Database.putNoDupData(Transaction txn,
DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data)
Store the key/data pair into the database if it does not already appear in the database. |
String |
Return the database name. |
DatabaseConfig |
Return this Database object's configuration. |
Environment |
Return the Environment handle for the database environment
underlying the Database . |
void |
Flush any cached database information to disk and discard the database handle. |
void |
Database.close(boolean noSync)
Flush any cached database information to disk and discard the database handle. |
CompactStats |
Database.compact(Transaction txn,
DatabaseEntry start,
DatabaseEntry stop,
DatabaseEntry end,
CompactConfig config)
Compact a Btree or Recno database or returns unused Btree, Hash or Recno database pages to the underlying filesystem. |
Cursor |
Database.openCursor(Transaction txn,
CursorConfig cursorConfig)
Return a cursor into the database. |
Sequence |
Database.openSequence(Transaction txn,
DatabaseEntry key,
SequenceConfig sequenceConfig)
Open a sequence in the database. |
void |
Database.removeSequence(Transaction txn,
DatabaseEntry key,
SequenceConfig sequenceConfig)
Remove the sequence from the database. |
DatabaseStats |
Database.getStats(Transaction txn,
StatsConfig statsConfig)
Return database statistics. |
int |
Database.truncate(Transaction txn,
boolean returnCount)
Empty the database, discarding all records it contains. |
JoinCursor |
Database.join(Cursor[] cursors,
JoinConfig config)
Creates a specialized join cursor for use in performing equality or natural joins on secondary indices. |
String |
Return the database's underlying file name. |
void |
Database.setConfig(DatabaseConfig config)
Change the settings in an existing database handle. |
CacheFile |
Return the handle for the cache file underlying the database. |
OperationStatus |
Database.consume(Transaction txn,
DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data,
boolean wait)
Return the record number and data from the available record closest to the head of the queue, and delete the record. |
KeyRange |
Database.getKeyRange(Transaction txn,
DatabaseEntry key)
Return an estimate of the proportion of keys in the database less than, equal to, and greater than the specified key. |
OperationStatus |
Database.getSearchRecordNumber(Transaction txn,
DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Retrieves the key/data pair associated with the specific numbered record of the database. |
static void |
Database.remove(String fileName,
String databaseName,
DatabaseConfig config)
Remove a database. |
static void |
Database.rename(String fileName,
String oldDatabaseName,
String newDatabaseName,
DatabaseConfig config)
Rename a database. |
void |
Flush any cached information to disk. |
static void |
Database.upgrade(String fileName,
DatabaseConfig config)
Upgrade all of the databases included in the specified file. |
boolean |
Database.verify(String fileName,
String databaseName,
PrintStream dumpStream,
VerifyConfig config)
Return if all of the databases in a file are uncorrupted. |
void |
Discard the cursor. |
int |
Return a count of the number of data items for the key to which the cursor refers. |
Cursor |
Cursor.dup(boolean samePosition)
Return a new cursor with the same transaction and locker ID as the original cursor. |
OperationStatus |
Delete the key/data pair to which the cursor refers. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.put(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data)
Store a key/data pair into the database. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.putNoOverwrite(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data)
Store a key/data pair into the database. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.putNoDupData(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data)
Store a key/data pair into the database. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.putCurrent(DatabaseEntry data)
Store a key/data pair into the database. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.putAfter(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data)
Store a key/data pair into the database. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.putBefore(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data)
Store a key/data pair into the database. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.putKeyFirst(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data)
Store a key/data pair into the database. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.putKeyLast(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data)
Store a key/data pair into the database. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.getCurrent(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Returns the key/data pair to which the cursor refers. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.getFirst(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the first key/data pair of the database, and return that pair. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.getLast(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the last key/data pair of the database, and return that pair. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.getNext(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the next key/data pair and return that pair. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.getNextDup(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
If the next key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the next key/data pair of the database and return that pair. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.getNextNoDup(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the next non-duplicate key/data pair and return that pair. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.getPrev(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the previous key/data pair and return that pair. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.getPrevDup(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
If the previous key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the previous key/data pair of the database and return that pair. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.getPrevNoDup(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the previous non-duplicate key/data pair and return that pair. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.getSearchKey(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the given key of the database, and return the datum associated with the given key. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.getSearchKeyRange(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the closest matching key of the database, and return the data item associated with the matching key. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.getSearchBoth(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the specified key/data pair, where both the key and data items must match. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.getSearchBothRange(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the specified key and closest matching data item of the database. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.getRecordNumber(DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Return the record number associated with the cursor. |
OperationStatus |
Cursor.getSearchRecordNumber(DatabaseEntry key,
DatabaseEntry data,
LockMode lockMode)
Move the cursor to the specific numbered record of the database, and return the associated key/data pair. |
CacheFilePriority |
Return the cache priority for pages from the specified file. |
void |
CacheFile.setPriority(CacheFilePriority priority)
Set the cache priority for pages from the specified file. |
long |
Return the maximum size for the file backing the database, or 0 if no maximum file size has been configured. |
void |
CacheFile.setMaximumSize(long bytes)
Set the maximum size for the file backing the database. |
boolean |
Return true if the opening of backing temporary files for in-memory databases has been disallowed. |
void |
CacheFile.setNoFile(boolean onoff)
Disallow opening backing temporary files for in-memory databases, even if they expand to fill the entire cache. |
boolean |
Return true if the file will be removed when the last reference to it is closed. |
void |
CacheFile.setUnlink(boolean onoff)
Remove the file when the last reference to it is closed. |
Constructors in com.sleepycat.db that throw DatabaseException | |
SecondaryDatabase(String fileName,
String databaseName,
Database primaryDatabase,
SecondaryConfig config)
Open a database. |
Environment(File envHome,
EnvironmentConfig envConfig)
Create a database environment handle. |
Database(String fileName,
String databaseName,
DatabaseConfig config)
Open a database. |
Berkeley DB version 4.4.20 |