
slattach -- attach serial lines as network interfaces


slattach [ +c | -c ] [ -d ] [ +e | -e ] [ +f | -f ] [ +i | -i ] [ -m mtu ] [ +v | -v ] device source_address destination_address [baud_rate]


The slattach command attaches serial lines as network interfaces using the Serial Line IP (SLIP) protocol. For outgoing connections over dedicated serial lines and for all incoming connections, the slattach command assigns the tty line specified by device to a network interface. Do not use the -d flag for these connections. If device does not begin with /dev/, /dev/ will be prepended. The optional baud_rate parameter sets the speed of the connection. If not specified, the default value of 9600 will be used.

For outgoing connections over a modem, the -d option must be used to specify that the device parameter is to be interpreted as an entry in the UUCP Devices(4bnu) file that should be used to dial the remote system.

source_address specifies the IP address of the local side of the connection.

destination_address specifies the IP address of the remote side of the connection.

To detach a SLIP network interface, mark the interface down using ifconfig(1Mtcp), kill the slattach process, and use route(1Mtcp) to remove the route from the routing table.


The following optional arguments can be used to adjust the behavior of the network interface:

+c | -c
Turns TCP/IP header compression on or off (the default setting is off).

Specifies that the device parameter should be read as a UUCP sitename rather than a tty line name. Use this option only for outgoing SLIP connections over modems.

+e | -e
Turns the automatic detection and the use of TCP/IP header compression on or off (the default setting is off). If the flag +c is given, then this flag (either +e or -e) has no effect. When the flag +e is given, the SLIP module will not send any compressed TCP/IP headers until it has received and successfully uncompressed a compressed TCP/IP packet.

NOTE: If both ends of the connection use the flag +e and if neither end uses +c, then the TCP/IP header compression mode will never be turned on because neither end will take the initiative to send a compressed packet.

+f | -f
Enables or disables hardware flow control.

+i | -i
Turns the suppression of ICMP packets on or off (the default setting is off).

-m mtu
Sets the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the network interface to mtu bytes. (The default MTU is 296 bytes.)

NOTE: It is suggested that the mtu value for the TCP/IP packet header be 40 plus some power of 2 (for example, 296 = 40 + 2**8).

+v | -v
Specifies whether to print various messages about the interface as it is being brought up (the default setting is to not print messages).


Devices(4bnu), ifconfig(1Mtcp), netstat(1Mtcp), route(1Mtcp), slip(7tcp), Systems(4bnu), uucp(1bnu)

RFC 1055, RFC 1144


slattach /dev/term/00
slattach +c /dev/term/01 percival zapranoth 19200
slattach -d uu_zapranoth percival zapranoth

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004