( mysql-5-0-nutshell

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 1.6.1 What's New in MySQL 5.0
 The following features are implemented in MySQL 5.0.
    * *`BIT' Data Type*: Can be used to store numbers in binary
      notation. See  numeric-type-overview.
    * *Cursors*: Elementary support for server-side cursors. For
      information about using cursors within stored routines, see 
      cursors. For information about using cursors from within the C
      API, see  mysql-stmt-attr-set.
    * *Information Schema*: The introduction of the `INFORMATION_SCHEMA'
      database in MySQL 5.0 provided a standards-compliant means for
      accessing the MySQL Server's metadata; that is, data about the
      databases (schemas) on the server and the objects which they
      contain. See  information-schema.
    * *Instance Manager*: Can be used to start and stop the MySQL
      Server, even from a remote host. See  instance-manager.
    * *Precision Math*: MySQL 5.0 introduced stricter criteria for
      acceptance or rejection of data, and implemented a new library for
      fixed-point arithmetic. These contributed to a much higher degree
      of accuracy for mathematical operations and greater control over
      invalid values. See  precision-math.
    * *Storage Engines*: Storage engines added in MySQL 5.0 include
      `ARCHIVE' and `FEDERATED'.  See  archive-storage-engine, and
    * *Stored Routines*: Support for named stored procedures and stored
      functions was implemented in MySQL 5.0. See 
    * *Strict Mode and Standard Error Handling*: MySQL 5.0 added a
      strict mode where by it follows standard SQL in a number of ways
      in which it did not previously. Support for standard SQLSTATE
      error messages was also implemented. See  server-sql-mode.
    * *Triggers*: MySQL 5.0 added limited support for triggers. See
       triggers, and  ansi-diff-triggers.
    * *`VARCHAR' Data Type*: The maximum effective length of a `VARCHAR'
      column was increased to 65,532 bytes, and stripping of trailing
      whitespace was eliminated.  See  string-types.
    * *Views*: MySQL 5.0 added support for named, updatable views. See
       views, and  ansi-diff-views.
    * *XA Transactions*: See  xa.
    * *Performance enhancements*: A number of improvements were made in
      MySQL 5.0 to improve the speed of certain types of queries and in
      the handling of certain types. These include:
         * MySQL 5.0 introduces a new `greedy' optimizer which can
           greatly reduce the time required to arrive at a query
           execution plan. This is particularly noticeable where several
           tables are to be joined and no good join keys can otherwise
           be found. Without the greedy optimizer, the complexity of the
           search for an execution plan is calculated as `N!', where N
           is the number of tables to be joined. The greedy optimizer
           reduces this to `N!/(D-1)!', where D is the depth of the
           search. Although the greedy optimizer does not guarantee the
           best possible of all execution plans (this is currently being
           worked on), it can reduce the time spent arriving at an
           execution plan for a join involving a great many tables --
           30, 40, or more -- by a factor of as much as 1,000. This
           should eliminate most if not all situations where users
           thought that the optimizer had hung when trying to perform
           joins across many tables.
         * Use of the Index Merge method to obtain better optimization
           of `AND' and `OR' relations over different keys.
           (Previously, these were optimized only where both relations
           in the `WHERE' clause involved the same key.) This also
           applies to other one-to-one comparison operators (`>', `<', so
           on), including `=' and the `IN' operator. This means that
           MySQL can use multiple indexes in retrieving results for
           conditions such as `WHERE key1 > 4 OR key2 < 7' and even
           combinations of conditions such as `WHERE (key1 > 4 OR key2 <
           7) AND (key3 >= 10 OR key4 = 1)'. See 
         * A new equality detector finds and optimizes `hidden'
           equalities in joins. For example, a `WHERE' clause such as
                t1.c1=t2.c2 AND t2.c2=t3.c3 AND t1.c1 < 5
           can be reduced to
                t1.c1=t3.c3 AND t2.c2 < 5 AND t3.c3 < 5
           These optimizations can be applied with any combination of
           `AND' and `OR' operators. See  nested-joins, and 
         * Optimization of `NOT IN' and `NOT BETWEEN' relations,
           reducing or eliminating table scans for queries making use of
           them by mean of range analysis. The performance of MySQL with
           regard to these relations now matches its performance with
           regard to `IN' and `BETWEEN'.
         * The `VARCHAR' data type as implemented in MySQL 5.0 is more
           efficient than in previous versions, due to the elimination
           of the old (and nonstandard) removal of trailing spaces during
         * The addition of a true `BIT' column type; this type is much
           more efficient for storage and retrieval of Boolean values
           than the workarounds required in MySQL in versions previous
           to 5.0.
         * *Performance Improvements in the `InnoDB' Storage Engine*:
              * New compact storage format which can save up to 20% of
                the disk space required in previous MySQL/`InnoDB'
              * Faster recovery from a failed or aborted `ALTER TABLE'.
              * Faster implementation of `TRUNCATE'.
           (See  innodb.)
         * *Performance Improvements in the `NDBCluster' Storage Engine*:
              * Faster handling of queries that use `IN' and `BETWEEN'.
              * *Condition pushdown*: In cases involving the comparison
                of an unindexed column with a constant, this condition is
                `pushed down' to the cluster where it is evaluated in
                all partitions simultaneously, eliminating the need to
                send non-matching records over the network. This can
                make such queries 10 to 100 times faster than in MySQL
                4.1 Cluster.
                See  explain, for more information.
           (See  ndbcluster.)
 For those wishing to take a look at the bleeding edge of MySQL
 development, we make our BitKeeper repository for MySQL publicly
 available. See  installing-source-tree.
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